
Summary: What happened to Judah long ago has ramifications for us today. No one can walk over the Jewish people and be guiltless. Those who rejoice over Israel's suffering will be held accountable. Judah laments its desolation and groans in rejection.

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This world thinks there are no consequences and it’s a bonus when you get away with it, or don’t get caught. Bad news! Everything is on record. We are going to look at some serious matters today especially in our current world. What happened to Judah long ago has ramifications for us today. No one can walk over the Jewish people and be guiltless. Those who rejoice over Israel's suffering will be held accountable.


{{Lamentations 1:21 “They have heard that I groan. THERE IS NO ONE TO COMFORT ME. All MY ENEMIES HAVE HEARD OF MY CALAMITY. They are glad that You have done it. Oh, that You would bring the day which You proclaimed, that they may become like me.”}}


The “They” that begins the verse relates to Babylon, but in context, the application is wider than just that one nation, and goes to all Judah’s enemies. As I write this, the whole world is turning against Israel because of what happened in the Middle East. It is august 2024. The United Nations has a satanic hate for Israel and would love to see nothing better than Israel destroyed, but it will not happen. They have passed dozens of condemnation of Israel in the UN Assembly with only a dozen or so nations supporting Israel, mainly the United States. For that reason God will bless the USA even though much of it is corrupt within.

The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court and all United Nations Organisations hate Israel. The ICC declared the Prime Minister of Israel a war criminal, a man defending his nation against barbaric Islam. They themselves will be destroyed in Zechariah 12 and 14 and Revelation 19. Anti-Semitism has burst out in the past 10 years in the world.

We have here again a short series of statements in the translation. The sorrows come pouring out, mainly about the behaviour of the enemy. The verse opens with, “They have heard that I groan,” and the enemies are happy for the suffering in Judah. This is a disgusting attitude but it is common in many people these days – and through history. They love to see and delight in the suffering of others. Not all that were present at Calvary were sympathisers. In fact many came to mock with a sadistic glee for the suffering of those upon the crosses.

This is how it was for the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross – {{Psalm 69:19-21 “You know my reproach and MY SHAME AND MY DISHONOUR. ALL MY ADVERSARIES ARE BEFORE YOU. Reproach has broken my heart, and I am so sick, and I LOOKED FOR SYMPATHY, BUT THERE WAS NONE, AND FOR COMFORTERS, BUT I FOUND NONE. They also gave me gall for my food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.”}} The Lord identified with His nation. (Lamentations 1:21). They were surrounded by enemies; so was He. They groaned because of the suffering; so did He. They had no comforters; neither did He. The nation looked for sympathy and found none; neither did He. The enemies were glad that Israel was afflicted; so were the enemies and authorities glad when Jesus was afflicted.

The ruthless Babylonians loved to see that suffering in Jerusalem. The cruel Romans did it in the arenas when Christians and criminals were broken, mauled and eaten by wild animals. The crowds loved it and cheered. The evil French did it when heads were severed by the guillotine in the French Revolution. Massive crows gathered and cheered. The demonic Catholic priests and cardinals did it when up to 100,000 Huguenot Christians were slaughtered in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572 in France. Satanic Hamas did it in Israel in 2023.

Again the lament is that there is no comforter. How lonely that is! Many of us live sheltered lives and are not aware of the suffering of others; not aware of those bowed down by problems and despair overcoming them. Suicides are increasing. If only these could find Christ who is the Comforting One, and being indwelt by the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Judah knew just utter despair with no comfort from anyone. That is what sin does to people.

The ending of the verse is, “Oh, that You would bring THE DAY which You proclaimed, that they may become like me.”

That statement is prophetic. All Israel's enemies will fall one day. Israel has suffered right through the history of the world more than any other nation/people but the Lord is not only aware of that, but has all these atrocities on His account.

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