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  • Is The Church A Lighthouse Or A Club House?

    Contributed by Mark Mitchell on Mar 23, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The church has a mandate to be the light of Christ

    Introduction: - the Guiding Light illustration - Today I want to speak of what a lighthouse is and how that applies to the church I. The Light of Christ (v.18) A. The light is Christ’s light - Joh 1:4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. - Joh 1:5 The light shines in the more

  • Five Reasons Why We Preach The Gospel

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Oct 27, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    My wife, Marge and I have spent over 58 years going into over 125 countries telling the ‘Good News’ of the Gospel. Next to receiving Christ and being saved, winning souls is the greatest JOY one can experience. Next the question may be asked, “Why do

    Five Reasons Why We Preach the Gospel My wife, Marge and I have spent over 58 years going into over 125 countries telling the ‘Good News’ of the Gospel. Many have told us of the wonderful exiting life of travel we have had. However, it has gone against the natural desires of my more

  • Making Fishers Of Men 1

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Nov 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The interest of God is that all might be saved to eternal peace and Joy

    THEME- POPULATING GOD’S KINGDOM TOPIC- MAKING FISHERS OF MEN 1 TEXT- MATTHEW 4:18-19, MARK 1:16-17 INTRODUCTION The heartbeat of God is evangelizing the whole world for the purpose of soul winning according to Matthew 28:19-20 which is popularly known as the great commission but following the more

  • Who Is An Evangelist? Series

    Contributed by Romesh Daniels on Jan 26, 2021

    Who is an Evangelist? What are they called to do? What does scripture say about who an evangelist is and what his/her calling is?

    Friends, when I say ‘evangelist’, what is the image that appears in your mind? How would you describe an evangelist? What words would you use to describe an evangelist? Well, I would like you to take a moment and write down what comes to your mind first for the above questions before reading the more

  • Preparing For The Harvest Series

    Contributed by Brad Stone on Oct 15, 2019

    If we truly desire to see souls saved, we must prepare ourselves for the and be committed to the work at hand. We must be prepared and willing to work the harvest. (Sources pulled from Sermon Central to aide in preparation of this message.)

    Matthew 9:35-38 A story is told of an English traveler that so loved the wild flowers that grew at the sides of the lanes and in the fields of England, that when he went abroad he would fill his pockets with the seeds and (as (he went he would) scatter them broadcast. He stated when ask why that more

  • "Releasing Your Destiny”

    Contributed by Sean Dees on May 2, 2021

    I want to see you released into your destiny and running with the vision of this house. To make this church a silo that can hold the harvest.

    I want to see you released into your destiny and running with the vision of this house. To make this church a silo that can hold the harvest. This harvest must be reaped and placed in the silo or it will rot in the field. We are the ones that make up this last day remnant, and God has more

  • Gettysburg Vacation 2019

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jul 25, 2019

    Lessons I learned on my vacation

    Gettysburg Vacation, 2019 July 21, 2019 Judges six It is good to be back home. I had one of the best vacations ever. I won’t say best because that one the whole family spent on the beach that one year still has first place – but this was great! Spending a week with my cousin, Dave and my more

  • The Face Of A Strategic Team Builder - 5 Things They Do

    Contributed by Caleb Onwuka on Aug 1, 2019

    Jesus is the perfect example for all of us to see. He had a mission, built a team, so perfect and strategic that after a thousand years, his team kept growing and growing, today we have become a part of that team.

    "It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel." more

  • A Fishing Trip To Remember - Part 1

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 2, 2020

    Fishing For Men

    LUKE 5:1-11 “A FISHING TRIP TO REMEMBER” – PART 1 A) When I was a little younger, me and my brother, Wayne, would go to Lake Murray. * Wayne worked with a guy that owned a pontoon boat and he would let him use it a lot. B) We would go down, get on the pontoon boat and fish all night more

  • A Fishing Trip To Remember - Part 2

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 2, 2020

    Fishing For Men

    LUKE 5:1-11 “A FISHING TRIP TO REMEMBER” – PART 2 A) In this passage of Scripture, you find the largest catch of fish that is recorded in the Bible. * It’s where Jesus changed people’s lives and it was the beginning of where Jesus began training people to spread the gospel. * It’s a more

  • Have A Burden For The Lost

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 2, 2024

    What are we doing to reach lost people. Often the church reverts to entertain and we have the tendency to turn the altar into a stage. We are to be fishers of men... win the lost at any cost.

    HAVE A BURDEN FOR THE LOST! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) (2 parts) *I DON’T WANT TO GET MY HANDS DIRTY! THAT’S NOT MY JOB! (Unknown) There is told a story about 4 people. Their names were Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. The pastor more

  • Having Compassion For Souls

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Jan 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus has called us to reach out to the lost souls with the gospel of peace, we need a compassionate heart to carry out the assignment willingly diligently and joyfully.

    Having Compassion for Souls: Study Text: Matthew 9: 35 - 38 Introduction: - Our text describes the compassion of Jesus for lost souls. - When Jesus saw the people, He did not look past them, ignore them, or turn away from them, but Jesus took notice of their condition. - They were more

  • Shinning Like Stars

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Jun 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Stars shine at night and wisdom like stars brightens the heart of men. Wise men shine on earth but soul winners shine like stars forever.

    TEXT: Daniel 12:3; Proverb 11:30 "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise." WISDOM IS THE more

  • What Moves You

    Contributed by Mark Wooley on Jun 15, 2021

    There are a lot of things that can move us to do something. We should be move by God's Word

    EACH ONE CAN REACH ONE WHAT MOVES YOU? PSALM 142:1-4 THIS EVENING I WOULD LIKE TO LOOK AT THE LAST 6 WORDS IN VS 4 *NO MAN CARED FOR MY SOUL.” It is this preacher’s opinion that these last 6 words are one saddest words in the Bible. WITH THESE 6 WORDS IN MIND AND WITH THE POWER AND THE PRESENCE more

  • He That Winneth Souls Is Wise

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 21, 2021

    One of the things the devil has been very successful at, is getting the church completely sidetracked from the mission God intended the church to do.

    To see that this is the case, all you have to do is observe what people seem to want from the church. For example, some see the church as: • A drug center to reach an emotional high. They get depressed and they want to come to church for a “Fix” • A social club where they can socialize with more

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