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  • The Walking Bible Series

    Contributed by Rudolf E. Y. Mensah on Dec 21, 2021

    We become "the walking Bible" as we continue to read, study, meditate and put it into practice.

    SPIRITUAL GROWTH ENHANCERS If you obey all the decrees and commands I am giving you today, all will be well with you and your children. I am giving you these instructions so you will enjoy a long life in the land the Lord your God is giving you for all time.” Deuteronomy 4:40 NLT THE WALKING more

  • The Christian Walk

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 2, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Do people really watch how Christians live? Does our walk really matter? These are some questions that each one of us has faced at one point or have faced over and over. Let's take a look at our Christians walk and see if it really matters.

    The word “walk” makes up the entire Christian life of the believer. The word “worthy” means “blessing”. 1 Thessalonians 2:12; because our God has called us into His family. Certain family members behave in certain fashions. We are to behave in a way which honors God, and makes others want to know more

  • Walking With The Lord Series

    Contributed by Bradford Robinson on May 20, 2003
    based on 120 ratings

    This sermon deals with discipleship. It focuses on how walking with Jesus us a choice that we make, "Do you want to be well?" and the requirement of obedience to the commands of God.

    When my first girl Clarissa was born, I was about the proudest daddy you had ever seen. Still am. And I must say she was a daddy’s girl. When she said her first word, it was “dada!” I was proud, and I didn’t spend much time teaching her that either. But with walking, that was another story. I more

  • Walking In The Light Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 4, 2014

    Truth matters. Truth in belief and truth in behaviour. It matters what we believe about Jesus. It matters how we live

    John is a passionate writer. Maybe he realises that he’s coming to the end of his life and he doesn’t have much time left to get his message across. Maybe he looks around at the church and realises that the inexorable drift from the gospel to religion is impacting on those he’s more

  • The Christian Walk Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 13, 2013

    We who claim to be Christians must be sure they are on the true path.

    The Christian Walk 1 John 2:7-14 Introduction Last week we learned that sin is not normal in the Christian. The Christian’s sin does not affect just that person, but the entire body of Christ. We saw from the plural "we have an advocate" that there has to at least be a sense in which the more

  • Walking On Water

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Dec 17, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    This message shows the choices we have when confronted with storms.

    Scripture: Matthew 14:22 – 34 Title: “Walking on Water” Introduction: Jesus and His disciples had spent the day with some 5,000 plus people. Jesus taught them and then he miraculously fed them all with just a bit of bread and fish. After Jesus taught all those people, He put His disciples into a more

  • Walking Fearlessly Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Dec 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How believers fearlessly face persecution.

    I’ve been reading a book by an agnostic whose previous book chronicled his project to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. In his latest book he describes his attempt to live according to the Bible. To do so, he had to read it, and he admits, even as one with very little faith: “This is the more

  • Walk The Talk Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 4, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    Christianity is fact, not fiction.

    Walk the Talk 1 John 1:1-4 Rev. Brian Bill 9/4/11 We’ve had this scale in our bathroom for as long I can remember. You can tell it looks old but what you don’t know is that the readings aren’t very reliable. No really, they’re not. Sometimes when I step on it I feel extremely svelte and other more

  • Faith Walking

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Apr 12, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    The Believers pursuit of intellectual knowledge vs experience is considered in this message.

    As a young Believer just starting my spiritual journey, I remember that I would walk in and through the presence of God effortlessly. I lived and breathed the supernatural. Signs and Wonders followed me everywhere! The anointing was powerful! Then I started my formal Bible training and was told more

  • The Walking Jesus

    Contributed by Reginald Mortha on Aug 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is a Walker. He walked on water to meet his disciples. He walked under the cross for you and me.

    1 Kings 19:9-18, Romans 10:5-15, Mathew 14:22-33 JESUS THE WALKER Miracle,” and the experience of the miraculous is not confined to Biblical times and the first century; but it is present throughout our modern lives. We use the word, “miracle,” all the time. You open the more

  • Walking In The Light

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Aug 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    At salvation, we were called out of darkness into light. Every believer is to walk in a new life as directed by the Spirit of God, and not in sinful pleasures as demanded by the flesh.

    WALKING IN THE LIGHT Study Text: 1 John 1: 5 - 7 Introduction: - Believers in Christ are instructed and expected to be walking in the light and not walking in darkness. Jesus should make a difference in our lives! - They are also to identify those who chose to walk in darkness and how to avoid more

  • The Christian Walk

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Dec 19, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Christianity seems like a complex puzzle. In reality it is simple. Jesus says, "Follow me". This lesson helps us see how to do just that and simply be a Christian.

    THE CHRISTIAN WALK Text: 1 John 1:7 INTRODUCTION 1. Read Text 2. The term "walk" is reference to the life we live a. Enoch walked with God and was no more for God took him the Hebrew writer says b. We talk about people in all "walks of life" c. Walk is how we live and is determined by what guides more

  • To Walk In Newness

    Contributed by Lorraine Greeff on May 21, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    to be like Jesus, to have the mind, body like Jesus

    To walk in newness Believers are walking dead people who are alive. Romans 6:1-23 It makes sense to celebrate his birthday because it was already written what Jesus Christ would accomplish, so, it makes sense to celebrate his ascension, which ended his earthly journey, not in death the way more

  • Walk The Line

    Contributed by Kenneth R. Jenkins on Jun 28, 2022

    You are not alone to walk alone.

    “Walk the Line” (SERMON) Proverbs 3: 21-23 I would like to call your attention to our subject from the text I just read, “Walk the Line”. The way I heard it when the legendary singer/songwriter in Country Music Johnny Cash wrote the song “I Walk the more

  • Walking By Faith Series

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Feb 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The second in a series on walking worthy of our calling. Walking by Faith

    WALK BY FAITH HEBREWS 11;1- 3 INTRO: There was a teacher who wanted to introduce her students to the theory of evolution and the origin of the universe but she had an outspoken young boy who was a Christian and she knew that he would surely give her a hard time. She thought and thought about how more

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