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  • What’s In A Name

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Dec 14, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas sermon.

    What’s in a name? Isaiah 9:6 Intro: One of the most difficult times I think we had in pre-child birth days, especially with Regan, was in picking a name. When we had the ultrasound done it was probably about a week or two too early and when the doctor looked he said, “Looks like a wait, more

  • What’s In A Name?

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Jun 26, 2009

    Koinonia means fellowship - what�s true fellowship, and how does this biblical word apply to our church

    What�s in a Name TCF Sermon June 14, 1009 What�s in a name? Obviously not everything. The name, Kirk, for example, can mean �owned by the church.� That might describe me, but certainly not Kirk. Often, we expect names to tell us something about what we�re looking for, what to expect more

  • What’s In A Moniker? Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jan 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God made Christ known to us as the "Son" of God.

    Title: What’s In a Moniker? Text: Matthew 3:13-17 Thesis: God made Christ known as the “Son” of God. Epiphany Series: Encountering Christ in Epiphany • The First Sunday after Epiphany: Christ’s Identity. The First Sunday after Epiphany we encountered Christ at his baptism where God reveals to more

  • What’s In It For Me Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jun 13, 2010

    Taking this popular mantra and applying it to James 1:12, the message brings to light how thin and shallow this approach to life really is.

    How to Do Life What’s In It for ME? James 1:12 * (Show the title on the screen.) Please read this phrase with me (read). Last week I Googled this phrase and returned 414,000,000 hits. We live in a “What’s in it for me (WIIFM)” culture. It begins with people’s approach to government which only more

  • What’s In A Name Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Apr 25, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    How will the child of God be known throughout eternity? The Word of God hints at the transformation and testifies to the importance of God’s knowledge of who we are.

    Your name is important. Perhaps your name reveals the aspirations your parents had for you; perhaps it speaks of their honour for some other person who bore the name before you. Whatever their intention may have been in naming you as they did, your name has come to reflect your character, for more

  • What’s In A Name?

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Dec 17, 2009
    based on 28 ratings

    A Christmas Eve sermon describing the great and varied attributes of our Savior!

    Names are an interesting phenomenon. We have last names, and first names, and many of us even have middle names. In some places in the world, people are properly addressed by their first names and then their last names, while in other parts of the world you begin an address with a person’s last more

  • What’s The Rush?

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Martha and Mary

    WHAT’S THE RUSH? (LUKE 10:38-42) Hong Kong is an extremely busy city. After a year in Hong Kong, I have done my best to keep up. Every working day in Hong Kong, I rush for the 7:24 am Ma Wan ferry, arriving around 16 minutes (7:40 a.m) later at Tsuen Wan West, where I have two minutes to get to the more

  • What’s In A Name?

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Jan 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    In their daily lives as saints, disciples, and brethren, they were recognized as belonging to the party of Christ. Let us hope that in like manner we today may be called Christians.

    What’s In a Name? 12/17/06 AM Reading: Acts 11:19-26 Introduction A.Text: Acts 11:26. The young church at Antioch was a curious mixture of Jews (who spoke Greek or Aramaic) and Gentiles. It is significant that this was the first place where the believers were called Christians (“Christ’s ones”—the more

  • What’s For Supper

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on May 30, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    What we add to people’s life can be helpful or hurtful.

    2 Kings 4:38-41-And Elisha returned to Gilgal, and there was a famine in the land. Now the sons of the prophets were sitting before him; and he said to his servant, “Put on the large pot, and boil stew for the sons of the prophets.” So one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild more

  • What’s The Purpose?

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 18, 2018

    A study in the book of Numbers 6: 1 – 27

    Numbers 6: 1 – 27 What’s the purpose? 6 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When either a man or woman consecrates an offering to take the vow of a Nazirite, to separate himself to the LORD, 3 he shall separate himself from wine and similar more

  • What’s In A Name?

    Contributed by John Newton on Dec 28, 2023

    The angel told Joseph to name Mary’s baby “Jesus” for a reason...

    If you were expecting a baby—and you knew it was going to be a boy—what do you think you would name him? Well, in Canada apparently the most popular name for boys right now is Noah, followed closely by Liam and William. (And for the record, the top three girls’ names are Olivia, Emma and more

  • "What’s New?”

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jan 5, 2023

    A sermon on the newness the believer has through faith in Christ.

    We read here the declaration of God the Father concerning His intent for all who would come to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus. When one comes to God through faith in Christ, everything becomes new. “Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new.” - more

  • What’s Next

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    As we look forward to celebrating Memorial Day, let’s not only remember those who have died to protect our freedom, but also let’s remember Jesus Christ who gave His life to give us lasting freedom from sin and death. Today’s Message looks at what’s next.

    What’s Next Joshua 4 Watch: Tomorrow is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering and giving honor to those who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. It all began after the Civil War as the graves more

  • Beyond Regret

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jun 11, 2016

    As Christians we are to learn from our past mistakes only to the extent that it redeems the present and get our eyes focused on what truly matters: winning the prize of eternal life with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!

    BEYOND REGRET Philippians 3:7-14 Live Sermon: We all have regrets for those things done or not done, said or not said, imagined but not realized. Even though an average life has over 2.2 billion seconds to live; life span is short, for we truly are here more

  • Revival-Fire From Above (Elijah) Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Jul 11, 2003
    based on 110 ratings

    To ask God for Revival is to pray for Fire From Above. No one knew how to start a fire like Elijah!

    # 4 in series Revival–Light the Fire (Elijah’s Fire from Above) 1 Kings 18 INTRODUCTION There was a man who was going skydiving for the very first time. He had taken all the lessons and now it was time for his first solo jump. He leaps out of the plane but he panicked and couldn’t remember how more

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