
Summary: Forgiveness is a powerful act that reflects the heart of God. It frees us from bitterness, restores relationships, and enables us to live in peace and harmony. However, forgiveness is often challenging, especially when the hurt is deep.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 6:14-15

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

Supporting Texts: Ephesians 4:31-32; Luke 6:37; Colossians 3:13; Matthew 18:21-22; Mark 11:25


Forgiveness is a powerful act that reflects the heart of God. It frees us from bitterness, restores relationships, and enables us to live in peace and harmony. However, forgiveness is often challenging, especially when the hurt is deep. In this study, we will examine the significance of forgiveness, its impact on our spiritual and emotional health, and how to embrace it fully.


Forgiveness involves letting go of resentment, anger, or the desire for revenge against someone who has wronged you.

a) Forgiveness Is a Command

Jesus instructs us to forgive as a mark of our obedience and love (Matthew 6:14-15).

b) Forgiveness Reflects God’s Nature

God forgives us freely, and we are called to emulate His example (Psalm 103:10-12).

c) Forgiveness Is Not Weakness

It takes strength and courage to forgive, showing maturity and spiritual growth (Romans 12:19-21).

d) Forgiveness Brings Freedom

Holding on to bitterness enslaves us, but forgiveness sets us free (John 8:36).

e) Biblical Example:

Joseph forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery, demonstrating God’s grace and reconciliation (Genesis 50:15-21).


Forgiveness is essential for spiritual health, peace, and maintaining a relationship with God.

a) God Forgave Us First

We forgive because we have been forgiven through Christ (Ephesians 4:32).

b) Forgiveness Opens Doors to Blessings

Unforgiveness hinders our prayers and blessings (Mark 11:25).

c) It Brings Healing

Forgiveness promotes emotional and spiritual healing (Proverbs 17:22).

d) It Restores Relationships

Forgiveness rebuilds trust and strengthens bonds with others (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).

e) Biblical Example:

Jesus forgave those who crucified Him, praying for their forgiveness (Luke 23:34).


Refusing to forgive has serious spiritual, emotional, and physical consequences.

a) Spiritual Separation

Unforgiveness blocks our fellowship with God (Isaiah 59:2).

b) Bitterness Takes Root

Holding grudges leads to bitterness, which defiles the heart (Hebrews 12:15).

c) Emotional Turmoil

Unforgiveness causes stress, anxiety, and lack of peace (Philippians 4:6-7).

d) Hindrance to Spiritual Growth

Forgiveness is a mark of spiritual maturity; refusing to forgive stunts growth (Matthew 18:34-35).

e) Biblical Example:

King Saul’s unforgiveness towards David led to his downfall and torment (1 Samuel 18:7-9).


Forgiveness is a process that requires God’s help and intentional steps.

a) Pray for Grace

Ask God for the strength to forgive, even when it feels impossible (Philippians 4:13).

b) Release the Offender to God

Trust God to bring justice and healing (Romans 12:19).

c) Let Go of the Past

Choose not to dwell on the hurt, focusing on God’s promises instead (Isaiah 43:18-19).

d) Show Love to the Offender

Love and bless those who have wronged you as a testimony of God’s love (Luke 6:27-28).

e) Biblical Example:

Stephen forgave his persecutors even as they stoned him, reflecting Christ’s love (Acts 7:59-60).


Forgiveness transforms lives, restores joy, and reflects the gospel’s power.

a) It Reconciles Relationships

Forgiveness heals broken relationships, restoring unity and peace (Matthew 18:15-17).

b) It Attracts God’s Presence

A forgiving heart welcomes the Holy Spirit (Psalm 34:18).

c) It Strengthens Witness

Forgiveness demonstrates the love of Christ to others, drawing them to Him (John 13:35).

d) It Brings Lasting Joy

Forgiveness ushers in peace and joy that surpasses understanding (Nehemiah 8:10).

e) Biblical Example:

Philemon forgave Onesimus, a runaway slave, and welcomed him as a brother in Christ (Philemon 1:15-16).


Forgiveness is a divine act that releases us from bitterness, reconciles relationships, and reflects God’s nature. As we forgive, we demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel and experience the peace and joy that only Christ can give. Let us choose to forgive, knowing that it leads to spiritual growth, healing, and eternal rewards.


1. Lord, help me to forgive others as You have forgiven me.

2. Father, uproot every seed of bitterness in my heart.

3. Holy Spirit, empower me to release every hurt and pain to You.

4. Lord, restore every broken relationship in my life.

5. Father, let forgiveness open the door to new blessings in my life.

6. Holy Spirit, teach me to love and bless those who have wronged me.

7. Lord, grant me the grace to let go of past hurts and offences.

8. Father, use my life as a testimony of Your love and forgiveness.

9. Lord, protect my heart from bitterness and unforgiveness.

10. Father, let the power of forgiveness bring healing and restoration to my soul.

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