The Tabernacle Series
Contributed by Rodney Fry on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Sermon outline on the Tabernacle - This is the intro sermon Part 1
The Tabernacle
Part I
Exodus 25:1 – 2
Facts about the Tabernacle
v The Tabernacle was the worship center of the Israelites for a long time – Almost 500 years from Moses to David – until Solomon’s temple was built
v A large portion of God’s Word is dedicated to the Tabernacle
o 37 Entire Chapters
§ 13 Chapters in Exodus
§ 2 Chapters in Deuteronomy
§ 4 Chapters in Hebrews
v An object lesson / teaching tool God used
v The Tabernacle symbolizes 3 major things
o Symbolizes the ministry of Jesus Christ
o Symbolizes the ministry of the Church
o Symbolizes the Christian Believer
v The purpose pf the Tabernacle (at least 2 fold
o Its short-term purpose was to build God a sanctuary where God might be worshipped & and able to live among His people. Exodus 25:8 & 25:22
o The long-term purpose was to arouse God’s people to look at the promised Messiah. John 1:14 / Hebrews 1: 1-3
v Tabernacle (mishkan) means dwelling place, a tent, a place of habitation, and a residence. The root word means to pitch a tent. The picture of the tabernacle is graphic.
o God literally pitched His Tent, the tabernacle, among His people, the Israelites.
o Jesus Christ pitched His Tent, the tabernacle of His body and He lived & dwelt among us.
I. The Architect of the Tabernacle Was God Himself (v. 1)
When planning & constructing a building, the most important person is the Architect.
The Architect is the person
- Who is the Master Builder
- Who knows the science & Principles of Building & Architecture
- Who dreams & Lays out the plan for the building
- Who designs & works out the structure for the building
- Who oversees & looks after the construction
- Who inspects and approves the building
The architect is the one who is responsible for the construction of a building. He determines whether a building stands or falls, functions or fails, brings joy to the users or arouses disappointment.
The tabernacle was so important – so desperately needed by God’s people that God Himself chose to be the architect of the Tabernacle.
He could not leave the design & structure of the Tabernacle in the hands of men?
WHY – The tabernacle was to be
o His dwelling place among men
o The special place where people would com to worship God
o The special place where people would learn about God
Only God knew what kind of building He needed & wanted
II. The Materials to Build the Tabernacle were Supplied by the People (v.2)
Moses was to take up offerings from the people, and the people were to give willingly & generously.
The word for offering (terumah) has the idea of a present, a gift that is given sacrificially; the a valuable, costly gift
Where did slaves get an offering to give – They just came out of slavery?
Egyptians when they were so desperate to get rid of them they gave them silver and gold. (Exodus 11 & 12) so now they have something to give the Lord
God had provided for the people . What they had was dues to Him.
o Ultimately everything belongs to God. All that we have has come from Him. Psalms 50:10 / Hag 2:8
o The greatest thing we can give God is a undivided heart, totally yield to him Matt 6:19-21/ Luke 9:23
o Every person has something to offer to God. No matter how little a person may have, he has something that he can give to God. Ezra 2:69/Mark 12:42-43/Acts 11:29
o We are to share with those who are in need.
o We are to give sacrificially, to give willingly & cheerfully 2 Cor 9:7