Sermon Series
  • 1. Urgent Warning

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2008
    based on 84 ratings

    Throughout history, God continually gave His chosen people urgent warnings. As Jesus looks out over the city of Jerusalem, He laments the fact that they failed to heed those warnings by refusing to recognize Him as their Messiah.

    1. The urgent warning of God’s permanent Word (37a) 2. The urgent warning of God’s passionate grace (37b) 3. The urgent warning of God’s present consequence (38) 4. The urgent warning of God’s pending judgment (39) MATTHEW 23:37-39 Thomas Huxley was known as Darwin’s Bulldog. He was one more

  • 2. Urgent Adoration

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2008
    based on 104 ratings

    We talk about worship all the time. But do we really know what worship is? If we’ve never had a breathtaking experience with worshipping Jesus, then we probably don’t. In our passage, Mary had a breathtaking experience with Jesus that is a great exampl

    1. The first attribute of urgent adoration is that urgent adoration is unrestrained. 2. The second attribute of urgent adoration is that urgent adoration is impractical. 3. The third attribute of urgent adoration is that urgent adoration is irreproachable. 4. The fourth attribute of urgent more

  • 3. Urgent Remembrance

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 74 ratings

    Jesus is not just a forgotten name in a Book. He is God. God who took on our flesh. He took on our flesh just so He could suffer and die in it--so He could suffer the penalty of sin in our stead. And He told us to remember. So that’s what we’re going to

    1. Urgent remembrance requires the first cup of preparing 2. Urgent remembrance requires the second cup of purging 3. Urgent remembrance requires the third cup of partaking 4. Urgent remembrance recalls the fourth cup of promising I am tremendously blessed. And one of the ways I am blessed more

  • 4. Urgent Preparation

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2008
    based on 84 ratings

    In this passage, Jesus knows what is in store for Him. He knows that within just a few short hours, He would be beaten and bruised and hung on an old rugged cross. He knows the tremendous task that lies ahead. So He knows He must urgently prepare.

    1. Urgently prepare in solitude 2. Urgently prepare in sorrow 3. Urgently prepare in submission 4. Don’t prepare by sleeping What would you do if you knew what was going to happen to you tomorrow? If, somehow, some way it was possible for you to look into the future—what would you do? Would more

  • 5. Urgent Atonement

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 101 ratings

    The cross is hideous. It’s not a pretty thing we hang on our walls. It’s not a fine piece of jewelry hanging from our neck. It is the most brutal instrument of death ever conceived by the cruel mind of man.

    For the past few weeks, we’ve been looking at the events of the last few days of Jesus’ life on earth. With each of those events, we’ve seen a sense of urgency. Each week we have seen an example of urgency. But this morning is different. In this morning’s passage, our Lord shows a sense of more

  • 6. Urgent News

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 84 ratings

    In this message titled “Urgent News” from our 2008 Easter Morning service, we look at the resurrection from the perspective of the ladies who arrived at the tomb early on that first Easter morning. How did they feel? What did they see? More importantly

    How many of you took a look at the newspaper this morning? If you can stomach it, I think it’s a good idea to keep up with what’s going on in the world. But here’s the thing about news. Whether you get your news from the paper or the TV, news comes in all different shapes and sizes. There’s more

  • 7. Urgent Action

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2008
    based on 85 ratings

    This message is a call to urgent action. It is a call to urgently accomplish our mission--both as individuals and as a church.

    1. The first reason we can confidently accomplish our mission is our authority 2. The second reason we can confidently accomplish our mission is our assignment 3. The third reason we can confidently accomplish our mission is our assurance MATTHEW 28:16-20 Back in the ‘80s, there was a big more