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Sermons on victory in cross:

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  • The Wisdom And Power Of The Cross

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 25, 2020

    Has the church today gone off message?

    The Wisdom and Power of the Cross 1 Corinthians 1:19-31 We see crosses portrayed on many coats-of-arms which serve as a badge of power. Royal families have crosses. But this was not always the case. In Jesus’ time, wearing a cross would have been utterly shocking. Crucifixion was so horrible that more

  • Crossing The Legs On God’s Chair

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Feb 26, 2011

    Crossing the legs is for some a symbol of elegance, for others something that’s bad for your legs. For me represents comfort and relaxation. Today I want to tell you that God in his great love and mercy decided to raise you from your condition of spiritua

    Crossing the legs on God’s chair There are different Kinds of Chairs When I was small, I used to play a game with my friends called musical chairs. Do you remember it? The object of the game was to be in possession of a chair when the music stopped. All through life it often seems more

  • A Fresh Look At The Cross

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Mar 22, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    In the ancient world, the cross was a depraved and distasteful affair. Romans used it, but the sparse reference to it in their literature shows their aversion to it. They considered it a barbarian form of punishment Similarly, the Jews detested it.

    A fresh look at the Cross. John 12:27 Every religion and every ideology has its own symbol for its identification. . For the Buddhist it is the Lotus Flower. Judaism has the Star of David and Islam the Crescent. In this century the Communists were known for the hammer and the sickle and the Nazis more

  • The Seven Words From The Cross

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 538 ratings

    The Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross are a wonderful commentary in his own words of Forgiveness, Salvation, Love, Atonement, Suffering, Victory and Security.

    The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is the corner stone of our faith. It is the chosen symbol of the Christian faith. Thank God, we see it now as an empty cross because the seeming tragedy for good and apparent victory for evil was overturned by the power and purposes of God into the triumph of more

  • The Cross Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 28, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    an exposition on Matt ch 26

    THE CROSS Matthew 26 v. 1 - 16 1. The Revelation of the Cross v. 1 & 2 "the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified" (a) The nearness of His death v. 2 "after two days" (b) The nature of His death v. 2 "betrayed to be crucified" (c) The necessity of His death v. 2 "the passover" - explains :- (1) more

  • On To The Cross Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 12, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 20v17-34

    ON TO THE CROSS Matthew 20 v. 17 - 34 in this portion we see :- 1. The Lord’s Direction v. 17 "going up to Jerusalem" 14 miles from Jericho 2. The lord’s Dedication is seen in :- where He went - "to Jerusalem", when He went - at 33 years old, why He went - to be crucified - "to lay down His more

  • The Cross Series

    Contributed by W F on Apr 6, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The death of Jesus is unique because, unlike the death of any other religious leader, Jesus died for a reason.

    INTRODUCTION The cross of Christ is unique because … 1. THE CROSS OF CHRIST IS UNIQUE BECAUSE OF ITS PURPOSE. What is the difference between Jesus’ death and the death of Mohammad or Buddha or any of the other religious leaders in history? The primary difference between them is that Jesus died for more

  • At The Cross

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on May 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The cross must be in the center of our lives, because it is the power of God in our lives.

    At The Cross TCF Good Friday Sermon April 6, 2007 1 Corinthians 1:17-25 (NIV) 17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel--not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. 18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Andy Flowers on Mar 31, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Good Friday

    Good Friday Title- The Cross Text- Romans 5:1-11 Romans 5:1-11 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Ian Lyall on Apr 1, 2008

    A study of the Cross, and the meaning of redemption. It entails a study of sin,guilt, curse and alienation and how Jesus overcame these

    Rom 3:9b-26 I feel I stand on holy ground tonight, For we come to think of that which stands at the heart of our faith that without which there would be nothing. And it is incumbent upon me to lead your thoughts. So before I proceed any further I would pause, and ask the Holy Spirit more

  • At The Cross

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Oct 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Taking a look at some of the events during Jesus' crucifixion.

    AT THE CROSS John 19:17-27 1) On the road to Golgotha (17-18). “Carrying his own cross” Other gospel accounts mention that Simon of Cyrene carried the cross for Jesus. This isn’t a contradiction. Jesus started out carrying his own cross but along the way he, being unable to more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Apr 24, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The cross it is the need of our soul.

    Is the Cross, as the song says, "an emblem of suffering and shame ... where the dearest and best for a more

  • At The Cross

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Aug 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Providing an opportunity for us to reflect on the cross of Jesus and of the Lord's table.

    At the Cross August 7, 2011 John 19:17-42 Intro: I spent a good couple of hours last Monday floating down the Pembina river. It was a beautiful sunny day, the river was warm, and so we set out. If you’re not familiar with the Pembina, it is about an hour west, just past Wabamun lake, in more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Mar 30, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    In this sermon outline we take the letters of the Cross to show the meaning and the work of Christ upon the cross. It makes us appreciate His great Work on the Cross.

    THE CROSS In this sermon outline we take the letters of the Cross to show the meaning and the work of Christ upon the cross. It makes us appreciate His great Work on the Cross. C. is in CROSS is for the Christ , the Son of the Living God who died on the cross for us all. Romans 5:8 (KJV) But God more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Sep 25, 2022

    The message of the cross is a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are being saved it is the wisdom of God. Do we have a "cross centered" view today?

    THE CROSS Text: 1 Corinthians 1:17-25, 1 Corinthians 2:1-6 OPEN WITH PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING I love studying God’s Word. I absolutely love it. I would rather study God’s Word than watch football or go to a UFC fight, which is saying a lot, because I enjoy both of those things. I would rather more

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