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  • The Time Has Come Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 49 ratings

    In our text, Paul gives us the lowdown on death; when and what to do. 1- Death reaches all 2- Death requires preparation 3- Death reveals our future

    INTRO.- People say there are only two certainties in life. What are they? Death and taxes. ILL.- A woman named Shirley from Beverly Hills had a heart attack and was taken to Cedars Sinai hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience. She saw God and asked, "Is this more

  • Part-Time Christians

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    We are either born-again, or we are not; there is no in-between.

    Part-time Christians November 6, 2011 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We are either born-again, or we are not; there is no in-between. Focus Passage: Matthew 23:23-28 Supplemental Passage: But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will more

  • Peace In A Fearful Time Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Nov 17, 2011

    We use the word AWESOME to describe ice cream cones while at the same time we sing it over and over again in praise choruses with the attitude of cheer leaders in a pep rally.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Peace in a fearful time. Acts 18:9-10 9 - One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision:"Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. 10 - For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city." Martin Luther made this more

  • It's Time To Celebrate Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 12, 2015

    This is the 10th sermon in the series "God Is Here". This sermon is an overview of Esther and a glimpse of the Feast of Purim. Have fun with this celebration, (even if it's Baptist style- Like we did). After all, we always need a reason to eat at Church.

    Series: God Is Here [#10] IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE Esther 9:20-10:3 Introduction: There are times in life that we need to celebrate. Look with me at these final verses in Esther. Esther 9:20-10:3 (MSG) “Mordecai wrote all this down and sent copies to all the Jews in all King Xerxes' more

  • Five Times The Welcome

    Contributed by Bruce Lee on Sep 26, 2015
    based on 8 ratings

    How is your hospitality? The story of Joseph and the coat of many colors teaches us to have an attitude of five times the welcome.

    “Five Times the Welcome” “The men had been seated before him in the order of their ages, from the firstborn to the youngest; and they looked at each other in astonishment. 34 When portions were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as more

  • Time Management Priorities Series

    Contributed by Brandon Park on Oct 1, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    You may not have all the time to do what you WANT to do, but you do have all the time to do what God NEEDS you to do.

    Time Management Priorities Living on Borrowed Time Series NOTE: As people enter the Worship Center, each person is given a paper plate. In this message, we’re instructing everyone to write down what their life priorities are. Then when they are offered an opportunity to do something that more

  • Grace At An Unlikely Time Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 25, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Grace can find us even in our moments of despair. Elijah's story shows us how God met the prophet in the valley.

    There's a new Prime Minister in Canada and when you woke up Tuesday morning you were either ecstatic or disappointed, but however you feel about the new Prime Minister the Bible tells us that we have an obligation as Christians to pray for Prime Minister Trudeau and may I suggest for Mrs. Trudeau more

  • 3 Moments In Time

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The word "moment" is used 3X in the N.T., KJV. 3 Greek words are used and applied to 3 areas: temptation, trials, and the Rapture. It's amazing how God can intervene during each "moment" and how He turns them around for our good!

    3 MOMENTS IN TIME Lk. 4:5; 2 Cor. 4:17; 1 Cor. 15:51 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: TAKING THE QUEUE 1. When Ruth Rowles husband, James Rowles, was in the seminary, he was invited to preach at a small rural church. 2. However, the man who was to introduce him to the congregation had trouble more

  • Facing Hard Times Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Oct 28, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    When it comes to disasters and accidents there are 2 ways to look at it: Mans way or Gods way. Whatever the problem God has a solution. He is the Master fixer upper. But you must learn to cooperate with God so He can bring the total restoration.

    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD” Isaiah 55:8. I. Reevaluating-Getting man’s perspective “He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him” Proverbs 18:13. A. Premature judgments B. Overreactions C. more

  • It's Time For Change

    Contributed by Michael L. Brown on Nov 2, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon was preached when a church was installing a new pastor. Membership shoud be reminded that churches evolve over the course of time. Diferent Pastors do things diferently. The method may change but the message of the Gospel remains the same.

    Change Gen. 12: 1- 4 Now the aLord had said to Abram: “Get bout of your country, From your family, And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. 2I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless more

  • A Helper In The Time Of Storm

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes God leads His children into storms. This sermon offers guidance and solace to fellow storm travelers.

    A Helper In The Time Of Storm Chuck Sligh April 25, 2010 (NOTE: 5 MIN. BEFORE START: Show “The Storm” video downloaded from as intro to the sermon’s subject.) TEXT: Matthew 8:23-27 – “And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a more

  • Seed Time/Harvest

    Contributed by Selwyn Robins on Apr 19, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Seed time/harvest, but what happens between those two times. Faith. You

    “Seed Time/Harvest” Intro (Genesis 8:22) “While the earth remaineth (exist) seed time harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” After the great flood, the Lord spoke to Noah. He told him to let every creature that creeps to go more

  • It Is Time To Wake Up!

    Contributed by Ralph Lassiter on Sep 16, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Remaining asleep when work in the kingdom is required is not acceptable to the Lord and is dangerous to us spiritually and to our communities. The time to wake up is now.

    Text: Matthew 13: 24 – 26; Romans 13:11-12 Sleep is an essential to life. Amen? • Part of our daily life cycle of waking, work/school/play, eating, sleeping – start over No magic number for the number of hours of sleep needed, although we do know that babies need up to 18 more

  • Living In The End Time Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Sep 26, 2012

    What does it mean to live as though the end is near?

    Introduction There is a knock at your door. You open it; two strangers inform you they have a message to pass on to you. The event has occurred. Reality as people have known it has changed, and the events that lead to an inevitable destiny have now been set in motion. The question for you is, more

  • What Time Is It?

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 11, 2012
    based on 44 ratings

    It’s time to wake up, clean up, and dress up, because Jesus is soon returning and the saved will go up...who will it be who will show up? Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    What Time is It? Romans 13:11-14 Each morning we wake up to an alarm. I hate that clock. But I’m thankful for it, because if not for it, we would be a mess. We like to sleep. We wouldn’t have jobs, our kids would not pass school. And we more

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