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  • A Dwelling In Heaven PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Use earthly resources wisely for God's kingdom and store up treasures in heaven.

    Good morning, church family! So glad to see you all here today. We're diving deep into Luke 16:8 today, to dissect the Parable of the Unrighteous Steward. You might be thinking, "What's up with that? Why are we focusing on a parable about a dishonest manager?" Well, there's more to this story than more

  • Wise Woman PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Regardless of our circumstances, God can use us in powerful ways.

    Good morning, Church! Our sermon today is inspired by a woman of great wisdom and courage found in the pages of 2 Samuel. Her story is a testament that no matter who we are, where we come from, or what circumstances we find ourselves in, God can use us in powerful ways. In the words of Richard more

  • Be Wise

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Aug 25, 2019

    How often do we look before we leap?

    Sermon - Be Wise Q- How many of us are familiar with the statement, look before you leap? - It’s a great piece of advice, that many refuse to listen to. - I remember the time that I was in a hurry to get to school. In my 83 Bronco, with a 351 Windsor v8 engine in it, I was skinning it more

  • Be Wise In What Is Good

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Aug 8, 2022

    There is tremendous pressure for us to abandon the teachings that have been handed down to us from Jesus and the apostles. The pressure comes from our society in general, which has become so liberal and atheistic. And Paul warns that it can even come from inside the church.

    Alba 8-7-2022 BE WISE IN WHAT IS GOOD Romans 16:17-21 Before smart meters, overcoming locked gates, tall fences and snapping dogs always presented a challenge for meter readers. They were required to actually read all meters, no estimates allowed. One time a worker in Oklahoma succeeded in more

  • Using Freedoms Wisely

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jun 30, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    The Galatian church either tried to add to their freedom in Christ or abused their freedom in hurting others. Today we need to learn to serve others in love, walk in the Spirit, and stay in sync with the Spirit.

    Using Freedoms Wisely Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Freedom is a wonderful thing. This coming Thursday we’ll celebrate the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, to live in the home of the free, the land of the brave. Yet, with freedom comes responsibility. You don’t have the freedom to go up and punch somebody more

  • Using Gifts Wisely Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Aug 25, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Ultimately we’re called to service because we’re seeking to follow the steps of our saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many

    Have you ever had one of those really annoying waiters or waitresses that are always there hovering around the table? They’re the ones who come and take your plate almost the second your last mouthful goes in & the cutlery goes down. This can be really annoying because it denies you the chance to more

  • A Wise Use Of Time

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 18, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    Three negatives negated, and three positives endorsed. Redeeming the time. The Holy Spirit and the word of Christ. An exhortation to praise and thanksgiving.

    A WISE USE OF TIME. Ephesians 5:15-20. Despite popular opinion, the Christian “life” or Christian “walk” is not a style of living or a level of morality that we must first attain before we can ever be recognised as true Christians. On the contrary, the Christian “walk” or the Christian “life” more

  • Ten Talents - Using Them Wisely PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 15, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages us to use our God-given talents to honor Him, living lives of true holiness rooted in awed adoration.

    Greetings, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a joy to gather with you today, in this sacred space, where we can bask in the warmth of our shared faith, and seek solace and inspiration in the word of God. As we gather in unity, let us remember that we are not just a community of believers, more

  • That Is Good That Does Us Good

    Contributed by George Warner on Aug 22, 2021

    Wisdom is justified of her children (Matthew 11:19)

    First Corinthians chapter 12 contains words that summarize the nature of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some of those gifts are common gifts and others are relatively rare. Now there are various sciences that coalesce with each other and cannot easily be understood in isolation from one more

  • Do Not Be Afraid To Use Your Time Wisely

    Contributed by Noah Balcombe on Aug 26, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    we are all given the same amount of time each a good steward of yours

    Stewardship World definition: The management of another persons property, finances, or household affairs Christian deffinition: The management of one’s life Matt 25:14-23 14 "Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 15 To one he more

  • Good News For The Wise Men Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 22, 2024

    Good news came to them, and they made it their purpose to see the new king. It started with a star, then a search and ended with worship.

    Alba 12-22-2024 GOOD NEWS FOR THE WISE MEN Matthew 2:1-12 J. Curtis Goforth became a Methodist minister. He told about something that happened when he was still a boy. He said his home church always put on a Christmas play with the children of the church. And one evening, he was being more

  • How To Use Money Wisely Series

    Contributed by Larry Sarver on Aug 15, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    A teaching message on Luke 16:1-10.

    Luke Series #72 July 14, 2002 Title: How to Use Money Wisely Email: <> Website: <> Introduction: Welcome to New Life in Christ. This morning we are in Chapter 16 of the Book of more

  • Use Your Time Wisely

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Jun 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    If we use the gift of today wisely, we’ll be able to position ourselves for new opportunities.

    USE YOUR TIME WISELY "It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the people of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem." 2 Samuel 11:1. At the time more

  • Guarding Time - Using It Wisely

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Feb 22, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    WHAT DOES GOD WANT US TO DO WITH OUR TIME? If tithing is giving back 10% of our firstfruits to the Lord...With 24 hours in a day, What are you doing 2.4 hours each day? Are you redeeming your time with the LORD?

    2.10.2008 "Watching Time" Being Good Stewards of our Time by William Akehurst, HSWC Key Scriptures: Mark 14:32-38 Deut. 26:2 Ephesians 5:15-17 Colossians 4:5a James 4:14 Romans 13:10-12 Revelations 22:7-10 As a guideline, a tithe is 10% of our treasures, talents and even our time. With 24 hours more

  • #5. Using Time Wisely Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Jun 21, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    Stewardship of all God has given us includes the right use of time. How can you use time wisely?

    THE PASTOR’S POINTS Bible Teaching Ministry of CEDAR LODGE BAPTIST CHURCH Thomasville, NC a fellowship of faith, family and friendships Dr. Russell Brownworth, D.Min., Pastor ----------------------------------------------- June 20, 2004 A Father’s Day more

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