
Summary: My prayer reveals how I view the cross

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Faith’s Action/Reaction

> X -Fiery Serpents - Num 21:34-9

> X - Thieves on the cross

- Lk 23:39-43

> X - Agrippa II - Acts 26:28

> We, either stand or fall according to our relation to the Cross.

(1) Those who "trust in themselves"—not the Lord.

(2) To those who despise others, not because of a hatred of sin, but because of an imagined moral superiority over others.

+ I. The Pharisee.

> 1. He Was a Grateful Man.

- v. 11 "I thank Thee,"

- He had much to be thankful for.

- Kept the law respected society,

- He had been saved from much outward sin.

- Restrained from beaconing of the world

> 2. He Was a Good Man.

v. 11 "not as other men."

- Pharisee suggest to us of hypocrisy

- A hypocrite is an actor—one who pretends to be something he isn’t, and knows it.

- Many profess to be what they are not, and are unaware of it

- Pharisee really thought he was a good man

- He was, according to the world’s standards.

> 3. He Was an Honest Man.

- v. 11 "not an extortioner."

- Not dishonest

- Publicans (tax-collectors) were notorious for this.

- this Pharisee was an honest in every way.

> 4. He Was a Just Man.

- v.11 "not unjust,"

- He was fair in his dealings with his fellows.

- The Golden Rule he admired and practiced. He did unto others as he wished to be done to.

> 5. He Was a Honorable Man.

- v. 11 not an adulterer,

- He had full control over his passions,

- He respected but & obeyed the law.

> 6. He Was a Disciplined Man,

- v. 12 "fasted twice in the week."

- Moses only appointed one fast in the year,- Day of Atonement,

- He improved upon the Mosaic instructions

- He had control over appetites that he was able to fast twice in every week!

> 7. He Was a Giving Man.

v. 12 "I give tithes of all that I possess."

- Moses word was the tithing of the

- fruits of the earth and the increase of the cattle,

- Pharisee could say truthfully that he gave tithes of all that he possessed.

- Pharisee was a model citizen, and what more could be expected of him ?"

- Absence of any consciousness of sin or of personal unworthiness.

- His prayer did not rise any higher than himself.

- He was grateful, but did not ask for grace,

- He had a wrong idea of sin,

- He had a wrong idea of religion.

- His idea of religion was duties to be observed and practiced.

+ II. The Publican. - v. 13

- His prayer

- Seven the perfect number

- Only seven words;

- God be merciful to me a sinner


> 1. He Viewed Himself Unworthy to Approach God.

"He stood afar off"

> ☐ - In the Court of the Gentiles.

- As a Jew had the right to the court of


- He was conscious of his sins

But, blessed be the Lord, though the

- Stood afar from God in conscious

- God did not stand afar from him. +

>2. He Confessed Himself to Be the Worst of Sinners.

> Literal Translation - God be

propitious to me—the sinner

> Propitious

- Latin pro “for” petere “to seek”

> From Propitiate Urgent pleading for

protection - to gain favor

> Not "a sinner" Gk as no indefinite

article, but "the sinner,”

- He recognized how revolting sin was,

- His cry was that of a soul terrified by

the horror of sin,

- And terrible punishment for it


> 3. He Knew the Only Way of Mercy is Through the Atonement of God.

- Likely he had brought his sin


- After it had been killed and offered

upon the altar

- His Prayer was that God would show

mercy through that substitute

Unite These 2 Prayers Together

1st Gratefully thanking Him for all the

restraints with which He has surrounded you with

2nd Cry for his pardon and mercy through the sacrifice of Jesus

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