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  • The State Of The Church-- What's The Purpose Of Bethany Church?

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Mar 19, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    The message encourages members to think about what is the purpose of the church.

    THE STATE OF THE CHURCH --WHAT’S THE PURPOSE OF BETHANY CHURCH? Acts 2:42-47 (TMNT) They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers. Everyone around was in awe¡Xall those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the more

  • Safe And Secure

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Sep 19, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

    Are we safe since 9/11?

    INTRO.- ILL.- A backwoods boy was about to make his first parachute jump. His sergeant reminded him, “Count to ten and pull the first rip cord. If it doesn’t work, then pull the second ripcord for the auxiliary parachute. After you land, our truck will pick you up.” The paratrooper took a deep more

  • God Has Called Us To An Active Ministry

    Contributed by Arthur Mathis on Oct 18, 2003
    based on 164 ratings

    God has intended for us to speak out and tell everyone about the miracle that He has performed in our lives--we have been chosen as His royal priesthood--chosen for His purposes.

    God Has Called Us to an Active Ministry Associate Pastor Art Mathis 19 October 2003 1 Peter 2:9-10 (Message Bible)—“But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others more

  • Defeating Distractions Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Jan 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Fifth in a series in the book of Nehemiah. This message explores the potential landmine of distractions that can derail a vision including opportunities, criticism, and fear.

    We are continuing to glean wisdom and advice towards pursuing 20/20 vision from the book of Nehemiah. You have heard me say it before, and I’ll say it again. Take some time, maybe 30 minutes, in the next few days or weeks, and read through the book of Nehemiah in one setting. We are only more

  • Miracles

    Contributed by Mark Holdcroft on Mar 9, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Are healings and miracles just for the times of the Apostles, or can we expect to see them today? This sermon attempts to answer that question.

    Miracles I have been asked to speak on the subject of miracles. This subject leaves me with a dilemma. It is not what to say that is the problem, but what to leave out. It is a very large topic. I have decided to split the topic into four different areas. Firstly, what are miracles and what more

  • Working It Out Jesus' Way (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Jan 4, 2008

    Part 3!

    Working It Out Jesus’ Way (Part 3) Matthew 18:21-35 July 8, 2007 Introduction An elderly man on the beach found a magic lamp. He picked it up and a genie appeared. "Because you have freed me," the genie said, "I will grant you a wish." The man thought for a moment and then responded, "My more

  • Be Bold For Christ

    Contributed by Doug Gorman on Apr 11, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We need to be bold for Christ and His Church!

    AW Tozer said, “The true follower of Christ will not ask, "If I embrace this truth, what will it cost me?" Rather they will say, "This is truth. God help me to walk in it, let come what may!" How many times have you had the chance to witness to someone about Christ and failed to do so because more

  • America.."You Better Start Praying"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 11, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    They say as long as it doesn't change my world what does it matter.. They say as long as it doesn't take away my rights what does it matter.. They say, they say, they say… Guess what church It matters!

    America.."You Better Start Praying" 1kings 18:1-2 MSG 18 1-2 A long time passed. Then God’s word came to Elijah. The drought was now in its third year. The message: “Go and present yourself to Ahab; I’m about to make it rain on the country.” Elijah set out to present more

  • A Look At Poverty Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Apr 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The two things that break God’s heart are people in need and people in greed. God’s people must be those who minister to those in need and never tainted by greed.

    1. Review and Overview a. We have been talking about letting God turn us inside out and change the focus of our lives from being self-centered, self-interested, and self-absorbed to that of a God centered, Kingdom minded, outward focused people of God. b. This transformation will not come about as more

  • Gratitude That Adorns The Gospel-7

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 21, 2019

    7 of 8. For the Christians in Rome, Paul delineated the relationship of gratitude to the Gospel. But what manner of Gratitude properly adorns the Gospel of Christ? OR... How can your Gratitude adorn the Gospel of Christ? Gratitude adorns the Gospel thru...

    GRATITUDE That ADORNS The GOSPEL-VII—Romans 1:15-25 OR: Gratitude That Graces The Gospel Attention: Visiting Grandma: A Grandmother was giving directions to her grown grandson who was coming with his wife, to visit her for the first time in her new place: She told him, “You come to the front door more

  • When The Master Calls Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 20, 2023

    In today's section, Mark begins with the first words of Jesus as He proclaimed the Gospel in Galilee. Then Mark moved quickly into the calling of the first four disciples. There is much for us to learn about how to respond to the Master's call to be fishers of people.

    A. The kingdom of God is like a man who wanted to build a carousel and began to build a team and find the supplies he needed. 1. In 2008, a man named Gale Joh wanted to do something special for Kingsport, Tennesse, the place that had become his home. 2. He had grown up in Binghamton, NY, the more

  • When The Music Stops!

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 31, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    The Mountain is the place we always meet with God and never want to leave. But, God desires us to go home and share our experience with others.

    "When the Music stops!" Opening remarks: This weekend was a great success. People where blessed and touched from every age bracket. You could say we experienced one of those mountain top experiences. So I ask the question today, “What do we do now that the music stopped?” This is a very good more

  • Triumphant Saints In An Age Of Satanic Oppression Series

    Contributed by David Jenkins on Oct 22, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    Triumphant Saints in an age of Satanic oppression

    Revelation 14:1, “Then I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.” We live in a world of sheer and utter chaos; in the midst of this chaotic world in which we live in sometimes what we must more

  • Surprised By Grace

    Contributed by H.b. Charles Jr. on Dec 16, 2010
    based on 38 ratings

    "Surprised by Grace" is an exposition of 2 Samuel 9 in which David reaches out in kindness to Mephibosheth for the sake of his father, Mephibosheth. David's kindness is read as a parable of the amazing grace of God that saves unworthy sinners.

    SURPRISED BY GRACE 2 Samuel 9 “O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell in your holy hill?” David begins Psalm 15 with these probing questions. The body of the psalm answers these opening questions. It describes that character and conduct of the person who pleases God. more

  • Safe And Secure

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 12, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    In the aftermath of 9/11/01 we need to find some safety and security in life.

    SAFE AND SECURE Prov. 3:5-6, 24-26 INTRO.- ILL.- A backwoods boy was about to make his first parachute jump. His sergeant reminded him, “Count to ten and pull the first rip cord. If it doesn’t work, then pull the second rip cord for the auxiliary parachute. After you land, our truck will pick more

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