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  • Worship PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 17, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the importance of genuine, heart-centered worship, moving from self-centeredness to Spirit-centeredness, and living a life that reflects God's truth.

    Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. It is yet another beautiful day that the Lord has made and we are gathered here to bask in His word, to be nourished by His truth, and to be guided by His wisdom. We are here to engage in a conversation with our Creator, a conversation that will more

  • Why Go To Church?

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Mar 17, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Attending church has many benefits - social connection, uplifting messages, inspiring music, coffee. But all of those needs can be met in other ways. There is one thing, however, that is absolutely unique about meeting together to worship, and that is the promised presence of Christ among us.

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! How many of you are wearing green? Good for you. But - wasn’t it just Christmas a couple of weeks ago? It’s hard to believe that Easter is only two weeks away. I realize that what I’m about to say will betray my age, but don’t you find that every year seems to go by more

  • Loosed! Stand Up And Praise God

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 4, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    For eighteen long years this woman had struggled with her infirmity. What better day to heal her than the Sabbath?

    LOOSED! STAND UP AND PRAISE GOD. Luke 13:10-17. In this remarkable little incident we find Jesus teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath (Luke 13:10). Perhaps one of the first things we notice is just how obedient the Lord was to the laws and customs of His time. Should not we also be more

  • At Least They're Going To Church... Right?

    Contributed by Clay Gentry on Aug 24, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Just because someone is going to church doesn't mean they're saved. Let's explore this popular phrase and learn the truth about going to church.

    Have you ever been in a of a conversation with someone who was discussing a friend, family member, or co-worker and all the sin which they are involved in, or all the religious error they are practicing, or all the problems their life consists of, and they end the description by saying, more

  • 10 Reasons People Do Not Attend Church

    Contributed by David Smith on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Some common reasons and excuses people use for not attending church

    10 REASONS PEOPLE DO NOT ATTEND CHURCH HEB 10:24-25 1 - TIME work schedules ballgames kids mowing gardening 2 - BORING IRRELEVANT music preaching - cannot relate to it (or the people) 3 - OTHER INTERESTS friends hobbies t.v. ....etc. 4 - GUILT living a sinful life that they love more more

  • Attending Your Own Funeral, Part One Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 1, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Christians should not take sin lightly, but need to focus on developing their relationship to God instead. Paul offers several arguments to convince us of this. There are other motivations besides merit and fear (Law); Grace motivates us out of love, app

    Attending Your Own Funeral, Part One Note: When I preached this sermon, I found out I really had two sermons (time wise); so I preached part two (labelled, "Attending Your Own Funeral Conclusion" in which I summarize my first point and then half of the second point (which is far as I got), and more

  • Christian Funeral Message For A Majority Of Mormons In Attendance.

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jan 9, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Jim was a believer, but most of his family are Mormon.

    NOTE TO READER: Message starts off theological, then the eulogy is inserted in the middle, and then the theological is completed. I attempted to address some Mormon beliefs by stating true Christian understandings. May our Lord Jesus bless you in the building of your funeral message. “whether we more

  • "Why I Praise Him?"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Nov 29, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Where are the nine? Where are all of those for whom Christ has died for? Why is the Lord’s house not filled with adoring worshippers? Let me share five reasons for attending Church:

    Title: "Why I Praise Him?" Introduction: Only one returned. There had been ten lepers cleansed of their leprosy, why is that only one returned to say thank you to Jesus? The statistic and question could be asked each Sunday as we await worshipers to return to Church on the Lord’s Day to give more

  • The Joy Of Worship - What Is Worship Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 20, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Second in a series looking at who benefits from our worship

    The JOY of Worship – What Is Worship Gladstone Baptist Church – 27/2/05 am Last Sunday Night we started a series of 4 messages that is going to continue over both services next week. We have called the series “The JOY of Worship.” This is the first of 5 series we will be undertaking during more

  • Benefits Of Worship (Worship 3) Series

    Contributed by Joe Friend on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We’ve been talking about worship that last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago I talked about how worship is, “More than just singing.” Last week I discussed, “Enthusiastic worship.” This week I’m discussing, “The benefit of music.”

    Acts 16 We’ve been talking about worship that last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago I talked about how worship is, “More than just singing.” Last week I discussed, “Enthusiastic worship.” This week I’m discussing, “The benefit of music.” Now I haven’t heard one negative thing about the worship, more

  • Heavenly Worship (Worship 4) Series

    Contributed by Joe Friend on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If we are uncomfortable here on earth singing praises to God we have better get over it because it is something that we will be doing for all eternity if you plan on going to heaven.

    Rev 4:6-11; 5:6-14 It is good to come here and worship the Lord as a family AMEN. A man was awakened by his wife one Sunday morning and she told him he needed to get up and get ready for church. I’m not going he said. Well we are all ready she said and if you can give me 2 good reasons why you more

  • True Worship, A Call To Worship

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Apr 25, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    In Nehemiah 8, we see true worship by the people. We see a longing for God's word; Listening to God's word and we see that we must let God speak to us through His word.

    True Worship A call to worship Nehemiah 8:1-12 Intro: A PARAMEDIC was asked on a local Dallas TV talk-show program: “What was your most unusual and challenging 911 call?” .“Recently,” paramedic began, we got a call from that big white CHURCH on 11th and Walnut. A frantic more

  • Heart To Worship - What Is Worship Series

    Contributed by David Roch on Feb 16, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Having a heart to worship means recognizing, honoring and reverencing the Holy, loving, Almighty Triune God…… and His rightful authority, power, majesty and sovereignty … then acting upon that with humbleness and thanksgiving... as the Holy Spir

    David & Phyllis Roch - Heart to Change the World - To worship is to magnify God, and because God is so multifaceted, to magnify Him or to worship Him will be our privilege throughout eternity. Rev. 4:8-11 tells us that there is continual worship that is going on for ever and more

  • If We Ever Needed Each Other...

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    If we ever needed each other, as brothers and sisters in Christ, if we ever needed to be faithful to the fellowship of the saints, surely our current cultural environment means we need each other now.

    If We Ever Needed Each Other… TCF Sermon August 9, 2015 This morning, we’re going to talk about church, so I found a little church humor you might like: Top 10 Ways You Know You’re In A Bad Church 10. The church bus has gun racks. 9 . The church staff consists of Senior Pastor, more

  • The Purpose Of The Vine

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Aug 8, 2023

    The meaning of the parable of the vine in John 15

    The Purpose of the Vine Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz John 15:1-11 John 15:1 “aI am the true vine, and My Father is the bvinedresser. 2 “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He 1prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. 3 “aYou are already more

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