Thy Kingdom Come Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The previous age has passed away & the glories of a new millennia has dawned. The glories of the renewed age will mean that the past is completely forgotten & left behind. It will be a time when God Himself will minister through His people.
ISAIAH 65: 17-25
[2 Peter 3:10-13]
Here we begin the final section of the Book. The previous age has passed away and the glories of a new millennia has dawned. The glories of the renewed age will mean that the past is completely forgotten and left behind. It will be a time when God Himself will minister through His people.
In our text the Lord describes the millennial kingdom and the eternal state (new heavens and a new earth) together. "In Revelation, however, the new heavens and new earth (Rev. 21:1) follow the Millennium (Rev. 20:4). Most likely Isaiah did not distinguish between these two aspects of God’s rule; he saw them together as one. After all, the Millennium, though 1,000 years in duration, will be a mere pinpoint of time compared with the eternal state." [Walvoord, John; Zuck, Roy; The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Wheaton, IL : Victor Books, 1983-c1985, S. 1119]
With grand prophetic revelation Isaiah introduces the reason why the former distress will be forgotten in verse 17. "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.
For behold introduces why people should be listening to the Word of God, why people should heed the voice of the Servant/Messiah and be enabled to become righteous and do justice. The One who created the whole universe or cosmos is going to create a new one.
The Hebrew word translated bara means to create from nothing (ex-nihilo). When we read in Genesis 1:1 that God created the heavens and the earth, the word used is also bara. In other words, God didn’t use preexisting materials to create the earth. He simply spoke the word and it became.
The use of bara here in Isaiah means that God is going to create something entirely new. It won’t be a matter of simply remodeling the earth and the heavens, for in 2 Peter 3:10, we read that this earth will be done away with entirely. In a millisecond flash of unbelievable energy and fervent heat, things will cease to be. Read 2 Peter 3:10-13.
As the destructive power of God is evidenced in cleansing the fallen creation the creative genius of God will be displayed in the new creation. The new genesis will fully display the power, wisdom and glory of its Creator. The new heavens and the new earth will be eternal and in them are safety, permanence, peace and plenty (66:22, 23; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1). It is a promise of a fundamental and complete change in the state of things.
The former world will be forgotten. The new heavens and earth will be so wonderful that we won’t even remember what was before them. All the ways in which sin has infected this world will not only be wiped away from reality but even from memory (Rev. 21:4). The things of the fallen world and the relationships with people that are in hell and lost because of their rejection of Jesus won’t even come to mind. Otherwise, heaven couldn’t be heaven. I believe we would be mourning throughout eternity if we remembered all of our friends and family that didn’t receive Jesus. So the Lord creates something altogether new.
[Does Isaiah 65:17b imply that people in heaven will have no recollection of earthly events? What are the "former things" that "shall not be remembered or come into mind"?
While there is so much we don’t know about the happiness of heaven (1 Corinthians 13:9-12), for now we can probably safely assume that, at the very least, "no knowledge of former things" means that the transformation that will occur in the new heavens and new earth will be so complete that our perspective will be utterly changed. Our earlier, fallen perspective will "not be remembered or come into mind." The dark and tragic aspects of our past lives will be transformed by the light of a glorious new reality, filled with gratitude and joy.]
Just think on this exquisite promise! God’s new world will be so wonderful that none of the problems of the past will be remembered! And none of the problems of the past will be repeated!
We will not recall the nights of pain, the years of reduced activity and productivity. The failures, the partings, the bereavements.
Those of you who are suffering and grieving from the loss of a loved one will never feel the pangs of loneliness ever again.
Those of you who are ravaged with crippling arthritis, osteoporosis or fibre-myalgia will never feel the pain of disease ever again.
Those of you who are worried whether or not God accepts you as you are will never feel insecure ever again.