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  • Zechariah The Doubter Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 26, 2018

    We can be walking with the Lord, be strong in His might, and still struggle with doubt. It is not a sin to struggle with doubt, but it is a sin to settle on unbelief, which angers God.

    Zechariah the Doubter (Luke 1:5-25) 1. A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense's closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick. ? ? "Ladies and more

  • Zechariah's Prophecy Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 8, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    An often overlooked passage has some great insights concerning God, Jesus, and John the Baptist!

    INTRODUCTION " SLIDE #1 " We are rapidly closing in on Christmas. It is an exciting time for children and adults. " There are many things to do to be prepared for this wonderful holiday. " Today we will begin a 3-part series entitled, Christmas With Luke. " In this series we will examine what the more

  • Zechariah Summary

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Oct 29, 2020

    The Triumphant and Victorious King

    Chapters 1-10 are background / introductory material 11:12-13:7 Prophecy of Judas' betrayal of Christ the Shepherd. The Messiah will 1. Be betrayed 2. By a friend 3. for 30 pieces 4. of silver 5. that will be cast on the floor 6. of the temple 7. and be used to buy a potter's more

  • Zechariah And Elizabeth Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Waiting is hard work, perhaps the hardest work you’ve ever done. And that is what the season of Advent is all about: waiting for the coming of the Messiah

    iWitness: Zechariah and Elizabeth Luke 1: 5-17, 39-45 Wayne Styles tells of sitting on the tollways headed into work and realizing how much he spent on tolls. That led to trying to go to work on the access roads but he discovered that just took more time. So he was going to pay with either time or more

  • Zechariah's Praise Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 8, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Zechariah was a faithful servant for the Lord, but doubted God when an angel appeared to Him with great news. When God's promise was fulfilled, his first response was to PRAISE because of who God is. Will we do the same during this Christmas season?

    2014 Christmas Series (December 7, 2014) Sermon 2 – Zechariah’s Praise Luke 1:5-25; 57-66; 67-80 Introduction - Obvious question: “What is Advent?” -- The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." -- The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus more

  • Zechariah's Song Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Dec 29, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    Christmas is about praising God and proclaiming that the Savior has come at last.

    Title: Zechariah’s Song Text: Luke 1:67-79 Truth: Christmas is about praising God and proclaiming that the Savior has come at last. Aim: To follow John’s example to use Christmas to point people to Jesus. Life ?: How does John’s example point people to Jesus? INTRODUCTION Isaac Watts was a more

  • The Prophet Zechariah

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 27, 2022

    Today, we want to look at the Book of Zechariah.

    Illus: A Baptist pastor enters a clearing in woods to find a herd of sheep and a shepherd! He talks with shepherd, and in jest says: • “If I can guess exactly how many sheep you have, will you give me one to start my collection?” • The shepherd said, “Yes, if you can look at this herd of sheep and more

  • Zechariah And Elizabeth Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 9, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Luke 1:5-25 shows us God’s promise of a son to a childless couple.

    Introduction A few weeks ago, my wife and I had an annual Christmas dinner with the Tampa Bay area PCA pastors and their wives. It was a lovely time with about a dozen couples. At one point during the evening, one of the pastors asked me, “What are you preaching for Advent?” I said that for more

  • Zechariah’s Fourth Vision: Messiah The Qualifier Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Do you want to enjoy intimacy with God and operate in His authority? In Zechariah 3 we are given two keys for that to happen. Additionally, it is only possible through Messiah Jesus seen here as Servant, the Branch, and the Chief Cornerstone.

    Today we return to our study of Zechariah. Zechariah, along with a faithful remnant, have returned from Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem. They are rebuilding the temple along with Ezra and restoring worship of the Lord in their homeland. For 70 years the nation has been living in Babylon as more

  • Zechariah’s Tests God’s Promises Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 8, 2024

    Do we rejoice at God’s provision even in when we don’t feel like it? Do we seek to know Jesus and share Him with those around us? John prepared the way for Jesus, who came to redeem all of creation - what will we do to show Him to others? This is our mission during Advent!

    2024 Christmas Series – Part 2 Sermon 2 – Zechariah’s tests God’s promises Luke 1:5-25, 57-66, and 67-80 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons! This morning, we continue our series on Advent -- Might ask, “What is Advent?” Comes from Latin word, “Adventus” -- In its original form it means more

  • Zechariah: Christ Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 12, 2023

    Many believe that Zechariah’s prophecy foretells Christ’s rule of an earthly kingdom that is yet to be established, and will rule for a thousand years. I believe that Zechariah is referring to Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom—the CHURCH—in which you and I are part of today.

    A. Have you ever known anyone who told you that something was going to happen, and it did? 1. What if this morning while we were sitting around the table in the fellowship hall drinking coffee and eating donuts, Mark Thomas emphatically told us that the Indianapolis Colts is going to WIN more

  • Zechariah’s Third Vision: City Without Walls) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 10, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Jews in Jerusalem were thinking too small in their expectations of God's goodness. God's future for his people is so abundant that man-made walls could not contain the blessings. Jerusalem will be a "city without walls."

    We are becoming familiar with the book of Zechariah. For most Christians, it is a closed book. But God is opening this word to us because it is so relevant to world events today and to our personal journey in God. Today we enter Zechariah’s third vision recorded in chapter 2. The vision, as a more

  • Christmas Characters: Zechariah Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Nov 27, 2020

    A look at different characters in the Christmas story

    Christmas Characters: Zechariah Luke 1:5-80 November 29, 2020 I want you to think about all of the words you have spoken in your lifetime! Most likely, it’s a lot of words and the majority of us can’t remember what we’ve even said. Out of all the words you’ve said since you first began speaking, more

  • Zechariah: The Foundation For The Forerunner Series

    Contributed by James Snyder on Jan 14, 2013

    When God wants to do a work of significance, He calls a man, uniquely prepares that man for His work and anoints that man with power for the work at hand.

    (Luke 1:5-25) Introduction: The most maligned person, from the Devil’s standpoint, is the man-husband-father. This Trinity represents to the devil, God’s authority in the home and society. Therefore, every man walks around with a target on his back. There are more single-family homes more

  • Zechariah's Christmas Chorus Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 4, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    We can't help but sing when we see God's plan of salvation.

    Zechariah’s Christmas Chorus Rev. Brian Bill Luke 1:67-79 12/4/11 [Play a few notes and lyrics from popular Christmas Carols and have people guess the song] We’re kicking off a seasonal sermon series today by focusing on the very first Christmas carols. The tradition of singing at more