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  • The Good News Of Christmas

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Dec 10, 2015

    Christmas can be found in all four Gospels

    Christmas can so easily be lost in • "I'm Dreaming Of A While Christmas" • “Frosty The Snowman,” • “Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose,” • “Santa Finding Out Who’s Naughty & Nice,” • “Chestnuts Roasting On An Open more

  • Wellspring Of Joy Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Nov 27, 2015

    Reinforce You Joy by Growing In Love, Choosing the Best, Being Devoted to Christ, Doing What is Right

    Wellspring of Joy Part 2 The Pursuit of Happiness (from the July 15, 2013 Time Magazine) The Pursuit of Happiness: Why Americans are wired to be happy, and what that’s doing to us. “Our happiness… (is) an almost adolescent restlessness, an itch to do the Next Big more

  • Prisoner Of Hell

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Hell's discription and only one escape from hell that is through the blood of Christ

    Adrian Rogers - I believe that we're reaping the benefits of failing to bring that message of hell. - I believe the reason we have so much, so-called hell in our world is because we have so little in our pulpits. - We are quick to respond in anger "Go to Hell" - We use this statement as a more

  • Distractions To The Work

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Churches get distracted from doing what God wants them to do

    - Think of some of our distractions - Distractions effect our work Example - Driving we slow at a Gaper Delay - Internet – Go down bunny trails - Against Joseph, Potiphar's Wife – Ge 39:7-20 - Against Moses, Korah – Nu. 16:3, 13 - Against Elijah, Ahab – 1 Ki 18:17-18 - more

  • Wellspring Of Joy Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 9, 2015

    Wellspring the source of inexhausible joy that we have in Christ

    Dr. Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ tells this story of a famous oil field called Yates Pool: During the depression this field was a sheep ranch owned by a man named Yates. Mr. Yates wasn’t able to make enough on his ranching operation to pay the principal and interest on the more

  • Beyond Expectation

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 2, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    We need to realize God's ability for our lives

    Ephesians 3:20 (AV) 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, John D. Rockefeller (considered the richest man in the world) at the beginning of the 20th century was said to be making in the neighborhood of more

  • The Flourishing Church In Acts

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 2, 2015

    How did the church grow? By what means did the church grow?

    Change the packaging and people will come (Bassed On A John MacArthur Message) The new packaging is all about replacement True Or False - Do we need a:. • A ‘stage’ with a moveable acrylic glass lectern replaces the old wooden pulpit. • PowerPoint graphics replace the more

  • Knowing Expands Your Joy Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Feb 8, 2015

    Caldwell & Jorgeson free climbed El Capitan’s Dawn Wall. How were they able to do this impossible climb? Knowing that they were fastened to the rock. Our only security in life is staying fastened to Jesus

    - El Capitan’s Dawn Wall Yosemite National Park Cal.  - 3,000 ft. vertical face climbed in 19 days - Many considered the most difficult rock climb in the world. - Dec. 27/14-Jan.14/15 -Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson - Few, if any, thought the Dawn Wall could be free-climbed - Using just more

  • From Distress To Delight

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Feb 2, 2015

    Ps 73:26 – Divided into 3 parts 1.) Despair 2.) Dependence 3.) Delight

    Ps. 73:26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Background for Ps 73 - 2 Chron. 20 v.1-2 – Jehoshaphat's distress - Overwhelmed v.3-4 – Fear took hold – His only help is the Lord v. 6-13 – Jehoshaphat Prayed v.14-19 more

  • 03 The Joy Of Grace & Peace Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 26, 2015

    Answering the question - What is the evidence that you are truly a believer of Jesus Christ?

    Philippians 1:2 (AV) 2 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. A. What is the evidence that you are truly a believer of Jesus Christ? - Is the evidence visible? - How is it displayed in life? - Note the early church impact on the world > Answer:- That more

  • The Foundation For Joy Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 19, 2015

    What is the foundation for Joy? - Joy & rejoicing found in Philippians 18x. - Paul's focus is upon Christ 38x in Philippians - Certainly it can't be a servant/slave?

    - The Coming Global Storm - Jesus prophecies are about to be fulfilled - NASA, NOAA Proclaim 2014 Hottest Year On Record - Senseless violence (NYPD Shooting, France, Belgium, Boko Haram in Nigeria) - Deadly Shooting At Florida Mall - A young Bonnie & Clyde running wild across state lines - New more

  • The Joy Parasites Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 12, 2015

    Four Parasites in Philippians 1.) The Unexpected Parasites 2.) The Human Parasite 3.) The Social Parasite 4.) The Emotional Parasite

    External Parasites. - Head lice, Leeches & Ticks - Makes you feel creepy crawly Internal Parasites . A parasite is something that exists by taking from another They sneak in without notice & unexpected taking up residence in or on their host Hookworm penetrate the skin - Worms use their teeth more

  • Bring Back Joy

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 4, 2015

    1.) We Were Created To Be Joyful 2.) Joy Comes From The Lord . 3.) Joy Comes Through Faith 4.) Sin A Joy Robber 5.) Pain Does Not Have To Stop Your Joy 6.) Have Unlimited Joy

    - Statement just before Christmas "I just don't feel Christmasy!' - Another statement "We're not going to have much of Christmas this year" - We have come through the most joyous time of the year - Where is the joy? - When was the last time you really laughed? - Not just a chuckle - A real belly more

  • O God Our Help In Ages Past Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Dec 29, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon follows the first verse of O God Our Help In ages Past

    Isaac Watts 1674-1748 - Considered by many the best known of the 800 hymns written by Isaac Watts Isaac Watts is often called the "Father of English hymns" - Some of his hymns in our Hymn Book • O God Our Help • Joy To The World • Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed • When I more

  • O Come All Ye Faithful Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Dec 22, 2014

    1. The “Faithful” Once Lived in Darkness 2. The "Faithful" Are Drawn By God 3. The "Faithful" Go And See 4. The "Faithful" Kneel & Worship

    O Come All Ye Faithful Lk 2:1-20, Mt.2:1-11 - The Latin version ‘Adeste Fideles’ - Meaning “be present or near, ye faithful.” - Written by John Francis Wade (1711-86) - Fled England after the 1745 Jacobite rebellion (England & Scotland) to teach music in the school for more

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