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  • The Virtue Of The Valley Experience

    Contributed by Robert Cobb on Nov 25, 2000
    based on 114 ratings

    A topical outline on the value that God places on the "valley' experiences of the Christian life. I. There is a Lesson in the Valley (Rom. 8:28, Ps. 84:11 Ps. 119:71) 1. Faith is the Activator of the Christian Life 2. Futility is the Achievement of Human Effort 3. Forward is the Advancement of God's People II. more

  • God's Antidote To My Fears Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 24, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    True security is not found in the absence of dangers but rather in the presence of the Shepherd

    This may be harder for some of us here this morning than others, but I’d like to ask all of you to think back to when you were a child. Remember what is was like when you went to bed and the lights were turned off and there you were lying in the dark? It probably didn’t take much to scare you – more

  • Mountaintops And Valleys

    Contributed by James Chandler on Jun 30, 2015

    A short sermon outline on a message encouraging those in a valley and rejoicing with those on a mountaintop.

    Mountaintops and Valleys Matthew 14 We all experience mountaintops and valleys For a preacher- Monday always follows Sunday There are times in our life when everything is wonderful and God seems to be blessing us so richly. There are times in our life when we feel alone, not sure where more

  • Neh 3:13 - While In The Valley

    Contributed by John Crisp on Jun 7, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon is for those who are experiencing the valley, a need of encouragement.

    Neh3:13 - In the valley Hanun=”gracious”, repair = to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore. Zanoah = "cast off" 1 We still build (ba-na) • Building us to His Glory. o Step by step, in His time (matt more

  • God Is A God Of The Mountains And The Valleys

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian life is filled with MOUNTAIN TOP EXPERIENCES and VALLEY EXPERIENCES.

    We all enjoy the MOUNTAIN TOP experiences. In God’s Word we find the writers used many superlatives to describe the blessings God bestows upon us. We are told that a good writer never uses too many superlatives for fear of overstating their case. They are to be reserved for special occasions more

  • God Is A God Of The Mountains And The Valleys

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 2, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian life is filled with MOUNTAIN TOP EXPERIENCES and VALLEY EXPERIENCES.

    We all enjoy the MOUNTAIN TOP experiences. In God’s Word we find the writers used many superlatives to describe the blessings God bestows upon us. We are told that a good writer never uses too many superlatives for fear of overstating their case. They are to be reserved for special occasions more

  • Help My Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jan 31, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Life on top of the mountain is exciting and often rejuvenating. Unfortunately we can't dwell on the mountain continually. Trails come in the valleys of life. It's imperative to use the lessons learned on the mountain when we face a valley.

    Help my Unbelief Mark 9: 14-29 Today our text takes a captivating twist. Peter, James, and John had experienced the glory of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Their experience was so wonderful that Peter desired to remain on the mountain. Jesus knew they could not stay there; He had much yet more

  • Sheep In The Valley

    Contributed by Dana Visneskie on Jul 19, 2004
    based on 58 ratings

    Why do God’s people go through Valley experiences? Knowing that we all face trials in our lives, what is the purpose behind them? I give 4 points to answer why God takes us through valley experiences.

    Title: Sheep Found In The Valley Text: Deut 8:1-5 Read Text!!! Pray!!! Introduction: A man found a cocoon of an emperor moth and took it home so he could watch the moth come out of the cocoon. One day a small opening appeared. The man sat and watched the moth for several hours as it struggled more

  • The Gates Of Nehemiah: The Valley Gate

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Apr 26, 2016

    The fourth of a series of messages on the ten gates of Nehemiah- spiritualized to represent the progress of every believer

    The Gates of Nehemiah: The Valley Gate Introduction: Tonight we are looking at the fourth message in our ten week study. The next gate in the ten gates of Nehemiah that represent our spiritual progress as a Christian is the valley gate. Last week we studied the meaning of “the Old more

  • Attitude In The Valley

    Contributed by S. R. Manohar on May 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    I am going to share with you how our attitude in general must be while we face a crisis or go through a valley experience. Brief points are 1) All the valley Experiences are Only Temporary 2) Time to Recollect God's Faithfulness and His Mighty Works

    In this article I am going to share with you how our attitude in general must be while we face a crisis or go through a valley experience. The Bible says that the Israelites began to dance and praise the Lord after they crossed the Red sea and saw the Egyptian army with their chariots and horses more

  • God Breathed (God's Resuscitation Program)

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jan 21, 2020

    You may be in a valley situation right now. It may seem as though everything is dead, everything is dislocated, messed up, dried up, washed out, and scattered but God is ready to breathe new life into your situation.

    God’s Resuscitation Bishop M.L. Maughmer, Jr. Ezekiel 37:1-5 “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. And caused me to pass by them round about and, behold, there were very many in the open more

  • Do You Know The Shepherd? - The Reality Of The Valley

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Apr 30, 2014
    based on 44 ratings

    The Valley is a reality but it is only temporary. We are called to go through the Valley, not to dwell, to stay in it. The Valley will make you or break you. Beloved let the valleys transform you into the image of Christ. (Updated April 2018)

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there a four Scripture readings that proceed the Message. Today's appointed readings are: Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2:19-25 and John 10:1-10 BIBLE "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for you are with more

  • Going Through The Valley

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Aug 1, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Mountain-Top experiences may be good but can easily get you in your head. We must not forget that the Valley experiences are the ones that shape, discipline and position you where God desires you to be.

    Opening illustration: Five year old Johnny was in the kitchen as his mother made supper. She asked him to go into the pantry and get her a can of tomato soup, but he didn’t want to go in alone. "It’s dark in there and I’m scared." She asked again, and he persisted. Finally she more

  • God’s Qualification Course For The Child Of God Is Our Valley Experiences Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on May 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Although in our walk in Life, we sometimes view our failures and shortcomings as a badge displaying our unrighteousness before God; it is not. Rather, we must come to understand that all things works only for the good of the child, man, or woman who loves

    Although in our walk in Life, we sometimes view our failures and shortcomings as a badge displaying our unrighteousness before God; it is not. Rather, we must come to understand that all things works only for the good of the child, man, or woman who loves God. How does our hurting one another more

  • Through The Valley Series

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Mar 22, 2016

    In the 23rd Psalms we are reminded that there are times we must go through the valleys.

    Through The Valley Psalms 23:1-6 In this life there are what some call the peaks and the valleys. Here David reminds us of the life’s journey that often leads through the valley. See: Psalms 84:5-7 The valley of Baca (weeping) Perhaps David in writing this psalm is reminded of some the more

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