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Sermons on wasting money:

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  • Money Talks Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 13, 2021

    In James 5, James comes down very hard on the rich and the sins that often accompany materialism. What we do with our money declares what we value and love. So, what is your use of money saying about you?

    Introduction: A. One evening a husband was balancing the checkbook and said to his wife, “You know the old saying, ‘money talks’? Well, ours just said, ’So long!’” 1. I know that we all feel that way sometimes, don’t we? 2. The world we live in runs on money, and it seems that we never have enough more

  • The Love Of Money

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Mar 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The desire for money will deceive and ultimately destroy you. Paul outlines a three step process: (1) The desire for money; (2) The deception of money; (3) The destruction caused by money.

    THE LOVE OF MONEY Study Text: 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10 Introduction: - There is a tremendous difference between money and the love of money. And what Paul speaks of here to Timothy is not a Christian possessing money, but money possessing a Christian, or money possessing anyone, for that matter. - He is more

  • Money Talks! Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Money Talks - James chapter 5 verses 1-6 - sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). A Warning against Hoarding Wealth (vs 1-3) (2). A Warning against Stealing Wealth (vs 4) (3). A Warning against Decadence Wealth (vs 5-6) SERMON BODY Question: Would you like to be rich? Answer: Very few of us would say, “Nah, it doesn’t interest me!” Ill: • One wise more

  • The Love Of Money

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Sep 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The pursuit of money or all the things it can buy is a problem. It shows that we are putting our faith, our sense of security and our hope for the future in material goods. Instead, we need to put our hope in God.

    How many of you have heard of the American Dream? It’s not a dream that is limited to the United States. In fact, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. It is the desire to pursue prosperity, success and upward social mobility. While it is not wrong to be successful in life, the pursuit of the more

  • The God Of Money Series

    Contributed by Jim Kilson on Nov 7, 2014

    Part 4 of 5 in a series on the false gods of this world (i.e. of our own creation) that vie to be the ultimate object of our worship.

    INTRODUCTION: For every good thing that God gives us, Satan attempts to create a counterfeit. God gave us his word and Satan tries to produce a counterfeit. God gives revelation and Satan created false revelation. God gives, and Satan attempts to counterfeit. What is one thing we think about when more

  • Money Matters Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jun 10, 2024

    Challenges hearers to consider why Proverbs talks about money so much. Selected Scriptures from Proverbs.

    “MONEY MATTERS” Selected Verses in Proverbs FBCF – 6/9/24 Jon Daniels INTRO – No coincidence that the day that we roll out our plans for a new Sanctuary is the day that I had scheduled a sermon on money. The announcement about the sanctuary was not planned back in Nov when I laid out my more

  • Money Morality

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 14, 2024

    The basic rule of money morality is well known, but often misquoted and misunderstood. Let's examine a godly approach to money.

    The basic rule for money morality is well-known, but most people seem to either misquote this principle or stop after the first clause. Let’s read the whole principle. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced more

  • Happy Money Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 27, 2024

    If you want to be a happy giver, give willingly from your heart, and give generously from your hoard.

    Bob Russell, retired pastor of the Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, recalls a sermon he preached years ago on hoarding. In that sermon, Pastor Bob pointed out the foolishness of waiting until we die to give our children their inheritance. He explained, “When we die, our children more

  • The Love Of Money

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 11, 2025

    While money itself is a necessary resource for living, the love of money can lead to spiritual and moral downfall.

    THE LOVE OF MONEY By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Timothy 6:10 Supporting Texts: Matthew 6:24, Hebrews 13:5, Ecclesiastes 5:10 INTRODUCTION: The love of money is a topic that resonates deeply within the Christian faith and broader society. While money itself is a necessary resource for more

  • A Warning On Money PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 8, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the meaning of money, the dangers of greed, and the importance of gratitude.

    Welcome, everyone. I'm glad you're here. We're here to talk about something we all know. Something we all use. Money. We all need it. We all want it. But what does it mean? Is it just paper and metal? Or is it more? G.K. Chesterton once said, "When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether more

  • Money Matters PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 22, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores our attitudes towards wealth, challenging us to serve God over money, resist materialism's illusions, and maintain a balanced, godly perspective on finances.

    Good morning, church family. It's a joy to be sharing God's Word with you today. Our focus today is on the critical, yet often overlooked issue of wealth, money, and our attitude towards them. It's an issue that affects us all, regardless of our financial status. Whether we have much or little, our more

  • Are You Wasting Your Life

    Contributed by Mike Wimberly on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    If we fail to invest our lives in the purpose God gave our lives will be wasted

    ARE YOU WASTING YOUR LIFE? MARK 8:34-38 I just celebrated another birthday. The years seem to go by faster as each one passes. I am thankful for the years the Lord has given me. As I get older I am reminded of the importance of using this life to fulfill the purpose God gave me. As I look around more

  • #7- Joy In A Wasted Life Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Aug 27, 2015

    How do I find joy in my life?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS SERMON AVAILABLE WITH POWERPOINT IN RESOURCE DOWNLOAD! This sermon (and several hundred others) are available for download. > Microsoft Word > Most with handouts More info: or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Philippians more

  • Life Is Too Precious To Waste Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 14, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Beginning of the Forty Days of Purpose series; why knowing our purpose is so vital

    Life Is Too Precious to Waste Ephesians 5:15-18 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Life is too precious to waste! It is! But you can! Life can be wasted. We all know that. We see it happen. We talk about it. A talented, bright, energetic young more

  • Why Waste Your Life? Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 11, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Is your life a temporary distraction, or a preparation for the long term? Are you enjoying life while preparing for eternity, or is your focus solely the fleeting moments of this life?

    Why Waste Your Life? (Psalm 49) 1. Psalm 49 is categorized as a Wisdom Psalm, and it deals with the wisdom of living with a view toward eternity; none of us know when death may catch up to us. 2. Illustration: A friend loans you a car at the last moment. As he rushes off, he says, "By the way, more

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