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  • The Cure- Why Bother Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 20, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 125th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 5th sermon from Romans.

    Series: Action [#125] THE CURE- WHY BOTHER? Romans 3:1-20 Introduction: Most of us are at Church each time we have a service. Sometimes we come to Church and we’re sick. Other times we come to Church and we’re tired; and sometimes we come to Church, and we really don’t want to be here. So why more

  • The Bible-Why Trust It

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 22, 2015

    This message deals with 1) myths we believe about the bible 2) how we got the bible 3) why the bible is credible, and 40 what is the purpose of Scriptures for our lives today. It includes an outline form for the congregation to follow.

    The Bible Why Live By It Deuteronomy 6:4-19 2 Timothy 3:10-17 May 17,2015 Pastor Rick The Bible has been called the Word of God. We live in a society that wants to ban the bible and the 10 Commandments, without really knowing what it says. Chuck more

  • Why Miracles Are Important

    Contributed by Dr. David Wesner on May 26, 2015

    Miracles reveal God's dominion that has come to overthrow the present evil.

    Deuteronomy 4: 32 Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created man on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of? 33 Has any other people heard the voice of God more

  • Why Celebrate Summer?

    Contributed by Graham Taylor on Jun 15, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Why we celebrate Summer even if it has winter days is because we have a God of unmatched shoes

    The word ‘summer’ has many connotations. But you know, most of them come from those golden days of our childhood. We remember beaches, ice-cream and sunshine. We remember tramping across heather-clad hills, boating on calm lakes and sunshine. We remember the stays in picturesque more

  • Why The Bible Is Trustworthy

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Jul 1, 2015

    A brief and concise apologetic and summation of Bible development and trustworthyness

    Why the Bible is Trustworthy (Pastor Eric J. Hanson) (2 Timothy 3:16, II Peter 3:15-16, II Peter 1:20-21) The Old Testament -Not under attack in this current wave of attacks; but constantly attacked across the last 160 years. Particularly Genesis and Daniel are hated and attacked. -Jesus and more

  • Why Goto Church? Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jul 30, 2015

    This message answers he question, why go to church?

    July 19, 2015 Why Go to Church? Isaiah 6:1-8 Opening Words: William Temple once said, “Worship is quickening the conscience by the holiness of God, feeding the mind with the truth of God, purging the imagination by the beauty of God, opening the heart to the love of God, and devoting the more

  • Why We Disobey

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Sep 28, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Disobedience is an issue of misplaced trust and miguided "truth". Obedience is a matter of the heart and flows from a heart of trust and love. Build your trust in God and grow your love for God.

    Why do we disobey? Have you thought about that? • Think for a moment the last time you disobeyed someone, your parents, your superior. Why did you do that? What causes it? • It couldn’t be nothing. There is always something that triggers our disobedience. God has given clear more

  • Why He Came

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 29, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    She lived in a poor country that was occupied by a foreign army, violence was never far away and often during the night you would hear soldiers entering the home of neighbors looking for the patriots they had called terrorists.

    12-13-04 Why He Came Luke 1:26-1:38 26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 27 To a more

  • Why Give To God? Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 2, 2015

    Part 3 of a 3 part series on Stewardship

    Why Give to God? Series: Stewardship Chuck Sligh March 2, 2015 TEXT: 2 Corinthians 8 INTRODUCTION Joke: Today we’re going to talk about giving, and it reminded me of a story I once heard: Two men were shipwrecked on an island and the minute they got there one of them started frantically more

  • Why Carry That Weight?

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Mar 5, 2015

    Jesus died to forgive our sins, and He also helps us bear our pain and suffering, as Isaiah 53 describes. Why would we want to bear our sin and suffering alone when Jesus stands at the ready?

    [This is a short homily given at evening program at an inner-city mission church, mid-week meeting]. We’re in the season of Lent, when we get ready for Easter. Part of getting ready for Easter is preparing our hearts to be able to take in what Easter is about. What is Easter about? more

  • Why Peter Failed

    Contributed by Steven Kellett on Mar 18, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Peter failed because he ignored Jesus warning and slept when he should have been preparing (praying).

    Luke 22:31-34: 31"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." 33But he replied, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death." 34Jesus answered, "I more

  • Why Is The Resurrection Important?

    Contributed by John Hamby on Mar 26, 2016

    Why is an event that took place over 2,000 years ago so important in our fast paced technically advanced age?

    Why Is the Resurrection Important? 1 Corinthians 15:13-28 I want to welcome you here on this beautiful Easter morning. We sometimes call this Sunday, more

  • Why Tongues 1 Series

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Mar 31, 2016

    Why should we speak in tongues on a daily basis. We can learn the power of tongues in this series.

    Title: Baptism of the Holy Ghost – 2 “Why Tongues – 1” Text: Mark 16:17 Last week we started a series on the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Has anyone started to read the book that was given away last week? If there is anyone that has never received the baptism and more

  • Why Tongues 2 Series

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Mar 31, 2016

    We can learn in this series the importance of speaking in tongues on a daily basis.

    Title: Baptism of the Holy Ghost – 3 “Why Tongues – 2” Text: Mark 16:17 Moody was to have a campaign in England. An elderly pastor protested, “Why do we need this 'Mr. Moody'? He's uneducated, inexperienced, etc. Who does he think he is anyway? Does he think more

  • Why Tongues 3 Series

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Mar 31, 2016

    This message is on the importance of speaking in tongues on a daily basis.

    Title: Baptism of the Holy Ghost – 4 “Why Tongues – 3” Text: Mark 16:17 Two weeks ago we started a series on “10 Reasons Why Every Believer Should Speak in Tongues.” First we learned that tongues is the initial sign of the infilling of the Holy Ghost. more

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