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  • God Establishes A Covenant Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Mar 15, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    God gave the 10 commandments as a covenant gift to his people and he wants them written on our hearts.

    In 1955, The Fraternal Order of Eagles placed monuments of the Ten Commandments in public parks, at schools, and in front of municipal buildings around the country as gifts to honor individuals and special events. The first one was donated in Milwaukee, Wis., in a public event involving the more

  • Genesis 31:1-21 – Exodus, Gods And Kings And The Matador Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 28, 2015

    Who or what is the bully in your life standing between you and the promises of God? What charges does the devil use against you as you make your stand in the ring? What are you holding onto that attracts a spiritual battle like a red rag to a bull?

    Genesis 31:1-21 – EXODUS, GODS AND KINGS When my wife, Julie, mentioned to a lady that we have been married for 40 years, she was so amazed and happy for us. She was horrified, however, when she discovered that we had seen “The Exodus” on our Anniversary. She said more

  • What Does The Lord Require Of You?

    Contributed by Eston Williams on Aug 24, 2005
    based on 83 ratings

    The prophet Micah calls us to "do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God."

    God’s Requirements This morning I want to invite you to look with me at what the prophet Micah understood to be “God’s requirements.” And I want to help you memorize this verse so that God’s might write those requirements in each of our hearts. So when I ask “What does the Lord require of you?” more

  • John 1.1-18: What If God Was One Of Us?

    Contributed by Michael Bird on Dec 6, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    This sermon attempts to demonstrate the importance, meaning and significance of the incarantion for Christian life.

    John 1.1-18: What if God was One of Us? Introduction In J.B. Phillip’s New Testament Christianity, a senior angel is showing a very young angel around the splendours of the universe. They view the whirling galaxies and blazing suns, and then flit across the infinite distances of space until at more

  • But Wait, There's More!

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Feb 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The vision of Christ as the Word (at the Transfiguration) is what gives us the Power to understand the Will of Christ

    The main event is only about eight hours away now – the spectacle that comes only once per year is almost upon us. Oh, sure, there will be a game and a half time show, but we all know that the high point of today is going to be the advertisements. Most of them will be funny, some of them may even more

  • An Atkins Friendly God? Series

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Dec 7, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    God knows what we need better than we do.

    Title: An Atkins-friendly God Text: Matt 6:11, Numbers 11:4-20; John 6:35 FCF: Our God knows what we need even better than we do. Intro: As you know, we’ve been looking at the Lord’s Prayer for several weeks now, and this morning were coming to the one part of that prayer that makes me stop and more

  • Into The Wilderness Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Jul 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    What I at first thought was a dry and boring book with no relevance to my life, turned out to be one of the most profound and exciting books in the bible, with full of application to my life! Learn how to make it through the "wilderness" of this life suc

    Into the Wilderness Series: A Biblical Guide to Wilderness Survival August 14, 2010 I have to admit to you this morning that I’m scared to death about what I’m about to do! Today, I’m starting a new message series, but let me tell you what I’m really scared more