Summary: This is a series I have preached on essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

Title: The Doctrine of Regeneration – Born Again Scripture: John 3

Type: Series on Doctrine Where: GNBC 5-1-22

Intro: Today continue in our series on key doctrines of the Christian faith. Doctrine of Regeneration. We may not hear the word regeneration all that often in common discourse, but that does not mean we hear no talk of regeneration. Another phrase associated with the concept became quite familiar even to secular people in the 1970s with the election of Jimmy Carter, a self-professed “born-again Christian,” as president of the United States. Even today, it is easy to find bumper stickers, billboards, tracts, and other materials featuring the question, “Have you been born again?” Regeneration deals with the issue of what it means to be “born again.” In fact, the English word regeneration comes into the language from two Greek words that can be rendered “born again.” (ana & gennao – to beget again). As such, regeneration one of the most important doctrines can understand.

Prop: Examining John 3, we’ll notice 3 important elements of the doctrine of Regeneration.

BG: 1. Regeneration is the sovereign work God the Holy Spirit of granting spiritual life to each Christian, raising them from the dead so that they are now able to repent and trust in Christ as a new creation.

2. The wisdom of God displayed in the crucifixion of Christ cannot be received by the natural or unspiritual person. We can come to believe it only through the work of the Holy Spirit.


Prop: Let’s examine John 3 so as to notice 3 important elements of the doctrine of Regeneration.

I. 1st Important Element: Biblical Pictures of Regeneration.

*The Bible lists 3 important pictures so as to describe the nature of regeneration.

A. Birth is a Picture of Regeneration.

1. Jesus states that New Birth is the indispensable requirement for entry into the KOG.

a. vv.3-5 – Jesus clearly states one can neither see nor enter the KOG w/o being “born again”.

b. Very important to put Scripture into its context. Sometimes we smirk at Nicodemus’ questions. After 2k years of Church history we think Nicodemus wasn’t very quick on the uptake. However, we need to cut him some slack and remember that this was the first time in history these blessed words of salvation were spoken. “You must be born again!”

2. Other NT allusions to the need to be Born Again:

a. Nearly ½ a century after these events, the aged Apostle John is still writing of individuals and their need to be born again. I Jn. 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1,4. The elderly Apostle states that ALL Christians are those who have been born again. (Doesn’t say: Membership, infant baptism, last rites, covenant family, walking an aisle, tithing,…)

b. James 1:18 uses similar terminology. “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firs tfruits of all he created.” Notice that James says we are a type of 1st fruits of His creatures. He uses a medical term which means “the end of pregnancy”. Illust: Have ever notice when a baby is born no one ever congratulates the baby on his or her work in being born?! Monica and Cassidy. “Great job Theodore! Great job, Josie!” No! Why? Because Monica and Cassidy did the work. (Ok, Fernando and Joseph helped some!) Can ask either one of those women when their child was born. Know the exact moment! Why? Because at that moment their work in labor stopped! Bible uses terminology of new Christians as “newborn infants” (Col. 1:28; Eph. 4:13-16)

c. Just as an infant receives no credit for being born, man receives no glory from being regenerated by God. Because man needs a grace with resurrection power, then any willful activity on his own part, including faith itself, cannot be the cause but the effect of the new birth. The grace of regeneration is the power of God that grants humans the ability to exercise faith and new inclinations towards God.

B. Creation is a Picture of Regeneration.

1. The next word picture used in describing the concept of being “Born Again” is the word “regeneration”. This picture calls to mind the work of God in creation at the beginning of time. (Gal. 6:15; II Cor. 4:6-12.) Read John 3:4 – Notice Nicodemus’ honest attempt to conceive of what Jesus is saying. “How…” God brought life into being from nothing.

2. II Cor. 5:17 states that “If anyone be in Christ he is a new creation…” Illust – (Conversion story) You see, God is not in the business of simply improving your and my life. Rather, He wants to create a new you and a new me. Illust: When I went back to my 20th HS reunion. Several people found out I had become a pastor. “Wow, you have really changed!” “More so than you could possibly know!”

3. Illust: Let me address one of the fallacies that is infecting and infesting our society today. What is that fallacy? “I can’t change!” We are literally killing ourselves because we believe that lie. We are telling children as early as kindergarten lies that they need to believe about themselves and giving them the equally damning dictates that say that is who they are and will always be. These enlightened individuals then create laws so counselors cannot offer hope out of fear they will change! I don’t care what you apply that phrase to in your or my life: “I cannot change!” is a lie! Only one Person in the entire universe does not change! God! Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” God doesn’t change. God’s Word doesn’t change: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35). God’s character doesn’t change: The Immutability of God is an attribute that "God is unchanging in his character, will, and covenant promises." And here's the news for you if you are believing the lie you cannot change: YOU AND I ARE NOT GOD! It is idolatry to believe you and I cannot change because we are NOT GOD!

