The Armor Of God: Salvation
Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Aug 8, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Construction workers wear helmets on the job. Firefighters wear helmets. Soldiers in combat wear helmets. The purpose for the helmet is understandable. It is there to protect a very important part of the body, the head. We who are Christians also have helmets that we can and should wear.
Alba 7-30-2023
Ephesians 6:17
When I was about 11 years old, I was returning home from visiting my friend. His name was Guy, but we all called him Pepper. He lived up the hill west from my home and a half a block south. It was sometime in the winter because there was ice and snow around, and it was beginning to get dark.
I was hurrying and as I got to the corner where I would turn to go down the hill to my house, because of the ice my feet went out from under me and I landed on my back. And my head hit the sidewalk. I was out cold.
When I regained consciousness a man from the house next to where I fell, Mr. Allen, was helping me get up and asking if I was all right. I don't know how he happened to see me.
I was confused and do not know how long I may have been on the ground. But I quickly said I was fine. He asked if I was sure. I said yes, so then I walked the rest of the way home. I still have a bump on the back of my head from that fall. It could have been much worse.
While it would not have been a usual thing to do, I would have been protected if I had been wearing a helmet. These days helmets are used for protection by people riding down the road on motorcycles. Children riding bicycles now wear helmets. Construction workers wear helmets on the job. Firefighters wear helmets. Soldiers in combat wear helmets. The purpose for the helmet is understandable. It is there to protect a very important part of the body, the head.
We who are Christians also have helmets that we can and should wear. When Ephesians chapter six tells us to “put on the whole armor of God” it lists what is available to us. Ephesians 6:16 says, “take the helmet of salvation.”
Each of the pieces of armor we have as Christians is similar to the armor that a Roman soldier would use. The apostle Paul, who wrote this letter to the Ephesians, became quite familiar with that armor. Because as he was held captive in Rome, he was surrounded with Roman soldiers.
The Roman helmet, known as the Galea, was a vital piece of protective gear for the military of Rome. Not only did it provide an excellent defense on the battlefield, but it also served as a symbol of identity, rank, and achievements within the military hierarchy. The Roman helmet’s strategic design and remarkable construction made it one of the finest armor pieces of ancient times.
Their helmets could be made out of either leather or metal. The helmet had a band to protect the forehead and plates on the sides for the cheeks, and it extended down in back to protect the neck. When the helmet was strapped in place, it exposed little other than the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Understanding the nature and purpose of the Roman soldier’s helmet gives us some insight into why the helmet of salvation is so important to those of us who are followers of Jesus.
Just as a helmet was designed to protect the soldier from a hit on the head that could take his life, our helmet of salvation is designed to protect us when the devil attacks our mind trying to destroy our spiritual life.
When scripture says put on ALL the armor of God, it means ALL OF IT. If you have all your other gear on; the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Gospel Peace and the Shield of Faith, but walk out the door without your helmet, you are in deep trouble.
The rest of your armor will not protect you from the blows aimed at your head. So, after you have all your other gear on, you must “take the helmet”, and you have to put it on your head. As always, it does no good if it is not on.
I am sure that you have noticed that Satan’s attacks primarily come against our mind. And it is the helmet of salvation that protects us from those attacks. Our Enemy, Satan, wants us to think about things that will lead us away from God.
Satan has designed a way in which to enter our minds if he can. He just has one method. That is to put things before us so he can plant thoughts into our minds that will work in his favor.
The devil made Eve think that God had lied about the consequences of disobedience. Instead it was the devil who was lying, and Eve bit. It was an attack on the very Word of God.