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  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 8: What Do These Stones Mean? Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Jun 11, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    In the 8th and final part of this series we look at what these stones represent for us as believers.

    -- It was customary to set up some type of stone monument at the site of God’s miraculous intervention. -- The monuments would serve several purposes, but the primary purpose was to remind future generations about God’s ability to save and deliver. -- The stones would remind future generations more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 7: Joseph & Benjamin Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on May 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In part 7 of this series, we look at Rachel and the birth of her two sons. After the other 10 had been born, Rachel’s womb is finally opened.

    -- Rachel is the one that Jacob loved from the beginning, but she is the last one to give birth to any children. -- Rachel had to stand by and watch 10 sons be born to her husband with none of them coming from her directly. You know that was messing with her mind! -- Rachel dealt with the shame, more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 6: Issachar & Zebulun Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on May 23, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    In part 6 of this series, we revisit Leah and the birth of her final two sons, Issachar and Zebulun.

    -- We once again return to Leah giving birth to two more sons (her 5th and 6th). -- Now that the family has been through a time of trying to make things happen on their own through their maidservants, they get back to producing the final four sons through Leah and Rachel. -- These 2 final sons are more

  • Train Up A Child

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on May 23, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    In this Mother’s Day sermon, we view the concept of TRAIN up a child. What exactly goes into that process?

    Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverb 22:6 “Train” in the Hebrew is chanak (khaw-nak’) and appears 5 times. Once here it is translated as train or train up. The other 4 times it is translated as dedicate. This is the Hebrew word used to more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 5: Gad & Asher Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Apr 29, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    In part 5 of this series, we look at the sons born to Zilpah, Gad and Asher. We consider the need for the army of God to arise and the power of being blessed of God.

    n Sons number 7 and 8 were born to Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid. n In response to Rachel giving her handmaid to Jacob and bearing sons through her, Leah now does the same thing with her handmaid. n The last son Leah had borne prior to this was Judah, which we founds means “praise”. Here, we see that more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 4: Dan & Naphtali Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    In part 4 of this series, we look at the two sons born to Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaid. Dan declares vindication and Naphtali declares victory.

    n Leah had given birth to 4 sons and then stopped for a time. n Rachel continues to feel more and more pressure as she continues to be barren. In the culture of that day, a woman was looked at with disdain and disgust when she was barren. n Rachel’s declaration was “Give me children or I die!” n more

  • The Power Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Apr 9, 2009
    based on 54 ratings

    The power of the resurrection of Christ changed history. The power of the resurrection of believers will one day change everything. The power of the resurrection can change lives today.

    n The resurrection of Christ from the dead is the foundation of the Gospel. Without the resurrection we have nothing. Through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 1:4 n The resurrection of believers more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Series Part 3: Levi & Judah Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Apr 2, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    In part 3 of this series, we look at the births of Levi and Judah and what we can learn from them and what God can teach the church.

    n The 12 stone memorial that God instructed the children of Israel to erect after they crossed the Jordan was to serve as a reminder of what God had done and what God had brought His people through. n Each of the 12 stones represented the 12 tribes of Israel. Each was significant in what it stood more

  • Let's Get Back To The Norm

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Mar 26, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    A look at the early church and what was normal for them. What are we not doing today that was done in that time? A cry for the church of today to get back to the normal ways of Christianity as outlined in God’s Word.

    THE WAY THINGS ARE IS NOT THE WAY THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. IT IS TIME THAT THE CHURCH GET BACK TO WHAT IS NORMAL. *The church was born in the power of God’s Spirit, and to think that God would limit the power of His Spirit to that time alone is to limit God Himself. He promises us that the end more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 2: Reuben And Simeon Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Mar 26, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    In part 2 of this series, we look at Jacob’s first 2 sons, Reuben and Simeon and what they symbolize in and for the church.

    We continue to look at the 12 stone memorial that was set up by the Israelites after crossing the Jordan. Each stone was for each of the 12 tribes of Israel. We are going to look together at the first two sons born to Jacob and the significance of what God was doing in and through these sons. n more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 1: The 4 Mothers As Types Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Mar 19, 2009
    based on 21 ratings

    In part 1 of this series on the 12 stone memorial set up by the children of Israel after crossing Jordan, we look at the mothers of the 12 sons of Jacob and reflect on the type of the church that each represents. Each of the stones is for each of the tri

    Background: *These stones were taken out of the midst of the Jordan right where the Ark was present. They represent God’s power and authority and ability to deliver His people. They also represent all that God has brought His people through leading up to this point. *These stones represent the more

  • Dealing With Difficulty

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Job faced many problems, but his attitude and honesty with God brought him through. How do we face the problems in our lives? Is our attitude and approach right or in need of some work?

    The Way Job Approached His Problems: 1. Job initially approached his problems with real emotion – intense grief. a. Let us not be afraid of real emotion. b. Sometimes life hurts and dealing with that pain is part of the process. c. It is much healthier and much better to be real with your emotion more

  • What Is A Christian?

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Christianity is more than going to church or even declaring yourself to be one. Christianity is not about lip service, Christianity is about life service.

    Begin with brief video illustration with Brittany. In this video, Brittany talks about what she wants to be and expects to become that by going to the right places or by saying the right things. Her last statement says, “At least I know I can go to church and become a Christian”, with the more

  • The Sound Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Feb 21, 2009
    based on 30 ratings

    The sound of Heaven is the sound of worship and the sound of recognizing the authority and glory of God.

    n The sound of heaven is always a sound of joy, celebration and thanksgiving because it is there that you are truly in the presence of the Lord. n In many lives today, the common sound is the sound of complaining, the sound of confusion, the sound of despair or the sound of frustration. n We need more

  • The Sound Of Triumph Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Feb 11, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Joshua and the army of Israel won a great battle at Jericho at the sound of the shout. Triumph is all about timing, but we also must guard our triumph with faithfulness to God.

    “Triumph” = a great victory or achievement; the state of being victorious or successful 1. True triumph in our lives comes in our recognition of and submission to the Lord for Who He is and not for what He can do. a. The Lord didn’t appear to Joshua to fight or bring victory. The Lord appeared to more