The Sound Of Triumph Series
Contributed by Rodney Burton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Joshua and the army of Israel won a great battle at Jericho at the sound of the shout. Triumph is all about timing, but we also must guard our triumph with faithfulness to God.
“Triumph” = a great victory or achievement; the state of being victorious or successful
1. True triumph in our lives comes in our recognition of and submission to the Lord for Who He is and not for what He can do.
a. The Lord didn’t appear to Joshua to fight or bring victory. The Lord appeared to find worship.
b. We can get so caught up in trying to figure out and win the battle that we can forget what is really important – worshiping God.
c. If we are only looking at and to God to help us in our trials and battles then we have totally missed the point.
d. Joshua’s first question was who God was here on behalf of, but ultimately he was willing to still worship. How many of us would have been discouraged or given up after hearing God say He wasn’t here for the battle?
e. Joshua’s response was not based on what God could do for him. He responded in worship and reverence for who God truly is.
f. The only message God had for Joshua was to enjoy His presence. Once Joshua took the time to enjoy the Lord and His presence, then the battle plan was given.
g. If we aren’t careful, we can get our eyes on what God can do for us and miss who He really is.
2. The Sound of Triumph requires a willingness to follow the plan.
a. Just like faith that we talked about last week, the people of God were given a specific plan to follow.
b. Oftentimes the biggest barrier to following the plan is not our carrying out the actions, but having the right attitude to carry them out. Triumph is as much an attitude as it is an action.
c. The people didn’t shout after seeing the walls come down. They shouted in faith and assurance even before the walls came down.
d. Following God’s plan is an exercise of faith. When we know He has directed us, there should be nothing to stop us.
3. The Sound of Triumph is heard at just the right time.
a. It was on the seventh day and the seventh time around the city that the people shouted and the walls came down.
b. I am sure that during days 1 through 6 the people wanted to see the walls come down.
c. God’s timing is always perfect and if we will learn to trust and rely on Him and His timing, we will see victory in our lives as well.
d. The outcome was just as God had promised, and it came at just the right time.
e. How many times do we try and get ahead of God and miss the triumph that He has promised?
4. The Sound of Triumph can be short lived if we act unfaithfully.
a. It is strange but true that often one of the easiest times to let our guards down is on the heels of a great victory.
b. The entire camp of Israel was negatively affected by the compromise and sin of one man. 7:1 says “the Israelites acted unfaithfully”. Sin will never only affect you.
c. God’s blessing and favor will not be upon a people who sin or tolerate sin in their camp.