
Summary: Week 33 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation


Date: March 26, 2003

Place: Allendale Baptist

Text: Revelation 14: 1-13


I want to try to give as much information as I can within the time we have tonight.

Let me say this as we begin, the overall subject we have seen and studied in the book of Revelation is Jesus Christ appearing in glory.

Jesus came the 1st time in humiliation; the 2nd time He will return in exaltation.

We ended last weeks study with the beginning of the 2nd half of the tribulation what the Old Testament calls the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble”.

As we begin I want to tell you we will see a great contrast between the last chapter and chapter 14.

Chapter 13 Chapter 14

on earth in heaven

beast like a lamb Lamb of God

False teaching Truth/ everlasting Gospel

The mark of the beast The mark of God

Chapter 13 is a preview of the 2nd coming of Christ.

In chapter 19 we will see the actual 2nd coming.

I believe the one thing that gets people confused and makes folks give up on their study of Revelation is the misunderstanding of the book is not in chronological order.

Let’s begin…

Verse 1

“Then I looked and behold a Lamb”

 This is speaking of Jesus Christ.

 It is indirect contrast to the 2nd beast we saw in chapter 13 that had horns like a lamb and spoke like the dragon.

“Mount Zion”

 There seems to be many different view and interpretations of what this means.

 Mount Zion often refers to the city of Jerusalem.

Zechariah 14:1-11 tells us that at the 2nd coming of Christ He will come and establish His kingdom in Jerusalem.

Hebrews 12 :22 tells us; “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,”

 I believe this is speaking here of a spiritual reality, and is referring to a gathering place of the saints; not a geographical location.`

“One hundred and forty-four thousand”

 These are the same as the remnant in chapter 7 verse 3, which we called the Jewish evangelists.

 Remember they were sealed at the beginning of the Tribulation.

“With Him”

 He started out with 144k and finishes with 144K

 This reminds us of God’s keeping power.

John 10: 28-29 says; “And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.”

 This reminds us of our eternal security as a believer.

“having His Father’s name written on their foreheads”

 This is in contrast to the mark of the beast in chapter 13.

 This is the stamp that will identify the 144k as belonging to God.

As I read this passage of Scripture I am encouraged that God takes special care of those who evangelize; those who spread His Gospel message.

Verse 2


 Harps were used in the midst of joy.

 Psalms tells us that during captivity the Israelites “Hung up their harps on the willow trees.”

 Not only will it be a joyful time when Christ returns, but it will be a joyous time when we all get to heaven.

 One preacher says that those “harping” are the women. But I would never say that.

Verse 3

“They sang as if it were a new song”

 There will be a song of redemption, which will be sung by all the saints in heaven, one gigantic choir.

 The redeemed will be rejoicing over the finished, accomplished work of God.

 But this song will be sung by these who have endured through the tribulation.

 Their song will be different from those of the Old Testament and from those redeemed during the church age.

Verse 4

 Four things we should see here in this passage about this godly remnant from Israel.

 First there unashamed testimony. They bore the name of God on their foreheads. This should remind us as Christians we never remove the name of God from us no matter where we go.

 Second they keep themselves separated from the defilement of the world.

 The word virgin is a correct, literal translation; but the connotation or implication is misleading.

 There is no intent to advocate celibacy over marriage, but only to emphasize their chastity in life as virgins.

 They keep themselves pure to God.

 Third: they have chosen the greatest fellowship; they are constantly in the presence of the Lamb.

 How many of us can say that.

 Forth; they are honored to be called first fruits to God and Christ

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