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  • Is The N.t. A Reliable Witness Of Jesus? -Part 4 Of Series On Da Vinci Code Series

    Contributed by Scott Weber on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Part four of a series examining The Da Vinci Code; exposing the errors of Dan Brown’s claims and the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – part 4 “Is The N.T. a Reliable Witness of Jesus?” In times like this, people want things to be secure in their lives. They especially want some security in relation to their core beliefs. I mean, what if the Muslims are right and Christians are wrong about their more

  • Jesus’ Response To Mockery And Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 28, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Chapter 7 is a brief pause in the revelation of who Jesus is. This chapter shows the reactions of various groups to the claims of Jesus.

    So far, in the first 6 chapters of the Gospel of John, the author has concentrated on the revealing of Jesus—revealing Him as God, the Son of God, the One who came down out of heaven, and the Bread of Life. Chapter 7 is a brief pause in the revelation of who Jesus is. This chapter shows the more

  • Why Nick And I Buried Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Bumble Ho on Dec 8, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    A sermon "performed" as a monologue from the first person perspective (Joseph of Arimathea) about Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah in John 5.

    [Come in, fully dressed in Jewish costume] Shalom! Good morning, My name is Joseph, (but according to your culture, you can call me Joe). I am from Arimathea, a region in the Northwest of Jerusalem [1]. I am a nobleman among the seventy members of the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem, (or Ruling Council in more

  • Creation In Six Days? Really?

    Contributed by Dennis King on Aug 28, 2018

    This lessons lays open the mistakes and fallacies of some scientific evidence claiming the earth is millions or billions of years old.

    Genesis tells us God created the water covered Earth, Light, Sky, Dry Land and Plants in only three days. Then He made the Sun, Moon, and Stars. The fifth day saw the creation of Fish and Birds. Finally, on the sixth day. God created the Animals and Man. Yet, some say, “Six days? Really? Nobody more

  • Come To The Banquet

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Dec 5, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    There are many excuses we can offer for not accepting the invitation to come to the banquet which God has prepared, but none of our excuses are valid because Jesus deals with them all.

    Friends in the Lord, One thing you can guarantee when you have Jesus over to your place for dinner is that the table conversation will always be very interesting. Which is exactly what is happening in our text. But the teachings of Jesus aren’t recorded just because they are “interesting”. The more

  • Victims Of Unrisen Expectations

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We fail to experience a vital faith because we do not expect anything new, we operate out of preconceived notions, or we wait for authority figures to validate us.

    Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, DC, March 5, 1989 Anyone who works in an office or who has had to do either writing or typing knows that you do not proofread your own work. You just do not proofread your own work. Why not? Because the tendency is to see what we want to see, and what we more

  • Faith In The Name Of Jesus, Exercised Through Jesus

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on May 2, 2018

    The only faith that is real, valid and worth it is faith I the name of Jesus. This faith when put into action through Him yields great and might results that will blow your mind.

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: FAITH IN THE NAME OF JESUS, EXERCISED THROUGH JESUS Acts 3:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in more

  • “four Undeniable Testimonies About Jesus” Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jun 30, 2015

    Jesus provides four undeniable testimonies or witnesses which validate His Divine position as the Eternal Son of God sent from the Father's side, and provides proof of His Godhead.

    “Four Undeniable Testimonies about Jesus” John 5:30-47 The human heart and mind of man is very skeptical and changeable, and when it comes to matters of faith and believing in Jesus as Savior and Lord, Jesus being equal to the Father in nature and that He is indeed a person of the more

  • The Long Reach Of God's Grace Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 7, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    The Gospel Paul preached was not of human conception but it came to him directly from God. Now that’s an astounding claim to make, a claim which demanded some kind of proof. Paul provides this proof by pointing to himself.

    GALATIANS 1:11-17 THE LONG REACH OF GOD’S GRACE Paul’s theme is that the Gospel he preached to man was not of human conception, nor was it a second-hand tale; no it came to him directly from God. Now that’s an astounding claim to make, a claim which demanded some kind of proof. Paul more

  • Is He The Christ? Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 13, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    If Jesus’ authority to not only interpret the Sabbath but also to work on the Sabbath indeed comes from God, then Jesus is making a messianic claim. This claim opens the way to questions concerning His origins—divine origins. Is He the Christ?

    JOHN 7: 25-36 IS HE THE CHRIST? The force of Jesus’ argument with the authorities seems to impress many in the audience who are either residents of the city or pilgrims in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Thus a shift in subject springs from Jesus’ last answer. If Jesus’ authority to more

  • What Did Jesus Really Say About Himself? Series

    Contributed by Keith Miller on Jul 6, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at eight of the “I Am” passages in the Gospel of John for the purpose of seeing what it was Jesus actually said about Himself. This sermon addresses Dan Brown’s claim that Jesus never really claimed divinity.

    Who Did Jesus Really Claim to Be? John 8:48-59 Introduction Here is another quote from Dan Brown’s, The Da Vinci Code: “Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet… a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A mortal.” This is pretty much the general opinion concerning Jesus. more

  • Integrity

    Contributed by Steven Spillman on May 2, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Integrity is an interesting word. Everybody wants it. A lot of folks claim to have it. And a lot of folks that claim to have it, turns out, don’t really have so much of it as they led us to believe.

    Integrity is an interesting word. Everybody wants it. A lot of folks claim to have it. And a lot of folks that claim to have it, turns out, don’t really have so much of it as they led us to believe. All you’ve got to do is watch the evening news. Preachers, politicians, business leaders; all folks more

  • Free At Last

    Contributed by Jerry Hammonds on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    Living the Spirit filled life. Knowing that Sin cannot control, condemn, or claim you!

    Introduction: We want to please God! When we were born again, God implanted within us a new nature. This new nature desires to live in accordance with God’s Word and will. But the old sinful nature, constantly seeks to reassert itself in our lives. What generally results is a more

  • The Religious Lost!

    Contributed by Brian Archer on Aug 8, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Our title of "Christian" is meaningless if our hearts don’t match our claim.

    The Religious Lost! Romans 2:17-29 I. They Lack Humility 2:17-20 II. They Lack Obedience 2:21-24 III. They Lack Understanding 2:25-29 Introduction In his book, Early Christians of the 21st Century, Chad Walsh wrote: Millions of Christians live in a sentimental haze of more

  • The Fleeting Nature Of Life Series

    Contributed by Dan Neary on May 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Second in an eight part series in the Book of Ecclesiastes... this sermon tackles the claim that everything is meaningless.

    You have to be glad that you came to church this morning. If you’ve ever wondered what makes different versions of the Bible different, you can turn to Ecclesiastes 1. • NIV: Meaningless • KJV: Vanity • Holman: Futility • Contemporary: Nonsense • Message: Smoke 1These are the words of the more

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