
Summary: This is a series I have preached on essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

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Title: The Doctrine of Regeneration – Born Again Scripture: John 3

Type: Series on Doctrine Where: GNBC 5-1-22

Intro: Today continue in our series on key doctrines of the Christian faith. Doctrine of Regeneration. We may not hear the word regeneration all that often in common discourse, but that does not mean we hear no talk of regeneration. Another phrase associated with the concept became quite familiar even to secular people in the 1970s with the election of Jimmy Carter, a self-professed “born-again Christian,” as president of the United States. Even today, it is easy to find bumper stickers, billboards, tracts, and other materials featuring the question, “Have you been born again?” Regeneration deals with the issue of what it means to be “born again.” In fact, the English word regeneration comes into the language from two Greek words that can be rendered “born again.” (ana & gennao – to beget again). As such, regeneration one of the most important doctrines can understand.

Prop: Examining John 3, we’ll notice 3 important elements of the doctrine of Regeneration.

BG: 1. Regeneration is the sovereign work God the Holy Spirit of granting spiritual life to each Christian, raising them from the dead so that they are now able to repent and trust in Christ as a new creation.

2. The wisdom of God displayed in the crucifixion of Christ cannot be received by the natural or unspiritual person. We can come to believe it only through the work of the Holy Spirit.


Prop: Let’s examine John 3 so as to notice 3 important elements of the doctrine of Regeneration.

I. 1st Important Element: Biblical Pictures of Regeneration.

*The Bible lists 3 important pictures so as to describe the nature of regeneration.

A. Birth is a Picture of Regeneration.

1. Jesus states that New Birth is the indispensable requirement for entry into the KOG.

a. vv.3-5 – Jesus clearly states one can neither see nor enter the KOG w/o being “born again”.

b. Very important to put Scripture into its context. Sometimes we smirk at Nicodemus’ questions. After 2k years of Church history we think Nicodemus wasn’t very quick on the uptake. However, we need to cut him some slack and remember that this was the first time in history these blessed words of salvation were spoken. “You must be born again!”

2. Other NT allusions to the need to be Born Again:

a. Nearly ½ a century after these events, the aged Apostle John is still writing of individuals and their need to be born again. I Jn. 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1,4. The elderly Apostle states that ALL Christians are those who have been born again. (Doesn’t say: Membership, infant baptism, last rites, covenant family, walking an aisle, tithing,…)

b. James 1:18 uses similar terminology. “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firs tfruits of all he created.” Notice that James says we are a type of 1st fruits of His creatures. He uses a medical term which means “the end of pregnancy”. Illust: Have ever notice when a baby is born no one ever congratulates the baby on his or her work in being born?! Monica and Cassidy. “Great job Theodore! Great job, Josie!” No! Why? Because Monica and Cassidy did the work. (Ok, Fernando and Joseph helped some!) Can ask either one of those women when their child was born. Know the exact moment! Why? Because at that moment their work in labor stopped! Bible uses terminology of new Christians as “newborn infants” (Col. 1:28; Eph. 4:13-16)

c. Just as an infant receives no credit for being born, man receives no glory from being regenerated by God. Because man needs a grace with resurrection power, then any willful activity on his own part, including faith itself, cannot be the cause but the effect of the new birth. The grace of regeneration is the power of God that grants humans the ability to exercise faith and new inclinations towards God.

B. Creation is a Picture of Regeneration.

1. The next word picture used in describing the concept of being “Born Again” is the word “regeneration”. This picture calls to mind the work of God in creation at the beginning of time. (Gal. 6:15; II Cor. 4:6-12.) Read John 3:4 – Notice Nicodemus’ honest attempt to conceive of what Jesus is saying. “How…” God brought life into being from nothing.

2. II Cor. 5:17 states that “If anyone be in Christ he is a new creation…” Illust – (Conversion story) You see, God is not in the business of simply improving your and my life. Rather, He wants to create a new you and a new me. Illust: When I went back to my 20th HS reunion. Several people found out I had become a pastor. “Wow, you have really changed!” “More so than you could possibly know!”

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