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  • Heavenly Worship (Worship 4) Series

    Contributed by Joe Friend on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If we are uncomfortable here on earth singing praises to God we have better get over it because it is something that we will be doing for all eternity if you plan on going to heaven.

    Rev 4:6-11; 5:6-14 It is good to come here and worship the Lord as a family AMEN. A man was awakened by his wife one Sunday morning and she told him he needed to get up and get ready for church. I’m not going he said. Well we are all ready she said and if you can give me 2 good reasons why you more

  • Joy On The Job Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 7, 2014

    To find joy on the job, do your work respectfully, sincerely, and enthusiastically, as unto the Lord.

    Dad was skeptical of his teenage son's newfound determination to build bulging muscles. Even so, he followed his son to the store's weight-lifting department, where they admired a set of weights. “Please, Dad,” pleaded the boy, “I promise I'll use 'em every day.” “I more

  • Traveling Without A Map Series

    Contributed by W F on Sep 20, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    All of us are familiar with the ’where’ test. “Where should I live, work, worship, invest? Where should I send the kids to school?" (Part 1 "Passing Life’s Tests")

    Passing Life’s Tests Hebrews 11:8-19 PART 1 “Traveling Without a Map” The ‘Where’ Test (Hebrews 11:8) Central thought: A real believer follows God’s leading without knowing where. Co-ordinated reading: James 1:2-3 and 12 INTRODUCTION When airlines train their pilots they first test them in a more

  • A Loss Of Focus

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Mar 6, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    A message explaining why Martha felt sorry for herself, got angry at her sister, and why she questioned Jesus as to whether He cared for her or not.

    How would you feel if your car only started once out of every two or three tries, would you consider it to be a good car? What if the mailman only came to your house a couple times a week, would you consider him to be reliable? What if the electricity only worked occasionally when you flipped the more

  • Worthy Is The Lamb

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Jan 6, 2013

    Sermon that exalts the worthiness of Jesus Christ.

    “Worthy Is the Lamb” Revelation 5:1-14 Revelation 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast more

  • Two Are Better

    Contributed by Mari Larson on Nov 12, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Sermon for Ecumenical Worship Service

    Perhaps it’s because my childhood was spent on a small farm just outside a small town. My family belonged to a small church in a sea of small churches, 12 of them as I recall, half of which were Lutheran. And so, in my neighborhood, Kevin, Brian, and Karla, across the street, were Methodist. more

  • The Way That Works Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Oct 17, 2006

    4 of 5 messages on Colossians. This message speaks of religion, spirituality, secularism, and Godliness.

    Life 101: The Way That Works Four Ways to Live Three ways crash and one way works Is there anything as irritating as when something that is supposed to work – doesn’t? Sit in your car and turn the key but all you hear is the starter growling incessantly. There is no comforting roar of spark plugs more

  • The Work Of The Church

    Contributed by Timothy Finch on Mar 13, 2006

    This outline demonstrates how the local church is to impact the world.

    The Work Of The Church John 4:1-43 1 The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John, 2 although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. 3 When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. 4 Now he had to go more

  • Working Together

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Sep 12, 2013

    Why did God create us? Why does He call us together in Christ? We all know we are saved through Jesus Christ, but for what purpose? God answers that clearly in Ephesians 4:11-16. From creation to Christ we are called together to serve.

    The text for our topic of today (we begin our relationship with each other) is from Genesis 2:18 (And Ephesians 4:11-16) The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him.” God had created everything in order and after each creation more

  • Why Works Won't Work Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Paul stresses the foolishness of trying to get into heaven by our own efforts

    WHY WORKS WON”T WORK Romans 4:1-15 Old story of frog that jumped in a bucket of milk. Instead of just giving up the frog began to swim and swim and swim. The frog swam so much that the milk turned to butter and the frog hopped out of the bucket. Great story about working so had that you more

  • Exodus 19 - Fear God But Draw Near With Holy Boldness! How Does That Work? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    What I love is that we are not told to stand back from God. We are not told not to go too close. Unlike the people of Israel, we are told to be like Moses and to draw near to God.

    Exodus 19 - Holy Boldness! I can’t say I have ever felt afraid of God, but I have felt the awe of His presence, and I have been overcome by a sense of His majesty. I remember standing out on a mound of earth out on a property and looking up at the stars. Away from the city, the stars seem so much more

  • Recharging Work

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    There were 44 separate groups of people working for the overwhelming task of rebuilding the walls. Without them working together they culd not have rebuilt the walls reminding us that we can accomplish more together than if just one person tried to do all

    Recharge Your Work Nehemiah 3: 1-4,6-8, 31-32 At first glance, Nehemiah chapter 3 looks a bit dry. One commentator refers to it as a "colorless memorandum of assignments." It’s a list of people and their assignments in re-building the wall of Jerusalem. It reads much like the book of 1 Chronicles more

  • Home And Work

    Contributed by Don Baggett on Sep 5, 2008

    According to Colossians, the result of being in Christ, and having Christ in you, is not only a tremendous difference in your mind and heart, but also home and work.

    If somebody runs up to you on the street this next week and asks, “What’s the main thought in the book of Colossians,” I hope you will quickly tell them, “That in all things, He might have the preeminence!” In chapter one, we see that the way to be fully pleasing to the Lord is to make sure He has more

  • The Work In Athens Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 2, 2017

    Paul works among Gentiles for eighteen months in Corinth and for nearly three years in Ephesus, but no example of his preaching is given. The reason is that it has already been given—in Athens, in the very center of Gentile culture and intellect.

    March 21, 2015 By: Tom Lowe Lesson: The Work in Athens (17:15-34) Acts 17:15-34 (KJV) 15 And they that conducted Paul more

  • The Work Of Angels

    Contributed by Tim Huie on May 6, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    We live in a culture fascinated by angels. What does the Bible say about what they really do?

    The Unseen World #1 “The Work of angels” Revelation 22:8-9 1. Illus. of “Ask Your Angels” by Alma Daniel • One of the more popular books on angels of a few years back. • Believes that by tuning in to the wisdom of unseen “angels” we can find solutions to personal and world problems. • How does more

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