The Promise Of Heaven
Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus has given us a wonderful promise that if we place our trust in Him that we will one day spend eternity in heaven.
The Promise of Heaven
John 14:1-6
"One time it was my privilege to watch the ascent of a balloon. It was bound to the earth by many cords. As the process of filling it with gas began, it struggled to get free. The first line was cut, and immediately that side was lifted from the earth. Then the second and third ropes were loosened, and finally the others. When the last cord was snapped asunder, the balloon rose majestically toward the heavens, showing the high destination for which it struggled to get free. I thought to myself, that’s a picture of the attitude I should possess as a Christian -- one whose affection is set on Heaven. In proportion as my heart is filled with the Holy Spirit’s presence, I will demonstrate my aspiration and earnest longing for an eternal inheritance. As one by one the carnal cords are cut that bind my soul to earth, it will rise in its affection to Heaven where it so greatly desires to be." Charles Simeon
Heaven is our hope and our goal for the Christian life. This morning I want to examine some of the words of Jesus and His personal promise of heaven.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
1. The Reassurance is Promised
A. Jesus promises to give peace
1. Jesus has given a powerful promise
Jesus has promised that He can give us peace in life. It is a peace that never falters or fails. It is a peace that we can count on when hard times come. It is a peace that only Christ can provide.
2. There is security in insecure times
The peace of Christ is firm when everything else falls short. It is a peace that penetrates our deepest pain. It is a peace that supports us in our greatest grief. It is a peace that comforts when nothing else can. It is a peace that brings us back to the state of living.
B. A peace beyond comprehension
1. Human understanding fails us
There are times in life when things happen that we just do not understand. There are times when our human understanding fails us completely. There are times when we have questions that seemingly have no answers.
2. There is a greater peace
Christ has promised us peace and a peace that is beyond our comprehension. It is a perfect peace and one that gives us strength when our strength is completely gone. This peace is gained by our trust in Christ. You can have this peace by placing your faith in Christ.
2. The Residence is Prepared
A. The change of address
1. Jesus has prepared a place for His people
Jesus told His disciples that he was going to prepare a place for them and for all of those who believe in Him. It is a place where those who follow Christ can dwell with him. If you follow Jesus and He will have a place prepared for you.
2. Moving day
The day that we die will not simply be the day that we pass away but rather it will be the day that we move into our new home. We will go to a great and wonderful home where there is no sorrow, there is no more pain, there is no suffering but rather it is a place of happiness and grace.
B. Heaven is a wonderful place
1. A brief description of heaven
Heaven is an awesome place. It is the height of God’s splendor and creation. Heaven is all of the best of creation. It is a place of great beauty with gates of pearl, streets of gold and crystal seas. It is a place of great occupants with angels, cherabim and seraphim and of course those who have passed on to be with Christ.
2. Heaven is a wonderful place
Heaven is a place of residence
Jesus has prepared a place for all of His people to live with Him. If we will simply believe in Jesus, and will follow Him, doing our best to live according to His word. He will have a place prepared for us. A home in heaven.