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  • Mandatory Worship

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Mar 20, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The whole creation--including us--is designed to worship the one true God. If we don't cry out, the stones will worship God. We need to become 24/7 worshipers, constantly aware of God's presence and guidance.

    Luke 19:28-40 Mandatory Worship What do these sayings have in common? He’s telling it like it is. She’s speaking for America. He’s calling for a political revolution. She’s going to restore the American dream for hardworking families. He’s going to make America great more

  • Breaking Loose From Family Idols

    Contributed by Norris Harris I on Jan 24, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    On tonight, we shall look at Some Reasons for Breaking Loose From Family Superstitions. Our Target Text offers FOUR REVOLUTIONARY REASONS FOR Breaking Loose From Family Superstitions.

    On this morning, we focused on the truth that the Roots of Idolatry are Deeply Implanted In Our Nature. We receive this tendency from Our Father’s Side of the Family, Adam, the Old Man with his deeds. So much so, that we discovered that Each Family Worships an Idol god. And then we looked at the more

  • The Sin Of Idolatry

    Contributed by Dwight Davis on Aug 18, 2023

    Many Christians today believe the Second Commandment is outdated and maybe even irrelevant for believers today. But if we take a closer look at the principle behind the commandment, we will find most of us engage in this sin more often than we think.

    The Sin of Idolatry Last week, elder Jermaine preached the first sermon in our new series dedicated to the Ten Commandments. His sermon dealt with the First Commandment in which God makes it clear that we are to have no other gods before OR even besides Him; and today, we’re going to take a more

  • Awake From Idolatry

    Contributed by Rufus Elijah Yamoah on Jul 13, 2015

    God is calling His children to give up the sin of Idol worship in their lives.

    God wants to awake us from our sleep The reason why God establish the Church is to put divine order in the world. The world is in chaos because the church has gone to sleep. God is calling us to subdue. We cannot look up to the government for change and order. If the government can make the world more

  • Make No Idol Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Jul 16, 2014

    Do we really need to address idolatry in these modern times? Where do you turn in times of crisis? What is of most importance in times of celebration or reward?

    Dakota Community Church July 13, 2014 Make No Idols Commandment #2 Exodus 20:4-6 Command: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not bow more

  • Of Idols And Altars

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on May 17, 2001
    based on 61 ratings

    Teaching on how we can approach a holy God as we are!

    Of idols and altars By Andrew Chan Pilgrim Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC Text: Exodus 20:22-26 Intro: It is in the context of thick darkness that God spoke to Moses, while others remained in a distance. Fear of folks understandable - saw thunder, lightning, and trumpet sound, the mountain in more

  • American Idols Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Sep 4, 2003
    based on 104 ratings

    This word “ignorant” occurs 13 times in the Bible and is connected with some important spiritual facts we should all know. That is why today we look at a warning in Scripture against idols.

    IGNORANT SERIES: AMERICAN IDOLS ISAIAH 44:6-11 INTRODUCTION According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word “ignorant” means unaware or uniformed. I would like us, for the next few weeks, to look at some spiritual facts that you may be unaware of or have forgotten. Most of the time we more

  • Idols For Destruction

    Contributed by Daniel Becker on Sep 15, 2001
    based on 31 ratings

    President Bush’s Bible Reading for Sept 11 A mosiac of selections from various daily devotionals for Sept 11, 2001

    Idols for Destruction “So each of the people likewise cut down his own bough and followed Abimelech, put them against the stronghold, and set the stronghold on fire above them, so that all the people of the tower of Shechem died, about a thousand men and women.” Judges 9:49 “The tower of more

  • American Idols Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Apr 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul focuses on the fact that if anything, or anyone, sits on the throne of your life other than Jesus that is called idolartry.

    American Idols (04-02-06) Romans 1:22-31 Pastor Jeff Williams American Idols? How many of you watch American Idol? Do you get angry when your favorite performer is voted off? Would like to sing in front of Simon Cowell? Me neither! In our country, there are a lot of American Idols. I’m more

  • The Cross Is No Idol

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Mar 25, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    4th Sunday in Lent, Series B. Although Hezekiah had to smash the serpent Moses made of bronze, the cross of Christ is forever our salvation.

    4th Sunday in Lent March 26, 2006 “Series B” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, as we move through this season of Lent, and closer to our remembrance of your Son’s more

  • Rid Of Idols Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 2, 2019

    Just like Gideon, we Christians are to grow our faith in Christ and a major part of being closer to God is to get rid of idols in our homes!

    Let us continue to worship God by learning from His Word… please open your Bibles to Judges 6……page….. 2 weeks ago, we noted the calling of young Gideon. Read along with me Judges 6:12-16 for our background…. Gideon knew God but his faith was still weak: Gideon questioned God’s abilities and he more

  • "American Idol”

    Contributed by Keith Tankersley on Jul 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    It has been said that the eye is the closest to soul and is the agent used to judge right from wrong. So if the eye & heart are in conflict, how can the body function properly.

    “American Idol” Matthew 6:22-24 Theme; a picture of a Christian life in this world in the presence of God, actively submissive, and entirely dependent upon Him. Simply put, a picture of children in relationship to their father as they travel on this pilgrimage called life! * Chapter 6 broke more

  • An Idol Participant Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Jul 27, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    The Lord comes first, period.

    AN IDOL PARTICIPANT I Corinthians 10:1-11:1 S: Idolatry C: God is to be our priority. Th: Live the Difference Pr: THE LORD COMES FIRST, PERIOD. ?: How? How do we do it? KW: Insight TS: We will find in our study of I Corinthians 10:1-11:1 three insights that will help us keep the Lord first in more

  • The Ultimate Idol Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Oct 23, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    Do you know what the ultimate idol is? Paul gives us some insight into this. We might not like the answer!

    The Ultimate Idol October 20, 2001 In life, we sometimes talk about what is ‘ultimate’ in many different fields. You might speak of the ultimate ice cream, or the ultimate chocolate. You might have a place, which is, for you, the ultimate restaurant, or have the ultimate dish that you enjoy. You more

  • Polishing Of Idols

    Contributed by Samuel M on Oct 3, 2024

    Every message should bring a revelation of Jesus and His nature, as well as the Cross, which brings a holy fear that leads to repentance.

    In a vision, God takes a young person to a big church packed with people. The sermon was good, but God was outside watching what was going on in the church. It was an inspiring ,encouraging and motivating message. But God was sad. Then God opened young person’s eyes, and he saw idols in their more

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