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  • Week 31 The Beast Of The Sea Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Week 31 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 31 “The Beast from the Sea” Date: March 5, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 13:1-10 Introduction Seven people or characters are introduced to us by the 7th trumpet; 5 whom we have met in chapter 12: the woman- the nation of Israel; the red dragon-Satan; the child of the more

  • Week 32 The Beast From The Earth Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    Week 32 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 32 “The Beast from the Earth” Date: March 19, 2003 Place; Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 13:11-18 In our last study, as we began the 13th chapter, it introduced us to the “beast from the sea”. We identified him as being the Antichrist. He is a man that is fully indwelt and empowered by more

  • Week 33 The Song Of The 144,000 & The Message Of The Angels Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Week 33 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 33 Date: March 26, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 14: 1-13 Introduction I want to try to give as much information as I can within the time we have tonight. Let me say this as we begin, the overall subject we have seen and studied in the book of Revelation is Jesus Christ more

  • Week 35 Prelude To The Bowl Judgments Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    Week 35 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 35 “Prelude to the Bowl Judgments” Date: April 9, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 15:1-8 Introduction This is the 35th lesson in our study. Chapter 15 is the shortest chapter in the Book of Revelation with only 8 verses. Chapter 15 introduces the 7 bowls of wrath, God’s more

  • Week 27 The 6th Trumpet Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Week 27 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 27 “Seventh Trumpet/The Kingdom Proclaimed Date: February 5, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Revelation 11: 15-19 Introduction We have been waiting since Revelation 8:13 for the third “woe” judgment and here in chapter 11 verse 15 it has finally arrived. When the angel blows the more

  • The Key To A Happy Life Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 137 ratings

    Part 1 in a study through the 119th Psalm

    The Key to a Happy Life Part 1 Sermon Series: A Word about the Word Psalm119 Date: January 26, 2003 AM Service Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Psalm 119:1-8 Introduction I once heard of a story about a preacher who was to preach in view of a call at a church as the new pastor. As he toured the more

  • Facing Reality Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Part 3 in a study through the 199th Psalm

    Facing Reality Part 3 Sermon Series: A Word about the Word Date: February 9, 2002 AM Service Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Psalm 119:17-24 Introduction One of the biggest problems with many today is that they have a hard time dealing with reality. The reality of the fact or truth that God can more

  • Part 4 Strength For The Weak Days Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    Week 4 in a study through the 119th Psalm

    “Strength for the Weak Days” Part 4 Sermon Series: A Word about the Word Date: February 17, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Psalm 119: 25-32 Introduction In this section of the 119th Psalm, the writer is crying out from the melting pot of trials and troubles. He is experiencing difficulties more

  • Walkin In Liberty Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    Part 6 in a study through the 119th Psalm

    Walking in Liberty Part 6 Sermon Series: A Word about the Word Date: March 2, 2003 AM Service Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Psalm 119: 41-48 The salvation Introduction This section of the 119th Psalm we will look at this morning we will see 6 promises and 2 petitions. We see in these 8 more

  • How To Stay Balanced In An Unbalanced World

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Word about the Word

    “How to Stay Balanced In an Unbalanced World” Part 7 Sermon Series: A Word about the Word Date: March 9, 2003 AM Service Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Psalm 119:49-56 Introduction We all know we live in a fast-paced, hectic world. Sometimes this thing called life seems like a jigsaw more

  • The Bible Is The Supreme Weapon We Possess For Spiritual Success

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Apr 25, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    How to use the Word of God to be spiritually secure.

    Introduction: Expiration dates are printed on just about everything nowadays, even on soda pop cans. One place you will not find an expiration date, however, is on salt. Ever hear anyone say, "This salt tastes old. It must not be very fresh"? Probably not. Salt never goes stale. Jesus said, "Salt more

  • That Was Then This Is Now

    Contributed by Keith Davis on May 5, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    To show the glory of the New Covenant God has made with us.

    Title: That Was Then This Is Now Text: Hebrews 9-10 Theme: To show the glory of the New Covenant God has made with us. Introduction: What is a Covenant? It is an agreement between two. Marriage is a covenant. Tonight we want to focus on Hebrews 9-10 to see the glorious agreement God has more

  • The Word Of God

    Contributed by Keith Davis on May 5, 2003
    based on 10 ratings

    A balanced look a the Bible and its meaning for man.

    Title: The Word of God Text: Multi-texted Topical Introduction: I hold in my hand – the inspired word of God – It is the inerrant word of God – It is the complete word of God – It is all the truth I need – It is all-sufficient for life – It is my road map to heaven. **Written by about 40 more

  • Deacons: God's Ministering Servants

    Contributed by Keith Davis on May 5, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    Learning what God wants from deacons.

    Title: DEACONS: God’s Ministering Servants Text: Acts 6:1-6, Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:8-13 Introduction: God is the God of organization and structure. ‒ It is seen in the universe around us. ‒ It is seen in nature. ‒ The human body itself is so structured. ‒ The more

  • Eye-Witnesses

    Contributed by Marianne Unger on May 14, 2003
    based on 85 ratings

    Testimony to the truth of the gospel.

    Luke 24:36-48 Eye-Witnesses There are events in our lives that we believe because of what we are told. We are told that the earth is tilted on a 23 degree axis. How many of you, here today have measured the degree of the earth’s tilt? How many of you, here today, believe that the earth is more

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