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Sermons on Yochanan 6:5:

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  • Fast Food Of Feasting? Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Oct 7, 2009

    I am the Bread of Heaven... Christ satisfies, sustains and saves those who eat His flesh.. World Communion Sunday

    Can you guess what Denver, Orlando, Palm Beach, Cleveland, and Las Vegas have in common? They all have passed ordinances to stop groups from feeding the hungry in public.1 You can have 24 hour gambling but you better not hand out sandwiches in a park in Las Vegas. You can party like mad on the more

  • Give Ye Them To Eat

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    There are so many near us who are dying spiritually, physically, emotionally, and we have the bread of life. But we must give it to them

    GIVE YE THEM TO EAT Setting: Tired, Looking for rest, Followed by the crowd) Jesus comes out and begins to teach. Its late, They haven’t eaten, they haven’t had any private time with Jesus, They’re tired. When you’re tired and hungry and emotionally drained it’s easy to be a little cranky, more

  • Stage 2: Engage Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Oct 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The third in the GPS (God’s Plan for Sharing)series and calls us to engage the culture.

    GPS – Stage 2 ENGAGE John 6:4-14 * For much of my life I have been a trekkie! (That is, someone who follows the “Star Trek” saga). I was truly upset in 1969 when the original series was canceled and was excited when Deb & I went to see the First Movie in 1979. However, In 1987 I was a huge fan of more

  • Jesus Is More Than Enough

    Contributed by Bartholomew Riggins on Nov 11, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Jesus, the Disciples and the 5000 to be fed.

    I invite your attention today to Mark’s Gospel chapter 6: 30-44. Mark’s Gospel Chapter 6: 30-44. When you have found it, let me hear you say amen. Let us stand for the reading of the Word of God. While we are standing, let us repeat the affirmation after me: I believe that God is who God’s more

  • The Philip Philosophy And The Andrew Approach

    Contributed by Babatunde Olugboji on Apr 29, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    Never assess a difficulty in light of your own assets and whatever you transfer to God will be transformed by Him.

    The Philip Philosophy and the Andrew Approach John 6: 1-13 Introduction This was the only miracle of Jesus, apart from His resurrection that all four gospels recorded (Mt. 14 Mk. 6; Lk. 9) I am sure you have read this passage before and have heard it preached, but I believe there is something new more

  • Feeding 5000 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 30, 2010
    based on 16 ratings

    God given ability and availability lead to abundance. Do you know your spiritual gifts and are you using them?

    FEEDING FIVE THOUSAND When built for the White Star Line in 1912 the Titanic was the marvel of her age. At nearly 883 feet in length, Titanic was longer than the tallest structures on Earth at the time. Over 1800 people left England on the “unsinkable ship”, but only 675 arrived. more

  • Having A Ministry Mindset Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Jun 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus wants us to trust him to use us in ministry.

    Title: Having a Ministry Mindset Text: John 6: 1-13 (The feeding of the 5000) Introduction “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was more

  • A Costly Meal

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Jul 22, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus, the bread of life!

    A Costly Meal, John 6:1-15, 35 Introduction A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I’ve gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I more

  • Trust Him

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Jul 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Place your faith and trust in the Lord for He is the only one who is completely trustworthy.

    Text: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). Trust in the Lord for what? What does it mean to trust in the Lord? When should we trust in the Lord? Why should we trust in the Lord? How do we trust in the Lord? What is trust or what does it more

  • Coming Up Short

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Jul 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus’ disciples come up short when they come up with solutions for the lack of food. Jesus never comes up short.

    -Have you ever come up short in your attempts to get something done? -Have you ever tried to pull something really cool together and it didn’t quite work out? -You are in good company. The disciples come up short, way short in their attempts to feed the thousands of people in today’s Gospel more

  • Can You Smell The Bread?

    Contributed by C Vincent on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    A famine in the land for food means we must give out the bread of life.

    Can you smell the bread? John 6:1-9, 22-35 (have bread baking in a bread machine while speaking) He reproves them for seeking carnal food, and directs them to spiritual food v. 26, 27, showing them how they must labour for spiritual food v. 28, 29, and what that spiritual food is v. 30–59 Christ more

  • The Three Faces Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Vincent Oliver on May 1, 2007
    based on 22 ratings

    In feeding the 5000 Jesus demonstrated His concern for the basic needs of man and His need to strengthen His disciples’ faith.

    “The Three Faces of Faith” Pastor V. P. Oliver John 6: 5-11 The occasion of our text, Jesus feeding 5000 with a few loaves of barley bread and couple pieces of dried fish, was a miracle of such magnitude that it is recorded in all four Gospels. The Apostle John, the writer of this account, tells more

  • Where God Directs, God Will Provide Series

    Contributed by Ron Murphy on May 8, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    If God is directing you to follow Him in an area where you feel uncertain, God will provide the means to be obedient.

    Introduction: I. In last Sunday’s message we looked at the fact that Jesus did not, in all situations, help every person he came into contact with. II. My points in that message, A. First - Sometimes we have to look past the multitude, and focus on the individual, or a smaller more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on May 25, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    Jesus made His claims through ordinary lessons from life which people could relate to. In this case he used BREAD.

    May, 2007 I AM the Bread of Life John 6:5-58 INTRODUCTION: John chapter 6 opens with the scene where a great crowd of people have gathered to hear Jesus. It is getting late in the day; and Jesus, wanting to test Philip, asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all of these people.” Philip more

  • What To Do When You Have An Humanly Impossible Task To Accomplish

    Contributed by Charles Mccall on Apr 29, 2007
    based on 20 ratings

    When you are faced to accomplish something that seems humanly impossible, just know that it is a task that is possible with God.

    Matthew 14:14-21 Mark 6:34-44 Luke 9:10-17 John 6:1-13 Topic: What to do when you have to accomplish a humanly impossible task In each of the four gospels in the New Testament( Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), they all recorded on how Jesus Christ had fed 5,000 men along with women and more

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