
Summary: The wrath of God against the rebellion of the Earth's population is now seen in its entirety. God has called for 7 bowl judgements to be poured onto the Earth to signify the culmination of His anger and intolerance of sin and wickedness.

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Alpha and Omega, Part 44, Revelation Part 21

The Seven Bowl Judgments of God

Revelation 16:1-21


- Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation

-- REM: Redemption of sin is granted through Jesus; and yes, we have a choice

- Last time we explored God’s preparation for His final 7 judgments

-- We also saw Heaven’s response: To praise Him for who He is

-- The song of the Lamb and the song of Moses were sung before His Throne

-- We also saw those who were martyred (Rev 6) being part of the praise

- Today, we see the culmination of God’s judgment upon the Earth

-- It is a physical depiction of what happens, and why, to a sinful Earth

-- This event is after the seal judgments and after the trumpet judgments

-- It is also the hinting of the final battle between good and evil

- Read Revelation 16:1-21 / Pray

-- TR: Let’s start with the straightforward, first three bowl judgments …

Point 1 – The First Three Bowl Judgments

- Know this: The voice of God will be heard across the land! (v1)

-- Only God could give an order like this – a command to end what He created

-- Yes, He has instructed the angels to carry this out … but this is His voice

-- APP: He is showing His rule and reign -- His dominion over Creation

- See two things here:

1. God is righteous – He does what needs to be done to correct sin

2. God loves and cares for the Earth – Saw in Creation, it’s time to repair it

- His command directs the 7 angels (seen in Ch. 15) to execute His wrath

Judgment 1 – A judgment of Ulcerous Sores (v2)

- The imagery here is horrendous – sores that infect and infest the human body

-- GR: helkos; a wound, a sore, an ulcer

- But note: This is only upon those who have received the mark (Ch 13)

-- GR: echo; those who have or those who possess (very specific)

-- It is against those who willingly have turned their backs on God

-- Against those who willingly choose to worship the beast or his image

Judgment 2 – A judgment on the Sea (v3)

- Probably points to the Mediterranean Sea and not the oceans of the world

-- GR: thalassa; a particular sea or lake (singular in verbiage)

-- If it was the oceans, imagine all the life that would cease to exist

- RE: The center of the Antichrist’s power is somewhere in Middle East

-- Formally known as Babylon – this is where the judgment of God falls

-- It is logical to consider that the judgments will be centralized to him

-- (FYI) The next judgment deals with fresh water …

- So, consider, this is more like a red tide that can strike the coastlines

-- It pollutes the water, kills sea life, but it is centralized – meaning is similar

Judgement 3 – A judgment on the Rivers and Springs (v4)

- Again, this is centralized to where the Antichrist and his domain are located

-- If it were everywhere, the entire Earth would die quickly (need water to live)

-- APP: Throughout the Middle East there will be little drinking water available

- Now, something very interesting happens here in the middle of the judgments

-- An angel proclaims the might, power, and righteousness of God (v5)

-- Why? Because even here people will rebel against God

-- They will shake their fist at Him and demand He do something else

- Don’t miss: God’s angel reminds them of why this is happening:

• They (Antichrist and followers) killed the people of God (martyrs) (v6)

• It happens also because God is true and righteous; He keeps His word (v7)

- What the angel is proclaiming is that God is just in what He is doing

-- MEANING: The inhabitants of this world have brought this on themselves!

-- Always remember the judgment is God’s, not ours: Romans 2:1-3, “You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things. And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things. Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God’s judgment when you do the same things?”

Point 2 –The Next Two Bowl Judgments

Judgment 4 – A judgment on the Sun (v8-9)

- The temperature of the sun will be elevated to literally scorch the Earth

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