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  • War And Peace

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 18, 2019

    A study in the book of 2 Chronicles 15: 1 – 19

    2 Chronicles 15: 1 – 19 War and Peace 15 Now the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded. 2 And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake more

  • The Dragon Wars Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Apr 18, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    The Dragon Wars is a sermon dealing with Revelation chapter 12. The first war is against Israel and the Messiah The second war is against heaven, and the third war is against believers. It also addresses a believer's victory over Satan.

    The Book of Revelation “The Dragon Wars” Revelation 12 We are living in a day when most people want to deny the real cause of the trouble we see in our world. We don’t want to see the results of what’s going on in our world or even in our lives as the works of sin and the more

  • Tug Of War

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Feb 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Marc Anthony is quoted as saying, "I can resist everything except temptation." Can you relate to that? Temptation is an everyday challenge Christians are faced with. Paul knew this struggle and he transparently elaborated on that in Romans 7:14-25.

    TUG OF WAR Romans 7:14-25 There was a cartoon which showed two friends standing before a Minister and one asks, "Why is it that opportunity only knocks once but temptation beats on my door every day?!" Can you relate to that? Marc Anthony is quoted as saying, "I can resist everything but more

  • The War On The Word

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on May 11, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    This is a crucial message since the attacks on the Bible are constant in our increasingly paganized world.

    THE WAR ON THE WORD TEXT: Genesis 3:1-7 Genesis 3:1-7 KJV Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? [2] And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat more

  • War And Peace Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 24, 2019

    Joy can be discovered and embraced through times or war and peace. We just have to seek the one who brings perfect peace even in the midst of war.

    Opening Video: Memorial Day Memorial Day – A day to remember those who gave their lives for the cause of peace in a time of war. Series: Find Joy in the Journey Scripture Text: Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope more

  • The Cosmic War Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Jun 10, 2019

    What should we do by way of practical duty?

    The Cosmic War Ephesians 6:10-24 Introduction: Paul carries us from profound doctrine to practical duty. David Dockery said, “Paul painted a chilling picture of the cosmic war raging between Satan and God’s people.” If we look around we can see this war escalating. We behold a-morality, more

  • The Christmas War Series

    Contributed by Scott Nichols on Nov 8, 2019

    There is one face you will never see in a Nativity set. This face was not smiling, not praising, not kneeling, not was hating! Around that manger scene, lurking in the shadows was the face of the Dragon, the deceiver, the devil!

    Faces around the manger - Mary and Joseph - Shepherds - Angels - Wisemen But there is one face you will never see in a Nativity set This face was not smiling, not praising, not kneeling, not was hating! You see Jesus' birth excited more than wonder - it excited evil as more

  • War And Disaster Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Sep 9, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    The Revelation serves as a warning to us all. Fear and repentance is the proper response to God’s judgment. May we never indulge in soul’s boast that only invites destruction, for He humbles the proud, but exalts the humble.

    Revelation 16 TRANSLATION 12. And the sixth poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way for the kings of the East could be prepared. 13. And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false more

  • The War Within

    Contributed by Randy Shepard on Sep 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We all have two wars brewing inside of us. The war of good vs evil or flesh vs spirit, and the war of grace vs guilt

    A hotel in Galveston, Texas, that overlooks the Gulf of Mexico, faced a potential problem. The edge of the hotel hangs over the water. Before the hotel opened, someone thought, "What if someone decides to fish out of the windows?" This person then erected signs saying not to fish from the hotel more

  • Star Wars Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 6, 2018

    Message 22 in our exposition of Revelation dealing with the war in the heavenlies.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ “Star Wars” 12 Review We have been following a future drama detailing what will unfold in the final days of this age. There will dramatic events on the heavenly stage and around God’s throne. There will be amazing events played out on the earthly stage. I. PROLOGUE more

  • Waging War Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Mar 20, 2019

    Paul understood that behind his critics was a sinister spirit- Satan. He challenged these rebels. He knew they were influenced by demonic forces (11:3, 13).

    WAGING WAR II CORINTHIANS 10:1-6 INTRODUCTION: We are in a war! The enemy is alive and well (well, not so well). The war is spiritual. Paul found himself in a war. The Judaizers (legalist) had followed Paul into Corinth. They had corrupted the message and challenged the messenger. This is more

  • Prepared For War

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 25, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A look at our need to be prepared for the battles our enemy throws at us.

    The Armor of God Ephesians 6:10-18 January 26, 2020 Prior to world war II, France believed they had a solution to a potential German invasion. They built what was called the Maginot line. The Maginot line was a defensive line built in the 1930’s that stretched for over 200 miles on the NE border more

  • We Are At War

    Contributed by Mark Bimson on Feb 21, 2020

    No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs, he wants to please his commanding officer. There are several different aspects of God's dealings with church.

    2 Timothy 2:3-4 Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs, he wants to please his commanding officer. There are several different aspects of God's dealings with church. The most familiar is that of the family more

  • War Horse

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 10, 2020

    This is no kinder garden stuff, brace yourself up for power, we have been listening and watching too much of juicy sermons dripping with honey and candy that we have forgotten to train our hands for war, you are a war horse

    WAR HORSE Zechariah 10:3”My anger is kindled against the shepherds, And I will punish the male goats; For the LORD of hosts has visited His flock, the house of Judah, And will make them like His majestic horse in battle.” Above is the anchor scripture and theme for the seminar - WAR more

  • The Invisible War

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Jun 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon about the World and the Word, being Conformed or Transformed, and having one influences or many influences.

    THE INVISIBLE WAR We are created for God, but given free will, which gives us ability to make choices and decisions. Those choices or decisions effect our lives. Salvation is simple: Believe in Jesus Christ, Repent from our sin, Accept Him as Saviour. But the process is complicated, there is a war more

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