We Are Not Ignorant Of Satan’s Devices Or Schemes – Part 3 Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Nov 29, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: We continue to look at Satan’s schemes, and this time, at the resuscitation of Sodom and what homosexuality does; and at affirmative equality and not ability; and children being ruined in education; and how a nation can be undermined. Also demonic possession, influence, and oppression.
This is a series where we examine some means by which Satan has made inroads into human activity. It might be surprising to hear that we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices, but the bible says that, and this is an attempt to explore that fact. {{2Corinthians 2:11 “in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan, FOR WE ARE NOT IGNORANT OF HIS SCHEMES.”}} We look at different avenues the devil and his agents have used to cripple the human race. I have selected about 30 of these agendas.
A part of the sexual revolution is deviant sexual practice. It is the worst because it destroys what God created. Terms such as bisexual, transsexual, homosexual, lesbian, gay, intersex, transvestite and dozens more, absolutely fly in the face of this verse – {{Matthew 19:4 He answered and said, “Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”}} Satan destroys gender and family. The verse we just had progresses to this one – {{Matthew 19:5-6 and said, ‘For this cause A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL CLEAVE TO HIS WIFE and the two shall become ONE FLESH?’ Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”}}
I have known homosexuals in relationships and get on well with them. We have been friends. They wish no ill-will towards Christians, but the homosexual activists do. They hate Christians and the Christian bible, because of passages such as Romans 1 and 1Corinthians 6 and Leviticus 20. These activists have been very busy agitating Governments and organisations in society. They have procured extraordinary rights over “normal” people and especially over Christians who are gagged and can be arrested for opposing homosexuality and homosexual marriage.
“Where is the fairness in all that?” you may ask. Well there is no fairness. We have been told that the world becomes very bad towards the end of the Church age which is where we are now. The devil has orchestrated homosexual rights everywhere; privileges and legal protection against those who oppose them.
Is that just accidental, that such a thing has happened? No, it is not. It is Sodom’s revival and fits perfectly into Romans 1 which is the downward progression of humanity when man throws God away, which is where we are today. As Lot was removed from Sodom before the judgement of God fell on the cities of the plain, so shall the Church be removed from this earth, and then the judgement will fall in the Tribulation. The world is storing up for itself judgement that will come crashing over its head.
Because of the deep implications of homosexuality that opposes God’s Genesis order, then Satan himself is active in this field even to bring alternate sexuality into school curricula and education, in the study of “personal relationships”. Deviants have been pushing for this, so it is embraced by Governments as part of human lifestyle education. We are destroying our kids in the name of education and relationship. It is a disaster.
What can Christians do about the matter? In many countries you might get arrested for protesting against this deviant practice, and in some, for preaching against it. So many laws are enacted that are punitive against Christians and people who desire decency. Christians can pray and I would never lessen the part of prayer. We know from several scriptures that the world will worsen quickly and will proceed from bad to worse. As Christians we have to realise all this, even though it is grossly distasteful to all of us. {{2Timothy 3:12-13 “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”}} Those verses follow from 2Timothy 3:1 – the last days (of the Church age).
To destroy God’s sedate order of creation, man must interfere to disrupt it. These are not man’s unique ideas but come from demonic influence. Before we go any further, there is a difference between demonic possession, demonic influence, and demonic oppression. In “possession” a person is possessed by evil spirits, and that we saw on several occasions in the Gospels. A possessed person does not have to foam at the mouth; most don’t but might seem fairly normal, but they are evil. However a Christian can feel most uneasy in the presence of a demonic person. All witches and wizards and a lot of new age mediums, and those given to the occult, etc. I believe are possessed.