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  • The Wisdom Of This World

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Mar 24, 2025

    The wisdom of this world is finite, foolishness and futile. The wisdom of God will make you wise to salvation.

    Alba 3-23-2025 THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD I Corinthians 3:18-23 Chris Surber, a minister in Florida, told about being a child growing up in North Central California. He said his favorite time of year was winter. While it would seldom snow in the San Joaquin Valley where he lived, only a little more

  • God's Temple

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Mar 17, 2025

    In our text for today, the apostle Paul makes the amazing claim that now the church is God’s temple. And we’re not talking about church buildings or services, we are talking about the community of people.

    Alba 3-16-2025 GOD'S TEMPLE I Corinthians 3:16-17 Throughout history people have created structures to be used as places of worship, and offer sacrifices, and to meet with their god or gods. When the children of Israel were still in the wilderness, after leaving Egypt, God gave instructions more

  • God's Building

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Mar 9, 2025

    I Corinthians 3:9 tells us that WE are God's building. God's Word is the code book that gives us good directions as to the best way to build our lives.

    Alba 3-9-2025 GOD'S BUILDING I Corinthians 3:9-15 Alba Christian Church began when a church building was constructed in one day. It was on Memorial Day, May 31, 1911, that more than 100 people came together, did their work, and were able to hold a dedication service in the new building at more

  • God's Garden

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Mar 3, 2025

    Our lives, our hearts, are where God wants to plant the things that will grow into something beautiful where He will be honored.

    Alba 3-2-2024 GOD'S GARDEN I Corinthians 3:1-8 When you hear the words “God's Garden” it is likely that you will think of The Garden of Eden. Genesis chapter one describes it as a beautiful place until people messed it up. So God had made a plan to grow a people who could be what He more

  • The Wisdom Of God

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Feb 24, 2025

    There are a lot of things that we don't know. And for years, people did not know the plan God had to make possible our salvation. Throughout the Old Testament, God kept giving hints, but now it has been made known.

    Alba 2-16-2025 THE WISDOM OF GOD I Corinthians 2:6-16 A father and his small son were out walking one day when the boy asked him a question. “Dad, how does electricity could go through the wires stretched between the telephone poles?” “I don't know,” said his father. “I never knew much about more

  • The Gospel In Plain Language

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Feb 10, 2025

    Many salesmen are trained to speak in such a way that they can convince people to buy things that they don’t need, don’t want, can’t really afford, to impress people they don’t really like. But when the apostle Paul was preaching the gospel, he wasn't like that.

    Alba 2-9-2024 THE GOSPEL IN PLAIN LANGUAGE I Corinthians 2:1-5 I’m sure most of us here have encountered a slick talking, smooth speaking, silver tongued, spell binding salesman. You know the type. And somewhere between the “I’m not interested”, and “I’ll take two”, something happens and we’re more

  • Glory In The Lord

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Feb 3, 2025

    So boast if you will. Boast that the Lord has made you holy and righteous. Boast that He has made you wise for salvation. Boast not only in words, but boast also as you live your life in a way that reflects thankfulness in your heart. And give the Lord glory.

    Alba 2-2-2025 GLORY IN THE LORD I Corinthians 1:26-31 In 2008, there was a movie released called “Four Christmases”. It tells the story of a couple who try to avoid family gatherings and their dysfunctional families by traveling abroad. So during Christmas they planned a relaxing vacation in more

  • The Message Of The Cross

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 27, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    The cross is the central fact of the Gospel. But not all people are aware or accept that fact. And this has been true from the beginning. Our text in I Corinthians 1:18-25 describes the message of the cross, and two words stand out: Foolishness and Power.

    Alba 1-26-2025 THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS I Corinthians 1:18-25 Recently we witnessed the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States of America. Every four years it happens. March 4, 1881 was a beautiful spring day in Washington D.C. James Garfield stood on the Capitol steps, placed more

  • Live In Harmony

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 20, 2025

    Last week, in the first part of First Corinthians chapter one, we saw that Paul was thankful for how God's grace was making a difference in the lives of the Christians at Corinth. Yet, it was a church full of problems.

    Alba 1-19-2025 LIVE IN HARMONY I Corinthians 1:10-17 Today's message is Live In Harmony. Here is something that was in Readers Digest. This person said, “To save money, I suggested to one of my grown sons that we all live together in one house. I could tell he didn’t think it would be more

  • God Is Faithful

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 12, 2025

    I am thankful that God's faithfulness lasts day after day. Jeremiah wrote, “Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

    Alba 1-12-2025 GOD IS FAITHFUL I Corinthians 1:1-9 The New Year is a time for making resolutions. Have any of you made some this year? Jonathan Edwards, the Puritan preacher and theologian who lived in the 1700's took pen in hand and wrote out his resolutions. He wisely started his list more

  • Good News For Simeon And Anna Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 6, 2025

    The scripture for today's message tells of some wonderful things that happened when certain people came to God's house. Actually, they came to the temple in Jerusalem. These events happened shortly after the birth of Jesus.

    Alba 12-29-2024 GOOD NEWS FOR SIMEON AND ANNA Luke 2:21-40 I'm thinking of church attendance. Have you ever heard of Murphy’s Law for Preachers? Law # 1: If the weather is extremely bad, church attendance will be down. Law #2: If the weather is extremely good church attendance will be more

  • Good News For The Wise Men Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 22, 2024

    Good news came to them, and they made it their purpose to see the new king. It started with a star, then a search and ended with worship.

    Alba 12-22-2024 GOOD NEWS FOR THE WISE MEN Matthew 2:1-12 J. Curtis Goforth became a Methodist minister. He told about something that happened when he was still a boy. He said his home church always put on a Christmas play with the children of the church. And one evening, he was being more

  • Good New For The Shepherds Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 15, 2024

    Of course, the first announcement at the time of Jesus birth was made to the shepherds who were out in the fields keeping watch over their sheep at night. This was an interesting choice that God made. It was not to kings and priests. The announcement was given to shepherds.

    Alba 12-15-2024 GOOD NEWS FOR THE SHEPHERDS Luke 2:8-20 What is the good news at Christmas? More toys for the kids? More time with each other? More things to do and more travel to take? What is the good news? It is the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Candy Chand tells of her more

  • Good News For Joseph Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 9, 2024

    But what he heard at first about the coming birth of our Lord did not sound good to him. Before this could become good news for Joseph, he would experience dilemma, then a dream and finally he would have to make a decision.

    Alba 12-8-2024 GOOD NEWS FOR JOSEPH Matthews 1:18-25 A young child had a wonderful Christmas morning. She got all the presents she wanted, her cousins were there to share the holiday, and there was special food throughout the day. As her parents tucked her into bed that evening, she smiled and more

  • Good News For Mary Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 2, 2024

    For the next several Sundays, we will focus on the Good News of Jesus' birth and how that affected specific people as revealed in the gospels. It would appear that Luke is giving us a first hand report from Mary herself. The details are rather amazing.

    Alba 12-1-2024 GOOD NEWS FOR MARY Luke 1:26-38 I am sure that you have heard many Good New/Bad News jokes. There are many of them around. There are even some for preachers, like this one: Good News: The Women's Guild voted to send you a get-well card. Bad News: The vote passed by 9 for and more