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  • Funeral For Elderly Saint And Elder

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 19, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon is a tribute to a godly elder and WWII veteran.

    Welcome John 14.1-6 (NKJV) “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to more

  • "The Cosmic War And The Ministry Of Jesus”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 3, 2021

    This sermon has a quote from Leonard Sweet, and an illustration from WWII. The Pharisees challenges the power of Jesus to heal. To reject the work of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus is to reject Jesus and is unforgivable.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 6, 2021 Redeemer Text: Mark 3:28-29 “The Cosmic War and the Ministry of Jesus” Today’s Gospel reading brings us to a challenge very early in the ministry of Jesus. Jesus has been baptized by John in the Jordan River and returns to his home town more

  • Sardis - The Dead Church Series

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Feb 24, 2003
    based on 43 ratings

    Warner Sallman was a gifted American artist and illustrator. During WWII his popular and sympathetic Head of Christ inspired and comforted millions. More that 500 million copies of his portrait have been printed.

    THE REVELATION OF JESUS SARDIS - THE DEAD CHURCH Revelation 3: 1-6 Warner Sallman was a gifted American artist and illustrator. During WWII his popular and sympathetic Head of Christ inspired and comforted millions. More that 500 million copies of his portrait have been printed. Among more

  • I'll Be Home For Christmas Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 14, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    On that first Christmas it seems that no one was "home for Christmas" and yet Jesus was born to give us the promise a home with Him forever. What can that promise mean to us?

    (Singing this acapella) “I'll be home for Christmas, you can plan on me. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents on the tree. Christmas Eve will find me where the lovelight gleams. I'll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams.” That Christmas song was written back in 1924, but it more

  • "the War Against The Desert Fox"

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jan 23, 2025

    Quote: Patton: "in the counter attack in WWII Patton said: "Rommel, I read Your Book" Jesus is tempted and His tactics to defeat the temptations of Satan was to quote scripture. It is good advice for us.

    In Jesus Holy Name January 26, 2025 Text: Luke 4:1-2 Epiphany III Redeemer “The War against the Desert Fox” At the beginning of WWII, the Germans pioneered a new form of mobile more

  • War Of The Walls

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 26, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Just as God used two American generals to rebuild a wartorn world after WWII, so he used Nehemiah to build Jerusalem and will use us to rebuild our society and our church, despite the naysayers and those who say it cannot be done.

    No one was quite sure when sundown came, for it was already too dark too see. The enormous clouds of dust and debris had filled the air for hours, and a choking darkness engulfed the sky. The moments of destruction had been so horrible, so swift and so complete, that those left alive could more

  • Chapter Of Heroes

    Contributed by Randy Trotter on Jun 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Memorial Day Weekend Sermon. Heb. 11 was not just a "FAITH" chapter but a "Chapter of Heroes!"

    “CHAPTER OF HEROES!” INTRODUCTION: What is a “HERO?” I’m told that “BRAVERY” is “GRACE UNDER FIRE!” I’m told that “BRAVERY” is a person “WHO HOLDS ON A MOMENT LONGER THAN THE NEXT PERSON.” I’m told that more

  • The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Series

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    The Bible teaches that the world is headed not toward peace and unity, but toward a final, cataclysmic war, the battle of Armageddon (16). Until that climactic holocaust, things will continue to deteriorate as the world falls deeper and deeper into chao

    THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Revelation 6: 1-8 The Bible teaches that the world is headed not toward peace and unity, but toward a final, cataclysmic war, the battle of Armageddon (16). Until that climactic holocaust, things will continue to deteriorate as the world falls deeper and more

  • Spiritual Warfare And Real Warfare

    Contributed by Craig Condon on May 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    As long as there is greed and evil in this world, there will be war. War will only cease when we live according to the way God wants us to live, and that will only happen when Christ returns.

    Today-Nov. 11, 2014-is a special day in a special year. Today is the day when we pause to remember and give thanks for those who fought in wars past to preserve our freedom and those who still work to protect our freedoms today. This year we also remember three significant events in history: the more

  • Going Home

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 21, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    This is a funeral service for an elderly gentleman who lived in another state at the time of his death. The family brought him "home" to be buried.

    I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. John 11:25 1. The Funeral is a universal custom. It is our attempt to: a. Remember b. Honor c. Offer Comfort d. Prepare 2. Funerals remind us more

  • The Problems Created By Desertion

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 28 ratings

    We live in an age when it is common for Fathers to desert their wives or children because they get tired of marriage. Some desert their callings because of the sufferings involved seem tougher than they originally conceived.

    Illustration:During WWII six Navy pilots left their aircraft carrier on a mission. After searching the seas for enemy submarines, they tried to return to their ship shortly after dark. But the captain had ordered a blackout of all lights on the ship. Over and over the frantic pilots radioed, asking more

  • Encouraging Words For Discouraging Times Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Mar 23, 2020

    It is easy to be discouraged in the midst of this virus. We need to live in hope.

    1. I am in a virtually empty building this morning. Last week we had a smaller than usual crowd but the enthusiasm was fabulous! a. No assemblies for three Sundays at least. We’ll stream the sermons and you can take the Lord’s Supper on your own today. b. I’m looking forward to the day we get back more

  • Monument Of Revival Series

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Mar 24, 2007

    Sermon 2 of series. Many illustrations are not my own, I glean them from many sources.

    Monument of Revival - Genesis 35:6-15 Intro - WWII Monument - represents the 16 million that served in the US Armed forces during WWII. More than 400,000 gave their lives for freedom and in reality, for the deliverance of the Jewish nation of Israel. Ordinary men and women served our country more

  • Change, Commitment, And Courage

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 30, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    We are living in a season of change. God never changes but the way He does business here on earth can sometimes look different.

    Change, Commitment and Courage I want to talk this morning about four principles … Change, Commitment, Courage, Service Change Def: transition, transformation, adjustment We are in a season of change … The World One of our prayers … Lord’s Prayer … Mtt 6:10 ’ Your kingdom come. Your will be more

  • Life Essentials

    Contributed by Chanon Mullens on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God has provided us new tools for our new life; and these are essential to our Christian walk.

    In life, there are certain physical things that we need to survive. These things include but are not limited to food, water, clothing and shelter. There things we need, however, to help us survive emotionally as well. Some of these things include but are not limited to love, security, a sense of more

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