C. Resurrection is a Picture of Regeneration.

1. Just as New Birth can be paralleled to life being brought from nothing in creation, it can also be compared to life being brought about through death. Rom. 6:13 – “…but present yourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead, and your body’s parts as instruments of righteousness for God.” “even when we were dead in our wrongdoings, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),” (Eph. 2:5)

2. As with regeneration, resurrection is something only God can do!

D. Applic: Besides intellectual assent to the facts of the Gospel, I must depend on Jesus to save me. In doing this, I move from being an interested observer of the facts of salvation to someone who confesses into a new relationship with the living Person, Jesus Christ.

II. 2nd Important Element: “Reasons Why Regeneration is a Necessity.”

A. Jesus Unequivocally states the necessity of Regeneration.

1. Jesus’ late night discussion with Nicodemus highlights this point. God back to the text. Jesus shocks one of Israel’s most esteem instructors: “You must be born again!”

2. Why did Jesus say this? Nicodemus sat shrouded behind a veil of spiritual darkness. Yet, he was a teacher of Israel (v.10) . May have been one of the greatest theologians of the day, yet he could not comprehend when Jesus said (Read vv. 10-12) What does Jesus mean when says: “Earthy things…” Jesus essentially is saying: “You don’t understand my parable of salvation. How can you teach others?” A parable is an earthy expression, something we can all relate to, yet contains heavenly truth. Physical birth to spiritual birth.

B. Regeneration is a necessity because man is flesh & cannot spiritually see without outside aid.

1. Illust: I have worn contact lens most of my life because I have been myopic pretty much my whole life. Now I am old enough that I need one type of lens to see distance, and now reading glasses to read up close. Without correction my vision is distorted. I need A LOT of help to see. Spiritually speaking, need a lot of help to see! Regeneration is necessary because man is flesh (v.6) as opposed to spiritual. Flesh can only produce flesh. Spirit produces spirit. Human nature is powerless to produce the Spiritual results necessary for salvation.

2. Man needs regeneration because we are spiritually blind from birth. V. 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus that unless one is “born again” he cannot “See” the KOG. Now, to “see” in this verse doesn’t mean to literally “see” but rather to understand, comprehend, appreciate the significance of what Jesus is teaching: “the KOG”.

3. Without Christ we are groping in the darkness, spiritually speaking. Later on Jesus will say that men are in the dark, that they love the darkness, that they hide from the light, because as Paul says (Col. 1:13) they love the darkness! “But, it is the glory of the Gospel that God shines His light into the darkness, and it is the function of Divine calling that He summons us out of it!” (Begg, p. 48)

C. Regeneration is a necessity because Man is Powerless.

1. v. 3 Jesus says w/o being born again “man cannot see the KOG.” Illust: We don’t like that word “cannot” today! We tell children from the time they are small that they can “do anything they want to do and be anyone they want to be.” I realize the positive reinforcement and encouragement we are trying to give our children. But sad truth is that isn’t the case. As a kid I loved basketball, baseball, and tennis. I loved the Cin. Reds, Detroit Tigers, and Chicago Cubs. Had favorite players. Loved the Boston Celtics. Bird, Parrish, Cowens, Havlicek. Loved Jimmy Connors, McEnroe, Nastasie. Fact is, no matter how hard I worked, I would never be good enough, not talented enough. Period. Less than ½ of 1% of HS athletes make it to pros. Terrible odds. I can give you worse odds – trying to rely on self for salvation! O%!

2. The natural man cannot and does not receive spiritual reality. The carnal mind is at enmity with God. (Rom. 8:6-7. We don’t like this teaching. It kicks the legs out of the last vestige of our trust in our natural self -sufficiency. Our salvation is a matter of grace! Illust: Augustus Toplady hymn: “Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy Cross I cling; Naked, come to thee for dress; Helpless, look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die.” Only our Lord can bring about Spiritual Birth!

