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  • The Michal Syndrome

    Contributed by Babatunmishe Oke on Mar 19, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon addresses how to overcome spiritual barrenness

    THE MICHAL SYNDROME: OVERCOMING SPIRITUAL BARRENNESS 2 SAMUEL 6: 14-23 14David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might, 15 while he and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouts and the sound of trumpets. 16 As the ark of the LORD was more

  • Do You Believe? (Easter 2008)

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you believe the story of the resurrection? Or, do you doubt like Thomas did?

    Easter 2008 John 20:24-29 Introduction Risen slide Matthew 28:6 says, “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Jesus Christ is alive!! Hallelujah!! Go with me in your bibles to John, Chapter 20 Today we celebrate Easter Sunday A time when excitement should take the place of the same more

  • Understanding The Sin Of Anger Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Parts of this sermon came from others. The idea is to understand the depth of sin in order to appreciate GRACE.

    Understanding the SIN of ANGER Matthew 5:21-22/Proverb 6:16ff Last week we discussed the sin of dissension. Like we discovered last week, it is not just the doing but even the thought of sin is just as guilty. In this passage, I want you to notice, that in this passage the Lord covers the more

  • Sex And Marriage Part Three

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Aug 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    There are within our hearts many great mysteries still to be disclosed. One of the greatest mysteries of all is pure love between a man and a woman. How one man and one woman can find perfect fulfillment only by and through their union as one couple pled

    Sex and Marriage - Part 3 Love Letters and Love Songs Song of Solomon 2:3:13 Love letters and love songs are meant to be shared only by the lovers and not an audience of on lookers. There are many reasons for this, the special language that lovers share is often unique and original it may stem more

  • The Emerging Church

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on Sep 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Principles you will find in the emerging church.

    THE EMERGENT CHURCH by Jerry Falwell Five years ago the phrase, “The Emergent Church” was a generic term to describe any innovations, cutting edge technology, or new methods that were being used by new churches to do ministry. However, the generic term emergent church has taken on a technical more

  • Christian Ethics At A Glance Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 4, 2021

    Christians are supposed to stand out from others in their ethics, but sometimes we need both direction and permission to be different. Paul does this by means of several bullet points.

    Christian Ethics At-a-Glance (Romans 12:14-21) 1. The Law Professor specialized in teaching ethics: “You’re currently failing your ethics course,” he told me. So I slipped him a $200 in crisp bills across the table. “How about now?” I asked. The professor pocketed the money and said, “Still more

  • Loyalty Lost?

    Contributed by David Zachrich on Aug 18, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Loyalty, by definition, means unswerving in allegiance: such as faithful allegiance to your country, to your spouse and family, to your school, to your church, to your work.

    Friends in Christ, Loyalty, by definition, means unswerving in allegiance: such as faithful allegiance to your country, to your spouse and family, to your school, to your church, to your work. Loyalty is not this: In heaven they faced God, who wanted to know what they believed in. The German more

  • A Summery Of Living Victoriously Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jan 27, 2025

    once a month we summarize what has gone before, this is the summery of the previous three weeks messages and a message in itself.

    Summarising the past three weeks messages: I talked about living victoriously, reflecting on John’s eyewitness account of Jesus from his gospel and his gospel from the Island of Patmos and in part from his letter 1 John. I particularly like the words, of 1John 5:12, “Whoever has the Son has life; more

  • The Last Big Wave

    Contributed by Todd Goodwin on Jun 22, 2001
    based on 135 ratings

    Every young person can be sold out and committed to God by understanding three principles about a move of God.

    S-ubject: The move of God C-entral Theme: Getting serious with God O-bjective: Every young person can be sold out and committed to God by understanding threeprinciples about a move of God. R-ationle: Principle #1: There is always a outcry for Repentance Principle more

  • It'a Time To Dance

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 31, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Sometimes in this life we need to dance before the Lord like David did so that God gets the glory. But there will be critics!

    It’s time to dance! Thesis: Sometimes in this life we need to dance before the Lord like David did so that God gets the glory. But there will be critics! Texts: 2 Samuel 6 The Holy Bible, New International Version 2 Samuel 6:1 (NIV) 1David again brought together out of Israel chosen men, thirty more

  • What Is Going On In America

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Feb 11, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    The Passion of the Christ is only the tip of what a pagan culture is attempting to do in silencing the church.

    Jon Meacham, managing editor for Newsweek magazine wrote a cover story entitled, “Who really killed Jesus?” editorializing what they described as Mel Gibson’s troubling movie, “The Passion of the Christ.” Troubling are the words of Meacham when he states, “Though countless believers take it more

  • Audience One Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    You’re not the audience. God is. We are all players, performers who live and worship before Him.

    Today, we are wrapping up our series “wired for worship.” But how do you worship God in a world of pain and suffering? The problem is huge. And on August 29, indescribable suffering showed up again as Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Some say that we can still worship God because this was more

  • Who We Were Is Not Who We Are Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jun 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    When we understand who we are in Christ, we will live out of who we were and into who we are.

    Title: Who We Were Is Not Who We Are Text: Colossians 3:5-9 (3:1-15) Thesis: When we understand who we are in Christ, we will live out of who we were and into who we are. Series: How to treat people at home and at church: How to walk hand in hand when you do not see eye to eye. Introduction When more

  • The Purpose Of Motherhood

    Contributed by John White on May 12, 2017

    The vital importance of mother needs no confirmation. The very existence of each of us and any progress we may have made toward physical or emotional maturity testifies to the essential nature of motherhood

    THE PURPOSE OF MOTHERHOOD Proverbs 31:10-31 The vital importance of mother needs no confirmation. The very existence of each of us and any progress we may have made toward physical or emotional maturity testifies to the essential nature of motherhood. Most of us could personally attest to the more

  • Taming The Tongue Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jul 26, 2021

    James devotes most of chapter 3 to our challenge of controlling the tongue. In this sermon, we examine James' pronouncements about the tongue and then look at improper and proper uses of the tongue.

    Introduction: A. If your tongue has ever gotten you into trouble, then please raise your hand. 1. Turn to your neighbor and say, “I’m not surprised!” 2. We are not surprised, because it happens to all of us. 3. All of us have had the experience of saying something, and then wishing we had not said more

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