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  • The Warrior Seed & The Way We Live

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    Do you ever feel like life is a battlefield? Scripture tells us something about the inevitability of struggles in this present world and how to face them with strength and hope.

    The Warrior Seed and the Way We Live Scripture: Genesis 3:8–15, especially verse 15 I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel (NLT). Introduction: Do you ever feel like life is a more

  • The Ministry Of Marriage

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    For thousands of years, the concept of marriage as a commitment between one man and woman has served as the foundation of home life and social order; but in the last few years, those foundations are being destroyed in the civil arena. This is disturbing, but not exactly new.

    The Ministry of Marriage Scripture: Romans 16:3–4 Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them (NIV). Introduction: For thousands of years, the concept of marriage as a more

  • The Refining Fire Of God

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    Have you ever heard of a “promise box”? They were once very popular among Christian people. They were little boxes containing rolled up verses of Scripture, and each verse contained a promise of God which you could select and think about during the day.

    The Refining Fire of God Scripture: Malachi 4:1–3, especially verse 2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. Introduction: Have you ever heard of a “promise box”? They were once very more

  • The Tamed Tongue

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible says a great deal about the tongue. David prayed for the Lord to set a watch and keep the door of his lips. The writer of Proverbs declared that the hypocrite with his mouth destroyed his neighbor. Jesus warned about judgment regarding use of the tongue (Matt. 12:36–37).

    The Tamed Tongue Scripture: James 3:1–12, especially verses 8–10 No man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and more

  • The Path Of Wisdom - Our Relationship With God

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    Proverbs focuses much attention on the contrast between the righteous and the wicked. Starting at chapter 16 the focus shifts to highlight the contrast between human righteousness and divine righteousness and also to give evidences of how the Lord intervenes in our daily lives,

    The Path of Wisdom: Our Relationship with God Scripture: Proverbs 15:30–16:30, especially 15:31, 32b The ear that hears the rebukes of life will abide among the wise … he who heeds rebuke gets understanding. Introduction: From chapters 1–15, Proverbs focuses much attention on the contrast more

  • The Bones Of Joseph Memorial Day

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    Memorial Day: A Day for Remembering Originally for remembering those who died in military service Now we remember all loved ones The Value of Remembering Loved Ones Who Have Died The lessons learned from them

    The Bones of Joseph Exodus 13:19 I. Introduction A. Memorial Day: A Day for Remembering 1. Originally for remembering those who died in military service 2. Now we remember all loved ones B. The Value of Remembering Loved more

  • John Series Sermon 28 The Rejection Of Jesus' Claim John 5:40-47 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    Men reject Jesus’ claim to be “equal with God” (Jn. 5:18). Jesus gave six reasons for their rejection.

    (5:40–47) Introduction: men reject Jesus’ claim to be “equal with God” (Jn. 5:18). Jesus gave six reasons for their rejection. 1. People refuse to come to Christ (vv.40–41). 2. People do not love God (v.42). 3. People accept false messiahs (v.43). 4. People seek the approval and honor of mere men more

  • John Series Sermon 27 The Five Witnesses To Jesus’ Authority And Power John 5:31–39 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There are five witnesses to Jesus’ authority

    Sermon 27 JOHN SERIES The Five Witnesses to Jesus’ Authority and Power JOHN 5:31–39 (5:31–39) Introduction: there are five witnesses to Jesus’ authority. 1. The fact: one’s own testimony must be supported by other witnesses (v.31). 2. The first witness: the Holy Spirit within Jesus (v.32). 3. The more

  • John Series 26 The Astounding Authority: Equality With God, John 5:17–30 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    All men have to face this earth-shaking, shattering claim of Christ. He made the astounding claim that all authority belonged to Him. How could He make such an astounding claim? Because He proclaimed that He possessed equality with God and then He proceeded to give proof after proof

    Sermon 26 JOHN SERIES Astounding Authority Equality with God John 5:17–30 The Astounding Authority: Equality with God, 5:17–30 (5:17–30) Jesus Christ, Claims—Deity: all men have to face this earth-shaking, shattering claim of Christ. He made the astounding claim that all authority belonged to more

  • Abel Speaks On Memorial Day

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    The First Family Loses a Son in Battle (Gen. 4:1–8) This Fallen Son Speaks to Us Today Let us go to his grave and read his marker What message does Abel have for us on Memorial Day weekend?

    Abel Speaks on Memorial Day Hebrews 11:4 Introduction A. The First Family Loses a Son in Battle (Gen. 4:1–8) 1. Man was not on earth long before war broke out 2. Abel was the first casualty in a righteous cause 3. Man’s sinful nature causes this tragedy over and over again B. This Fallen Son more

  • John Series Sermon 25 the Essential Authority Power To Meet The World’s Desperate Needs John 5:1–16 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Apr 24, 2022

    through this healing miracle, Jesus was claiming to have supreme authority over the Sabbath

    JOHN SERIES SERMON 25 The Essential Authority Power to Meet the World’s Desperate Needs John 5:1–16 (5:1–47) DIVISION OVERVIEW: Jesus, Authority: Chapter 5 reveals Jesus to be the Authority over all of life. He is due the same worship, obedience, and service as God; for He is equal with God (Jn. more

  • Woman, Behold Thy Son

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Apr 3, 2022

    “Woman, behold thy son.” Expression of affection by the perfect man

    Woman, Behold Thy Son John 19:25 I. Introduction A. The First Three Words from the Cross 1. “Father, forgive them.” Expression of forgiveness by the perfect Son 2. “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Expression of assurance more

  • Resurrection Series 2022 Sermon 2 What I Have Written I Have Written Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Apr 3, 2022

    Pilate’s Last Act at the Crucifixion

    What I Have Written I Have Written SERMON 2 John 19:19–22 I. Introduction A. Pilate’s Last Act at the Crucifixion 1. He places a title on the cross: 2. This is Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews B. The Protest of the more

  • Today In Paradise Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Apr 3, 2022

    Should make us forgiving … forbearing … faithful

    Today in Paradise Luke 23:39–44 I. Introduction A. Father Forgive Them 1. Should make us forgiving … forbearing … faithful 2. The word that withheld the wrath of God B. The Second Word from the Cross 1. more

  • Forgive Them Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Apr 3, 2022

    The Focus on the Cross to Bring Revival

    Forgive Them Luke 23:35 I. Introduction A. The Focus on the Cross to Bring Revival 1. The New Testament church our example of revival 2. The cross and resurrection their message B. Approaching the Cross 1. more

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