D. Applic: Regeneration is a necessity that we cannot do in the power of the flesh. We are powerless to perform.

III. 3rd Important Element: The Character of Regeneration.

A. Regeneration is a Heavenly Birth.

1. The New Birth Jesus Describes to Nicodemus is first of all, heavenly in origin.

a. Jesus emphasizes this to Nicodemus repeatedly. Jesus told Nicodemus that he needed to be born of water and the Spirit (v.5) , for only the Spirit gives birth to the spirit. Just as the wind blows wherever it pleases, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” This is like underlining and highlighting the passage. John uses the word “again” which could either mean “again” (2nd time). Nicodemus incredulously asks how it is possible to reentry one’s mother’s womb, So you can interpret it either meaning a second time or or “from above” – meaning topwards down.

b. What are the undeniable implications of this message? If we are Christians if is only because God has wonderfully intervened in our life in Jesus Christ! We need to meditate very carefully on this truth. Illust: Often within Evangelicalism we highly prize the “powerful” or “celebrity” conversion. We even say, “Oh you ought to hear his testimony! It is a miraculous conversion!” I suppose that is true from our human perspective. However, from God’s perspective, this isn’t the case at all. However, the miracle that sees a sweet 4yr old girl saved at a VBS or 40 yrs old hardened criminal on death row are each no less miraculous nor marvelous nor wonderful. Each has taken the divine initiative, influence and power of God to secure that one’s salvation.

c. Illust: George Megahey was an old man when I met him. Was a deacon, sang in the choir, visited the elderly helped with communion.

B. Regeneration is a God-given Life.

1. Our New Birth, Our Regeneration, is Sovereignly Bestowed upon us.

a. V.8 – (Read this.) I wonder if Christ said this on a warm Palestine evening, with a wind blowing in the background. The universality is again emphatically asserted. Individual spiritual life depends upon individual spiritual birth. The baptism of the Spirit is needed for all. Illust: If you respond questioning this, you are in good company! Look at Nicodemus’ response: v.9 “How can these things be?” How is this possible?! You see, Nicodemus had been thoroughly schooled in the religion of “doing” rather than “receiving”. “How can these things be?” is the reaction of every man, woman, and child schooled in the way to God being secured by human effort! We recoil at the notion of a Sovereign God Who’s salvation is compared to the blowing wind. Can’t control the blowing wind. A not quite Sovereign God only makes man “savable”! A Sovereign God Who secures your election saves to the uttermost and allows us to have complete security.

2. Salvation is something we Eternally Enjoy Because it is Something God has done for us.

a. I Peter 1:3 declares: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope.” Salvation takes place by divine initiative, yet this in no way neglects man’s responsibility to repent and believe.

b. Jesus is the Savior. He has come to do all that needs doing for sinners to be reconciled with God. We have to trust Him, rest in Him, and have confidence in Him—that is faith. Then, we need to turn from the life of sinfulness, by the power of His Spirit, to serve Him. It is faith in Jesus that reconciles us to God. It’s the Spirit of Jesus that will lead us to repentance and to a life of service.

C. Regeneration is a Transforming Power.

1. Illust: Imagine if every person who has ever or would ever live on this earth needed a heart transplant. Every person born with a bad heart that needed a transplant to live. Pretty desperate. We are all born with the same malady. Love for God and affection for Christ are not natural to us. Before we can love God, something must happen to us. Our hearts of stone must be changed into hearts of flesh, hearts that pulsate with new life and new affection for God. When one speaks of being "born again," he is speaking of his change of heart. When God quickens us from spiritual death, when He regenerates us by His Holy Spirit, He does radical surgery on our hearts. He turns the stone into living tissue. To be converted is to gain a new disposition, a new inclination, a new bent to our hearts. Where formerly we were hostile, cold, or indifferent to God, now we are warmly attracted to Him. To be a Christian is to be a new person. We have undergone a transformation that is rooted in the heart. (RC Sproul, Experiencing Transformation) That’s what Jesus is telling Nicodemus in this passage.

2. Illust: “A long time ago in a packed Moscow theater, there was the premiere of a sacrilegious play called “Christ in a Fur,” opening night, a famous actor named Alexander Rostovzev—who was a notorious Marxist, who hung out in the highest circles of Soviet life—he was the actor playing Jesus. The set was a mockery of an altar center stage, the cross made out of wine and beer bottles. Priests and nuns were saying a drunken liturgy with all kinds of blasphemies. Rostozev was supposed to walk on stage wearing a tunic, read two verses from the SOM, throw away the Bible in disgust and say, “Give me my fur and my hat!” But as he read the words, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted,” he started to tremble. He just kept reading, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”—he made it through most of the sermon. Other actors very uncomfortable—and just before the director was about to lower the curtain to shut him up, Alexander remembered a verse from his childhood growing up in an Orthodox church and yelled out, “Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom!” He left the stage and was never seen again—people think the Communists disposed of him. That is the power of the Gospel. Coming to faith just by reading the Bible. He heard Christ’s words and it changed him—he became a believer. That’s how it happens. We hear the words of Christ and it changes us.” (New Church, 2-12-19)

C. Applic: Regeneration is a heavenly birth, by God-given life, that has a transforming power.