
Summary: This message is written to help people distinguish the difference between Peace WITH God and the Peace OF God.

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“Behold, church family, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10 –11). What good news! And don’t we need some good news for a change? The message today is about peace. I thought it would be a great subject to look at for this week before Christmas day.

But can there really be peace on earth? With God, YES. With man, no.

Since the beginning of recorded history, the world has been entirely at peace only 8% of the time. In other words, in over 3,100 years of recorded history, only 286 have been without war. During that same period of time, 8,000 treatises have been broken as well.

And what about personal peace? Peace at home? Peace at work? Financial peace?

In the midst of national uncertainty brought on by terrorist attacks, and personal turmoil resulting from high unemployment and natural disasters, Covid pandemic, can the hope of Christmas still deliver peace? I’ll be using the book of Micah today 5:1-5 for our background passage of Scripture.

The prophet Micah lived between 725–610 B.C. He came from the poorer class of Israel and was aware of the injustices of the rich. Micah explained that because of the sins of Israel, God had sent the cruel armies of the Assyrians as His arm of punishment. But, the people were not to lose hope. Following God’s discipline, would come a time of tremendous blessings; blessings connected with the coming of the Messiah.

I mentioned last Sunday the verse in book of Micah (5:2) that told the people at some time in the future, he predicted, a woman will give birth to a child in Bethlehem. This child, proclaimed the prophet, “will be their peace” (v.5).

Some 700 years later, in a stable on the outskirts of Bethlehem, a virgin by the name of Mary gave birth to this promised Messiah who brought peace. But the peace He brought was peace with God, not peace between men or nations. He would break down the barrier between God and man and reconcile mankind to God by His death on a Cross.

Micah’s prophesy of peace on earth is still a prophecy that is not fulfilled for us today. But the Bible declares that the day will come when all the weapons of war will be melted into plows. That predicted time can only refer to the Second Coming of Christ and His reign over the earth for a thousand years.

It will be a time of peace, since the Lord will have put down all rebellion, all opposition and all the forces of evil that are around today. Isaiah likewise called Jesus the “Prince of Peace” (Is.9:6). “Prince of Peace” refers to a rich, harmonious life that only Jesus can give. And this peace can be yours for the asking. It’s a shame that not everyone accepts Christ, and accepts this peace.

But there can’t be true peace on earth until Jesus has come again to reign. And don’t fret. Be patient while we wait for the coming of that day. Can you even imagine a world that is devoid of evil. Security systems and locks won’t have any use because there will be no evil, or crime, only peace. Micah, in the fifth chapter of his book tells how God is going to bring peace to the world. READ Micah 5: 1-5.

Here’s the good news. Upon Jesus’ return, there will be an everlasting peace on this earth. But you know what? You don’t have to wait until Jesus returns to experience peace in your life, because you can have peace right now. You ask, “How?” Is there someone you need to forgive? If you have held a grudge in your heart against someone and need to forgive them but haven’t, guess whose internal peace is in a turmoil. YOURS.

But you can have Peace through Forgiveness. What type of peace does Jesus bring?

Jerome, an early church father, had a dream one night in which Jesus visited him.

In the dream, Jerome collected all his money and offered it to Jesus as a gift.

Jesus said, “I don’t want your money.” So, Jerome rounded up all his possessions and tried to give them to Jesus.

Jesus responded, “I don’t want your possessions.” Jerome then turned to Christ and asked, “What can I give you? What do you want?” Jesus simply replied, “Give me your sins. That’s what I came for; I came to take away your sins.”

That is the essence of the peace Christ gives. Peace as He forgives our sins.

Without that forgiveness you and I can’t experience true peace. Once we accept Christ’s forgiveness, then we can experience His peace. What’s keeping you from accepting Jesus’ forgiveness of your sins right now?

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