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Sermons on Yochanan 12:23:

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  • Part #2 "The Blinders Of The Heart!" Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Jun 16, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Growing your heart in Christ. This outline was helped by Steven Andrews series on Guarding your Heart.

    Psalms 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." (HCSB) "There's talk of freedom and abundant life of peace like a river and joy unspeakable, but we see precious little of it, to be honest." John Eldredge (Waking the Dead) Why we can see or hear the Truth of the Kingdom: 1. more

  • Sir, We Would See Jesus

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Jan 19, 2010
    based on 25 ratings

    Having an encounter with the Lord or the experience of seeing Jesus is fundamental to genuine Christian experience.

    SIR, WE WOULD SEE JESUS Dr. D. K. Olukoya John 12: 20 – 26: “And there were certain Greeks among them, that came up to worship at the feast. The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. Philip cometh and more

  • Dying To Live

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 18, 2013

    Exposition of John

    Text: John 12:23-26, Title: Dying to Live, Date/Place: NRBC, 2.17.13, AM A. Opening illustration: that song a couple years ago by Tim McGraw called Live Like You Were Dying B. Background to passage: I’m skipping over the triumphal entry passage for now, may come back on Palm Sunday, but not more

  • Seeds, Part I Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus was the seed that died so that we might live; we too are called to die to self so that others may live.

    Monday of Holy Week 2013 Seeds 1 Two of the privileges given to deacons in this diocese is the ability to preside at baptisms and wake services. What is striking to me every time is the use of this psalm 27, this psalm which begins this first day of three at the head of Holy Week. “I more

  • Jesus Lifted Up On The Cross

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 17, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    The globalisation of the Gospel.

    JESUS LIFTED UP ON THE CROSS. John 12:20-36. When Jesus made His last entry into Jerusalem prior to His crucifixion He was met, we are told, by an excited crowd waving palm branches and shouting “Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord” (John 12:13). John makes the sober comment that more

  • "That They Would See Jesus

    Contributed by James Kelly on May 25, 2013

    This sermon is on making a commitment for Jesus Christ.

    That They Would See Jesus” Text: John 12:20-33 Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast. Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, “Sir we wish to see Jesus.” Philip came and told Andrew, and in turn more

  • The King Is Coming

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jan 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    When the Roman soldiers saw this man sitting on this donkey, they would have never dream that He would be a threat to Roman, much less a king!!

    The Jews were looking for a king, and Jesus shows up and proclaims He is Son of God, the Messiah but He shows up with no army, no weapons, no political power, He couldn’t even get the religious leaders to back Him and the Jews would never expect their king to be nailed to a cruel cross with more

  • Palm Sunday - Triumphal Procession

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 11, 2014

    What was Jesus saying about his Kingdom by riding a donkey into Jerusalem

    WSG 13-04-2014 Palm Sunday 2014 This morning’s Gospel reading is the beginning of one of the most momentous weeks in Antiquity – in AD 29. Indeed one of the most important weeks in history. We know the story of Palm Sunday so well that it is hard to find something new to say. I more

  • The Crowd Rejoices. Jesus Weeps. Palm Sunday-God's Tlc

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Apr 12, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    How do we respond to God’s Timing, when it does not match our own? How do we respond to God’s Love, both the Love He gives us, and the Love he desires to show through us to others? How do we obey God’s Command, even when it means our own suffering?

    What are the strongest days of the week? An Episcopal priest was preaching in an unfamiliar church one Sunday morning. As he stood in the pulpit to begin the service, he tapped the microphone to make sure that it was on. He heard nothing even though it was working fine. He wanted to give the more

  • We Would See Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 22, 2014
    based on 11 ratings

    Having heard & observed, these Gentiles were attracted or drawn to Jesus & they wanted to believe in Him, they wanted to "know" Him. Jesus therefore challenges them & us - to die that we might live

    JOHN 12: 20-26 SIR, WE WOULD SEE JESUS [Mark 8:34-38 / Colossians 3:1-3] Jesus public ministry was coming to a close and a variety of things were unfolding. Jesus had just entered into Jerusalem to the shouts and praises of the huge crowds [2-2 ½ million] present more

  • "God Rewards Diligence"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Apr 23, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Your job, your heritage, your circumstances and even the mess you've made with your life..have nothing to do with it, but your faith has everything to do with it!

    "God Rewards Diligence" Illus. A Muslim in Africa became a Christian and some of his friends asked him, “Why have you done such a thing?” He answered, “Well, its like this: Suppose you were going down the road and suddenly the road forked in two directions. You didn’t know more

  • Follow The Leader

    Contributed by David Henderson on Aug 12, 2012

    To be a great leader you must first become a great follower.

    Follow the Leader” John 12:20-26 It was John Maxwell who gave us this very simple definition of what a leader is. He said a leader is someone who has followers. And here is the way he puts it…if you believe you are a leader and you turn around and no one is following you, then more

  • Die To Live

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 25, 2013

    Jesus publically announces his upcoming death. He uses the opportunity to explain what his death will produce along with highlighting the same principle for his followers in dying to self.

    DIE TO LIVE John 12:20-36 1) Looking for Jesus (20-22). Interesting-the religious leaders wanted nothing to do with Jesus. They were going out of their way to get him out of the way. But here we see some foreigners going out of their way to get close to Jesus. These Greeks were willing to go to more

  • What About Me?

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Mar 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about Christian service and dying to self and living for Jesus.

    What about me? Living the selfless life Introduction: Today we begin our march to the cross. Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday and then of course Easter Sunday, the following week. This message is not filled with eloquence or syrupy words, but if you take it to heart, you won't hear another more

  • Following Jesus –the Hardest Thing To Do

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Mar 21, 2015

    Jesus claimed that his death would draw people to God because he made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave his life for us, and that’s a powerful truth.

    Good morning boys and girls! How many of you have had to do something that wasn’t easy to do? What do you think is the hardest thing we would ever have to do? Well, one of the hardest things we have to do is to be a follower of Jesus. Following him is one of the best things we can do more

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