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  • Fire Proofing Our Children

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Jun 28, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    When our faith is under fire, we must stand!

    FIRE PROOFING OUR CHILDREN DANIEL 3: 13-30 JUNE 26, 2005 INTRODUCTION: A Jewish businessman in Chicago sent his son to Israel for a year to absorb the culture. When the son returned, he said, "Papa, I had a great time in Israel. By the way, I converted to Christianity." "Oy vey," said the father, more

  • The Urgency Of Commitment

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 154 ratings

    Introd.: Some people work best under the pressure of a deadline.

    Introd.: Some people work best under the pressure of a deadline. I'm one of them. There's a special urgency when you know you only have a limited time to produce. It seems to sharpen the focus of my mind and help my concentration level. I'm definitely more committed to the task at hand. You think more

  • War In The Heart Series

    Contributed by Gary Moore on Feb 6, 2008

    Paul describes the effect of living under the rule of the Mosaic law.

    Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not! For if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. But Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe (Galatians more

  • 348 - Shadow Road

    Contributed by Joel Vicente on Oct 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Walking with God under the shadows. SECRETS FROM THE SHADOW ROAD.

    Sermon # 348 ¡V SHADOW ROAD SECRETS FROM THE SHADOW ROAD Key Verse: Psalm 23:4 -- Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (deep darkness), I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Define: Valley, Mountains, Shadow, Death „X Valley ¡V more

  • Take It To The Limit- Morals Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Don’t cave under pressure, keep your convictions.

    Take It To The Limit February 3, 2008 Daniel 1:1-21 On the top of your bulletin is a quote. A quote I found in an article in our Skagit Valley Herald back in December. It was an article about learning to say no. In order to live into your life. In order to live your life. In order to not let more

  • God Is A Consuming Fire Series

    Contributed by Carol Patterson on Feb 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants all of our life to be under His control

    February 8, 2009 “God Is a Consuming Fire” Hebrews 12:22-29 Intro: Consuming –owerwhelming-overpowering-awe-inspiring-appealing-alluring-enticing Greek Katanalisko(only times used in Scripture) means consume utterly) • God desire is to have us be totally committed to Him. • He does this by the more

  • Jesus Is Lord!

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Feb 1, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    Why should we live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ?

    Jesus Is Lord! - Phil 2:5-13 Sermon by: Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - January 29, 2006 *David Dykes asks a most important question: “What is God really like?” And David goes on to say: “Some people think the most important question of life is ‘Do you believe in God?’ But a more more

  • Counting Sheep

    Contributed by Clarence Semonious on Apr 24, 2010

    That the worshiper see himself as an under-sheperd of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

    Counting Sheep Clarence Semonious, Pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Kernville, CA. Psalm 23:1-6 April 25, 2010 Lessons: Acts 20:17-35 Revelation 7:9-17 more

  • A Remarkable Testimony Series

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Jul 24, 2011

    The servant who labours under the burden placed upon him.

    Being involved in gospel ministry is the GREATEST thing you can do with your life. There will be days when you say to yourself, ‘Praise the Lord! I love making an ETERNAL difference in the lives of people! I love TEACHING Bible lessons to the kids. I love SINGING in the choir. I love helping more

  • Altar Of God In The New Testament

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 12, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    To show that we are the New Testament altars of GOD under Grace.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you an offering? Are you an altar of GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we are the New Testament altars of GOD under Grace. IV. TEXT: Genesis 8:20 (Amplified Bible) 8:20 And Noah built an altar to the Lord and took of every clean more

  • The Fruit Of The Spirit: Gentleness

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Nov 19, 2014

    Jesus demonstrated true gentleness, true strength under control

    Homily Given at an "Alternative Church" setting at a mission in downtown Toronto My son is a songwriter and music teacher. His entire life is music. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, sometimes. Recently he wrote a song comparing his view of a Type A personality to another view. more

  • How To Live Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Aug 6, 2012

    How are we as Christians to live under nonChristian authority?

    Introduction Peter is writing to several communities of Christians scattered about in northern Asia Minor, which today is the country Turkey. These bands of believers are living in precarious circumstances. They are a decided minority who are misunderstood, and, as a result, face slander and more

  • The Great Shepherd And Those Who Rule

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 18, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Under-shepherds and the Chief Shepherd, that Great Shepherd of the Sheep, Jesus.

    THE GREAT SHEPHERD AND THOSE WHO RULE. Hebrews 13:17-25. 1. Those Who Rule Over You. The earlier exhortation to ‘Remember’ our leaders probably implies showing respect to those who are still with us, and honouring those who have since died, by following their example. Scan their lives and more

  • Breakthrough Comes From A Proper View Of God Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 3, 2020

    Key Point: We overate ourselves and under-rate God.

    Video Illustration: So will I – the song and video from Hillsong Sermon: Breakthrough comes from a proper view of God! Thesis: With the wave of coronavirus impacting everything from economy, to people’s health, disrupting peoples lives, causing shortages to food supplies, impacting businesses, more

  • Growing Perceptions Of Christ.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 25, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Those who refuse the light are left under judicial blindness.

    GROWING PERCEPTIONS OF CHRIST. John 9:35-41. We have been talking about the man born blind, and how Jesus had healed him. The man was not healed until he had obeyed Jesus, and went and washed himself in the pool to which he had been sent (John 9:6-7). We noticed in passing that by the time he more

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