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  • 6 Things Needed In These Last Days

    Contributed by Randy Trotter on Jun 29, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    What does the Christian need to be doing today in the last days for the Kingdom, the Church, the World

    “5 THINGS NEEDED IN THESE LAST DAYS” INTRODUCTION: This past week I was saddened at hearing that the Supreme Court struck down a Federal Law defining “Marriage” as a “Union between a man & a woman.” Frankly, it was more than just saddened, I was more

  • How To Be A Christians Without Being Religious

    Contributed by George Little on Jul 22, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    Can a person be a Christian without all the religious trappings? When people reject religion what do they reject? Are we talking the same language?

    How to be a Christian Without Being Religious James 1:27, Matthew 23:26-28 1. What do you think of when I use the word religion? ∑ For some it is large impressive cathedrals both old and new ∑ Others it is the experience of worship in a church assembly ∑ For others it is more

  • Holy, Holy, Holy Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jan 11, 2015

    God is separate from all that is sinful; He is the perfect measure of goodness. He is holiness itself--the source and standard of moral absolutes. Do we have a sense of God's holiness?

    Everything begins with God. He is at the center of our faith. Yet we don’t get out of bed each morning and mindlessly repeat “I believe” three times. We need to ask ourselves: “In whom do I believe?” We were made to know God. Do we? I’m not talking about more

  • My Purpose Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Mar 4, 2020

    Father God not only walks with us throughout the battle, but He equips us to fight the battle, & do His great Will.

    Sermon series- purpose 3 - God equips you to carry out His purpose. - As a Child of God it is the greatest encouragement to know that our daddy, Father God, is always with us. - Well, the next great move in our purpose filled life is, God is going to equip you to carry out more

  • Names Of Almighty God From Ato Z.

    Contributed by Abimbola Salu on Sep 15, 2004
    based on 323 ratings

    Names of God Almighty from letters A to Z

    We serve a great and mighty God! . We serve a most wonderful and Holy God! Have you ever wondered what God means to you personally? He has been described in various ways in the Bible and even books have been written about who He is and what He is. These are my favorite words that describe God and more

  • The Challenge Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Robert Massey on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    Worship will always challenge us. We can not stand in the holy presence of God and not feel His challenge. This text shares three ways in which we are challenged when we worship.

    THE CHALLENGE OF WORSHIP Genesis 22:1-19 Famous researcher, George Barna recently conducted a survey on worship in American churches. He had some very interesting things to say, so let me share just a couple of them with you. “Worship is a non-negotiable obligation and privilege of every more

  • Have You Ever Been To Key West?

    Contributed by Dennis Raines on Mar 8, 2008

    What is necessary for God to help in time of difficulty.

    Have you ever been to Key West by car? I lived in Florida most of my life and did not make that journey until I was in my late 40’s. I was quite impressed with the Keys. I was impressed with the beauty of the water and the scenery. But one thing really impressed me. I was impressed with the more

  • Coffee With God

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 30, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Regular, deliberate seeking of God’s presence will result in a closeness with God that is far more intimate than most people believe we can have

    1. Title: Coffee With God 2. Text: Exodus 33 3. Audience: Villa Heights Christian Church, AM crowd, April 10. 2005 4. Objectives: -for the people to understand the nature of our relationship with God and how we can make it grow through prayer -for the people to feel a longing for God’s closeness more

  • Article #5 - Sin, Original And Personal Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The fifth in a sixteen-sermon series on the Nazarene Articles of Faith. This sermon explores the doctrine of sin and the way in which we can have an "Independance Day" in our lives.

    Article of Faith #5 - Sin, Original and Personal Date: Sunday, July 4, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell Before we begin our study today, I’d like to take a moment of pastoral privilege. A couple of weeks ago you took some time to recognize some special occasions in my life; my birthday, more

  • The Test Of Our Worship Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    When we think of worship, many of us often think of music. Music and singing are one expression of worship, but what really is worship? What does it look like and what where does it come from? How can I determine if my worship is pleasing to God or if

    A Test of our Worship? Romans 12:1 Slide Good Morning. If I asked the question of you, “Did you enjoy worshiping this morning?” what would you think I was talking about? Would you be thinking of the musical worship time? Would anyone be thinking of the time during which we took up more

  • Fig Trees And Phonies

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Apr 27, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Is there more than merely an appearance of Christianity about us? Is there real substance to our lives as believers? Is there real fruitfulness for Jesus Christ?

    Fig Trees And Phonies Mark 11:11-26 11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and came into the temple; and after looking around at everything, He left for Bethany with the twelve, since it was already late. 12 On the next day, when they had left Bethany, He became hungry. 13 Seeing at a distance a fig more

  • The Call To Follow Jesus Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 29, 2018

    The call to follow Jesus includes acceptance, obedience, and the willingness to become fishers of men and women.

    Introduction: A. Let’s begin today’s sermon with a story from the Reader’s Digest. 1. As you know, hospital regulations require a wheelchair for patients being discharged. 2. One student nurse tells the story of arriving at a hospital room to transport a discharged patient. 3. When she arrived, more

  • Pride: The Kyrptonite Of The Poor In Spirit (Blessed Are The Poor) Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Jul 2, 2015

    Introduction: A “Blessed” is mentioned nine times in the Beatitudes. 1 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 (NASB)

    The Beatitudes: 2015 Summer Sermon Series Pride: The Kyrptonite of The Poor in Spirit (Blessed Are The Poor) 6/14/15 CFBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A “Blessed” is mentioned nine times in the Beatitudes. 1 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is more

  • Angels Among Us

    Contributed by Fran Van Hoven on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Did you know that angels are mentioned either directly or indirectly nearly 300 times in the Old and New Testaments? The hosts of Heaven stand at attention ready to do God’s will at any moment of any hour of any day.

    Angels Among Us 5/07 Col. 1:15-17, "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things have been created through Him more

  • The Pretentious Free Life Series

    Contributed by Jack Perkins, D.min., Ladc, Csac, Cclc on Aug 7, 2021

    John wants all believers to know they have eternal life because they are precious in the sight of Jesus. He holds before us the key by which certainty becomes a faith response to all of life: Jesus Christ. John seeks to inspire Christians to cultivate greater intimacy with God.

    As we entered the COVID-19 crisis I envisioned Christians would support those in leadership positions, I cannot fathom the stress they have endured. I never envisioned the conflict we have witnessed, among Christians and churches. As seen on Facebook, many Christians become antagonistic toward more

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