
Summary: Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Tapping into the Power of the Kingdom

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Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus:

Tapping into the Power of the Kingdom

Luke 9:37-43

I believe the greatest tool of Satan in the western world is the covert nature of his work. Satan works within the commonly accepted worldview of the culture. So in the western world where we are influenced by secularism, and the enlightenment he works under the surface, in hidden ways, and so we are ignorant to it. We have been so influenced by our culture that we deny Satan’s influence or else relegate it to Jesus’ time so don’t even consider demonic influence a possibility! My desire in dealing with this issue is that we can get a better understanding of the demonic realm so we can experience freedom and also help others find freedom.

I am grouping together all the passages in Luke dealing with demonetization to address in a systematic way the most common issues associated with Demonetization. It has been encouraging that since I have addressed this topic I have had a number of us tell me they became aware of demonic influence in our habits, hurts, and hang ups and have found freedom. Some have found freedom here as we have prayed at the end of the service; others as I have helped find freedom.

1. Jesus’ Ministry is the Ministry of the Kingdom

As we have spent time in Luke we have seen that the ministry of Jesus is the ministry of the kingdom, what Luke calls the gospel of the kingdom. He describes it as Jesus’ ministry and as a summary of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus’ method was two-fold: he preached the kingdom and he demonstrated the kingdom; he proclaimed the message and the ministry of the kingdom. For all of us, our primary task in life is to continue the ministry of Jesus - extend the kingdom of God. Both Jesus and the early church proclaimed the message of the kingdom and then demonstrated the ministry of the kingdom – the word and works. Luke’s shows in chapter ten that Jesus’ power and authority is not limited to the twelve apostles but is delegated to the church, all followers of Christ. As you read through the Book of Acts you see that it is not only the apostles who perform miracles but ordinary men like Stephen and Philip. So as a church we are to win, train, mend and send people out to extend the kingdom.

 Jesus is empowered by the Spirit for Kingdom ministry

At Jesus’ baptism the Spirit comes upon him to empower him for his role as the Messiah. Immediately he is described as full of the Holy Spirit, in the power of the Spirit and anointed by the Spirit. In Acts Luke describes him as anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. A.W. Tozer describes the Spirit as power.

 Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil

John tells us that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Acts 10:38 describes Jesus doing good as healing all who oppressed by the devil. Jesus promised that he will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail over it because he came to destroy the works of the devil. That is the promise for our community of faith, CCC. God will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail over it. God is building his church, by extending his kingdom through us and the gates of hell will not prevail against us! God fulfills this promise as we exercise his power and authority through the message and the ministry of the kingdom, through word and the works of the kingdom. He does it as we win others, train others, mend others, and send them back out.

 Jesus had an effective ministry

Luke tells us that a great crowd met him (37) and a man from the crowd approached him looking for help with his son (38). If we are impacting and influencing people who are hurting will seek us out because they hear that they can find help. The church is not a social organization or a cultural icon. The church is a living organism in whom the Spirit of Christ dwells so we have power from on high to impact those around us. Jesus delegated his ministry to us. We are called to share the message of the kingdom and the ministry of the kingdom.

2. The Father was Desperate

 He begged for help

He first went to the disciples who could not cast out the demon and now he comes to Jesus on behalf of his son. This word, beg, is used for intercession. The man knows his need and seeks Jesus’ help. He knows his need and seeks help for his need.

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