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  • Righteous Or Sinner?

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 17, 2022

    Do we use our knowledge of God's word to criticize others, or to become more and more humble about our own sins? Let’s learn that we are all still sinners and that God alone justifies. Let’s discuss self-righteousness and self-justification in Luke 18:9-14.

    Do we use our knowledge of God's word to criticize others, or to become more and more humble about our own sins? Let’s learn that we are all still sinners and that God alone justifies. Let’s discuss self-righteousness and self-justification in Luke 18:9-14. Self-Righteousness “Also He spoke more

  • "Peter, Feed My Sheep” (20 Of 21)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 11, 2022

    A new bride went to the grocery store to do her weekly shopping. She was a novice at this, but was delighted to be a new wife.

    She did not want the store manager to know she had recently got married, because he might comment on her youth and inexperience. She said, "These eggs are awfully small." The store manager said, "Yes, I know, but that's the kind the farmer brings me. They are fresh from the more

  • We Are His Disciples

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Feb 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    How do we become disciples of Jesus?

    John 1:43-51 “Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening.” Give us ears to hear Jesus calling, “Follow me.” Help us find ways to “Come and see.” The calling of disciples is a mystery, something profound, sacred, and beyond complete human comprehension. It usually involves divine intervention in more

  • New Holy Life

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 18, 2023

    Does the new life in Christ mean we can be careless about sin or careful to live sin free? Is holiness important or is that just self-righteousness?

    May we Christians just believe and not obey Jesus Christ? Can we be attached to the vine and not bear fruit? So what are we going to say? Should we continue sinning so grace will multiply? Absolutely not! All of us died to sin. How can we still live in it? (Romans 6:2 CEB) May we return to living more

  • Paul's Authority

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Feb 2, 2021

    This sermon was the first one of a series on the book of Ephesians. It unpacks the first two verses. Specifically Paul's authority to write the letter, and the value of the specific recipients of the letter (i.e., who Paul would refer to as "Saints)."

    Good morning. We are beginning a new series on the book of Ephesians called The Church in Christ and the Church in Culture. In case you are not familiar with the book of Ephesians, it is actually a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the church that he founded in the ancient city of Ephesus. more

  • Beware Of Evil Influences. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 29, 2024

    As Christians, we stand firm against those who would corrupt our walk with Christ...

    I want to talk to you about the importance of being mindful of the company we keep and the influence others can have on our lives. The Bible warns us about the danger of being influenced by bad people, and how it can lead us down a path of destruction. In 1 Corinthians 15:33, it says "Do not more

  • Between Yesterday And Tomorrow Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 27, 2022

    Paul explains why he can't come to rome just yet.

    As Paul says, the good news - the gospel - was promised a long time ago. The first hint that God would defeat evil one day comes - according to many scholars - right there in the beginning, in the third chapter of Genesis. I’m a little dubious about that interpretation, myself, but certainly by more

  • 5 Fold Ministry Teacher Series

    Contributed by David Roch on Dec 18, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    5 Fold Ministry - Is what God is using to day to build the Church. They are to actively train and equip the saints so the saints may be able to do the work God has for the Church These gifts are given by Jesus

    5 fold Teacher David & Phyllis Roch 5 fold teachers teach truth from the word of GOD by the revelation of GOD through the power of the Holy Spirit. They have a strong heart understanding and love for the word GOD - Being extremely careful to more

  • The People Of God: Laymen Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    What are the implications of God calling we who make up the church “saints?” How do saints relate together?

    The People of God: Laymen (2 Corinthians 1: 1b-2) 1. A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the more

  • Triumph Over Trials

    Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    Adversity, Trials, Problems, Giants, Goliaths are a constant part of every saint’s life. We need to have a fresh perspective on these.

    Introduction: Oswald Chambers writes, "A saint’s life is in the hands of God as a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. God is aiming at something the saint cannot see; He stretches and strains, and every now and again the saint says, "I cannot stand any more." But God does not heed; He goes on more

  • Behold He Cometh

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Feb 19, 2024

    There are two phases of the Lord’s Second Coming. The first part is Jesus coming for His saints. The second is the Lord coming with His saints.

    Let me at the very first explain the two phases of the Lord’s Second Coming. The first part is Jesus coming for His saints. The second is the Lord coming with His saints. The word “behold” is a word in which the Holy Spirit is trying to get our attention. It carries the following meaning: 1. Stop more

  • Don't Miss The Party

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Oct 15, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    As I have continued to grow in this Christian journey, I have begun to discover the older son in Jesus' narrative is every bit as lost as the younger

    TITLE: DON’T MISS THE PARTY SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 15:25-32 I am sure like many of you this morning, we have heard this passage of scripture taught and preached many times over the decades. I am proud to say, I have participated and enjoyed Sunday School all of my life, therefore, I am very more

  • When Is Enough, Enough?

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Oct 14, 2018

    when do we stop accumulating 'things' and follow Jesus admonition to the rich ruler?

    Mark 10:17-31 Our Father, we thank you for your Word and for the eternal truths that guide us day by day. We thank you most of all for the living Word, Jesus Christ, and the sureness of his presence. Teach us how to turn unto you so that your thoughts may be our thoughts, and your ways our ways. more

  • How Does It Look To You Now?

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    There was no way they could restore the temple to its former glory; it would be nothing in comparison to King Solomon’s temple. It is at this point that God began to teach them, it is not about how impressive the Sanctuary is.

    TITLE: HOW DOES IT LOOK TO YOU NOW? SCRIPTURE: HAGGAI 2:3-7 Our scripture text this morning is a difficult book to find in the Old Testament. The easiest way to find it is to go to the end of the Old Testament and turn back a couple of books because Haggai is the third book from the end of the more

  • Kept By The Power Of God Series

    Contributed by Steve Hanchett on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 194 ratings

    Three biblical reasons for the saints security in their salvation.

    “Kept By the Power of God” Steve Hanchett, pastor Berry Road Baptist Church Emil Lucas’ parents immigrated to the United States from Germany and settled in Northeast Oklahoma about the time the Indian Territory became a state. Emil never married and after his parents passed away he stayed on more

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