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  • Stuff I've Learned

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Oct 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Life teaches you a lot of things. I got this material from Chuck Swindoll and passed it on to my church. Many thanks to Brother Chuck for this sermon. I hope it will be a blessing to you if you've never read it.

    2 TIM. 3:14 “STUFF I’VE LEARNED” A) Before I share these with you, I want to help you smile a little! * Somebody sent me a cute article from some newspaper ... A class of fifth graders had submitted the things they had learned in life ... Here is a sampling from their gems of more

  • God's Object Lessons Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Ezekiel acts out his sermons

    Ezekiel 4 - God’s Object Lessons - 3/4/18 We’ll be looking this morning at Ezekiel 4 & 5 - and we’ll actually begin in the last few verses of chapter 3. But before we get started, let’s pause for prayer. Prayer: For God to speak to our hearts and get His message through in whatever means will more

  • Lessons Learned From A Rich Man

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 29, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    So tonight we will leave the graveyard and descend into hell and see what lessons we can learn from the rich man who is in hell.

    Lessons learned from a Rich Man Pm November 1st 2009 Luke 16:19-31 Introduction In the last few weeks mostly on Wednesday nights we have learned some lessons from some pretty interesting places, in particular the last two Wednesday nights from a graveyard. Tonight as we read this story at first more

  • Lessons From The Vineyard SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God's provision

    Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. I trust that the Lord has kept you well and that you are eager to join me in this beautiful journey through His Word. Today, we are going to take a leisurely stroll through the lush vineyards of Deuteronomy 6:10-12. We are going to pause, breathe in the more

  • Battle Strategies From The Book Of Joshua PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    God's promises, our battles, divine strategies, and the consequences of compromise and pride, emphasizing that God can do the impossible through His faithful followers.

    Good morning, family! Today, we're diving headfirst into the book of Joshua, chapters 5 through 11. We're going to be talking about some heavy stuff - God's promises, our battles, strategies from the Almighty, and the consequences of compromise and pride. As we navigate through these topics, I'm more

  • What Is Your Legacy? (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jul 13, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Are you preparing the next generation, for service to the Lord? Are you leaving a legacy of Christian service?

    Psalm 71:17-18-O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come. You Have Taught Me-God taught David when more

  • Who Made You Judge? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Feb 10, 2016

    A study of the book of Job 8: 1 – 22

    Job 8: 1 – 22 Who Made You Judge? 1 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered and said: 2 “How long will you speak these things, and the words of your mouth be like a strong wind? 3 Does God subvert judgment? Or does the Almighty pervert justice? 4 If your sons have sinned against Him, He has more

  • A Lesson From Mom

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 10, 2017

    This morning I would like us to focus on the 3rd section of Proverbs 31 and review the life lesson and advice that King Lemuel’s mother told him. Our mothers often teach us valuable lessons with their words and with their actions. What did King Lemuel’s

    A LESSON FROM MOM PROVERBS 31:8-9 #MothersDay2017 INTRODUCTION… The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) posted a list of valuable lessons that mothers teach us. The following are life lessons we may have more

  • Lessons From The Animals

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Oct 14, 2010
    based on 17 ratings

    The man of God (Job) tells us to ask the beasts and see what we could learn from them. Even animals can teach us spiritual character.

    Title: LESSONS FROM THE ANIMALS Text: Job 12:7; 35:11 Intro: It is written that though man and beast were both created on the 6th day, men did not originate from animals (Gen. 1:24-31). Man and beast were separately created. In the Bible we see that men are compared to animals. The Bible teaches more

  • Seven Spiritual Lessons From A Remarkable Rescue

    Contributed by Sonny Hyde on Oct 27, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Observations and comparisons from the rescue of 33 miners in Chile to the "rescue" God extends to us.

    Seven Spiritual Lessons from a Remarkable Rescue 10/17/10 I. Introduction I think most of you realize, if you’ve been coming to Cornerstone for any length of time, that I’m not a “front page” preacher. I typically don’t grab the events from this more

  • Lessons From The Wilderness

    Contributed by Brian Barrett on Jun 23, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    This is a outline of a message that will minister to anyone who feels that they are stuck in a wilderness. It answers the question, "why am I going through this?". It will teach the congregation 4 lessons from the wilderness that they need to know so that

    Text: Luke 4:1-13 Definition of WILDERNESS- lonesome, waste desert, desolate, solitary Definition of LED by the Spirit- bring, drive, carry Examples: Ezekiel 37:1, Mark 6:31, John 6:5,6 The Lord WILL at times lead you into a solitary place. Why? To allow you to be proved (tested), so that you more

  • Make Us A King To Judge Us

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Apr 9, 2011

    There is a very popular saying that states, “those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it,” and this is the theme that we will explore today. Today we are going to learn a very valuable lesson from a terrible decision.

    As I have said on numerous occasions, no one is perfect. The truth is that all of us make mistakes, and are guilty of making decisions based on impulse. In other words, we allow ourselves to be led by our feelings, and the worst part is that we allow ourselves to be led by the things of this more

  • What Not To Do

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We MUST learn from the mistakes of others or be doomed to make them ourselves.

    What NOT to Do February 15, 2009 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We MUST learn from the mistakes of others or be doomed to make them ourselves. Focus Passage: I Corinthians 10:6-11 Supplemental Passage: Introduction: Years ago the communist more

  • Decades - Pt. 1 - The 60's Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Sep 8, 2018

    Time flies. Months slip away. Years are lost. Before we know it, a decade has passed. However, decades of the past can teach us today!

    The 60s I. Introduction It is an understatement that time flies. However, this is never more apparent than when you reflect over a period of 10 years or a decade. The amount of change that we experience in 10 years can be overwhelming. This may have never been more true than in the decade we call more

  • Decades - Pt. 3 - The 80's Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Sep 8, 2018

    Time flies. Months slip away. Years are lost. Before we know it, a decade has passed. However, decades of the past can teach us today!

    The 80’s I. Introduction Time is flying. We have already visited 2 decades. Decades when viewed in reverse seem to be an immense amount of time. But it goes so quickly. We have looked at the 60’s and 70’s. Now we can come to the 80’s! The 80’s! Each week I have been playing snippets of the music more