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  • The Most Urgent Need Series

    Contributed by Mike Mcguire on May 6, 2016

    Beginning of a series to revitalize the church through evangelism.

    Introduction: In recent news this week, California announced that its snow pack has already melted. That means no fresh water from snowfall. California is experiencing a drought, as it has not in many years. Some may say it is because of the evil that goes on in California. They may say it is more

  • Transgressors And Intercessors Series

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Aug 27, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    There is an urgent need for intercessors today.

    TRANSGRESSORS AND INTERCESSORS “30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; more

  • The Urgent Or The Important Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on May 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Comparing the Urgent and the Important to see what God sees as Important.

    “The Urgent or The Important – Luke 10:38-42” Gladstone Baptist Church – TBA When I look around the church, I see so many things that urgently need doing – people’s needs, opportunities to develop, programs to run, etc – they all seem to be urgently needed. OOPS I’ve got a dilemma this morning, more

  • Urgent Preparation Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Mar 7, 2008
    based on 84 ratings

    In this passage, Jesus knows what is in store for Him. He knows that within just a few short hours, He would be beaten and bruised and hung on an old rugged cross. He knows the tremendous task that lies ahead. So He knows He must urgently prepare.

    1. Urgently prepare in solitude 2. Urgently prepare in sorrow 3. Urgently prepare in submission 4. Don’t prepare by sleeping What would you do if you knew what was going to happen to you tomorrow? If, somehow, some way it was possible for you to look into the future—what would you do? Would more

  • That I May Know Him

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Mar 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Knowing Jesus is life’s greatest privilege and our most urgent need

    That I May Know Him Philippians 3:7-14 The importance of having our priorities in the right order A group of friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under an eight-point buck. "Where’s Harry?" he was asked. "Harry had more

  • Living The Eucharist: Christian Charity In Today's World Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 12, 2024

    A powerful call to live out Christian charity in ways that are urgently needed today.

    Living the Eucharist: Christian Charity in Today's World Intro: A powerful call to live out Christian charity in ways that are urgently needed today. Scripture John 6:51-58 Reflection Dear Sisters and Brothers, In our modern world, filled with distractions and constant noise, it's more

  • Urgent

    Contributed by Mike Gillett on Feb 28, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Doing the tasks that really aren’t necessary rather then doing the important. The value of accountability, wisdom and counsel of godly leaders, such as, looking at a schedule and projecting how I will use the time God has given me for His glory.

    URGENT John 11:9 I love to read and study, but sometimes I find myself doing the tasks that really aren’t necessary. Do we give up the important for the urgent? Are the urgent issues of life the important issues? Working with the elders has been excellent accountability as well as a way to gain more

  • The Need For Spiritual Discernment Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 23, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Man is designed to be a spiritual being. He will worship something, even if it's a false god. The truth has been diluted and compromised by many, and we live among many who are confused. There is an urgent need for spiritual discernment in our day.

    The Need for Spiritual Discernment 1 John 4: 1-6 I am sure we’ve all been warned about believing everything we hear. The same caution should be applied for what we see as well. It is foolish to believe everything we are told and much of what we see. Lies and deception were used to tempt more

  • Christian Repentance

    Contributed by Barnabas Park on May 27, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    The significane of fellowship with God in light of His calling and Jesus’ death, without practicing of which we all need repentance.

    Christian Repentance As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be committed and repent. Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. (Rev. 3:19-20) What do you think is the most important more

  • The Dynamic Lessons Taught By The Sleeping Teacher

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on May 22, 2010
    based on 49 ratings

    When God seems sleeping and I am in urgent need, can I still trust Him?

    THE LESSON TAUGHT BY THE SLEEPING JESUS Mat 8:23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Mat 8:24 Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. Mat 8:25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, Lord, save us! more

  • Send Laborers Into The Harvest PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores our role as laborers for Christ, emphasizing the urgent need for teaching and spreading God's love in a world desperately needing it.

    Good morning, family. It's a beautiful day the Lord has made, isn't it? I hope you're all doing well and feeling blessed. Now, let's get right into it. We're going to be chatting about something that's really close to my heart today. We're talking about the need for laborers in the harvest, the more

  • The Urgent Or The Important

    Contributed by John Roy on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    One of the secrets of life is knowing the difference between the urgent and the important.

    The Urgent or the Important Ecclesiastes 3:2 One day a professor took out a one-gallon pitcher from under her desk. She also produced about a dozen fist size rocks. She carefully placed the rocks in the jar. The rocks stacked up to the rim of the pitcher then she asked her bright students if the more

  • Urgent Remembrance Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 74 ratings

    Jesus is not just a forgotten name in a Book. He is God. God who took on our flesh. He took on our flesh just so He could suffer and die in it--so He could suffer the penalty of sin in our stead. And He told us to remember. So that’s what we’re going to

    1. Urgent remembrance requires the first cup of preparing 2. Urgent remembrance requires the second cup of purging 3. Urgent remembrance requires the third cup of partaking 4. Urgent remembrance recalls the fourth cup of promising I am tremendously blessed. And one of the ways I am blessed is more

  • The Urgent And The Important Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Dec 6, 2013

    The Gift of our Time

    James 4:13-17 (p. 849) December 1, 2013 Introduction: Mike Yaconelli writes in his book Messy Spirituality “When my children were young, track meets filled a part of each week during the spring. One particular hot spring day I attended a Jr. High track meet, arriving in the middle more

  • Urgent Action Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Mar 29, 2008
    based on 85 ratings

    This message is a call to urgent action. It is a call to urgently accomplish our mission--both as individuals and as a church.

    1. The first reason we can confidently accomplish our mission is our authority 2. The second reason we can confidently accomplish our mission is our assignment 3. The third reason we can confidently accomplish our mission is our assurance MATTHEW 28:16-20 Back in the ‘80s, there was a big push in more

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