
Summary: The Bible tells us that the Lamb, Jesus Christ, was SLAIN before the FOUNDATION of the world. Why? Please read your own Bible in Revelations 13:8. Jesus Christ was SLAIN even before the creation of the world. In other words, God expected that HUMANITY wil

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“Let this MIND be in you,

which was also in Christ Jesus…

we have the MIND OF CHRIST!”

(Philippians 2:5, 1 Corinthians 2:16).

1. Why were Jesus Christ, Born HUMAN?

"For you know that God PAID A RANSOM to

SAVE YOU from the empty life [DEAD]

you inherited from your ancestors...

He paid for you with the precious LIFEBLOOD of Christ,

the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.

God CHOSE HIM [Christ Jesus] for this


He [Christ Jesus] was sent to the earth

FOR ALL TO SEE. And He did this FOR YOU."

1 Peter 1:18-20(NLT)

The Bible tells us that the Lamb, Jesus Christ, was SLAIN before the FOUNDATION of the world. Why? Please read your own Bible in Revelations 13:8. Jesus Christ was SLAIN even before the creation of the world. In other words, God expected that HUMANITY will FALL! This makes CLEAR that God knew us in ADVANCE. He knew us even before God created the world. EVERYTHING was MADE and was PREPARED before the FOUNDATION of the world. Satan didn’t know this SUPERB WISDOM of God!

God ALLOWED Satan to DECEIVE Eve because the REMEDY and SOLUTION was already PREPARED! In other word, it is the “ANTI DOTE” of God. Nothing but the BLOOD of Jesus! Then once you receive this “ANTI DOTE” you will be IMMUNED so the ACCUSER has no more POWER at all. This is the BRILLIANT WISDOM of the ALL-Knowing God that Satan did not COMPREHEND. This is the PERFECT PLAN or “Blueprint” of God.

The MYSTERY was REVEALED unto us by the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself. It was made CLEAR in these Last Days! Jesus Christ has already PAID a RANSOM to SAVE us with His PRECIOUS LIFE BLOOD even, BEFORE the WORLD BEGAN. Please read 1 Peter 1:18-20 again in your own Bible. IT IS FINISHED! This is THE MIND OF CHRIST! Please understand that “Hell Fire” is not our issue! Jesus Christ was born HUMAN to be SLAIN PHYSICALLY, so the world will SEE and UNDERSTAND. So the world might at least COMPREHEND the MYSTERY of God’s PURPOSE and PLAN from the FOUNDATION of the world. Jesus Christ was MADE FLESH to SHOW the MARVELOUS LOVE of God for you!

Just what do you think, SAVE? SAVED from what? From the “Hell Fire”? Did you ever find a passage that tells about Jesus Christ who DIED on the CROSS to SAVE us SINNERS from the “Hell Fire”? What does “HELL” really means? Just what Jesus Christ mean, “HELL”? Just what do you think, “Hell Fire”? What about PERISH? What did Jesus mean when He said, “WEEPING and GNASHING of TEETH”? What about, “TORMENT or UNQUENCHEABLE FIRE?” These questions were REVEALED and were made CLEAR by the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself. This REVELATION of God’s Word is really ASTONISHING and MARVELOUS! It will surely TRIGGER you into a HIGHER LEVEL of your RELATIONSHIP with God our Father!

The Lord says, "It was My Will that He should SUFFER;

His DEATH was a sacrifice to BRING FORGIVENESS.

And so He will see his descendants;

He will live a LONGLIFE [After the Resurrection],

and THROUGH HIM [During the 2nd Coming],

MY PURPOSE [The Promised, Eternal Kingdom]

WILL SUCCEED.” (Isaiah 53:10. GNT)

The Lord, Himself, has spoken through the Prophet Isaiah saying, “MY PURPOSE WILL SUCCEED”. Nothing can hinder the PURPOSE and PLAN of God for MANKIND. His Will in the END shall come to PASS! God is WAITING for someone who will TRUST and OBEY His PERFECT PLAN that was REVEALED in this “Last Days”. The KINGDOM of God was already PREPARED from the FOUNDATION of the world. It’s just a matter of who will HOOK UP with His PLAN, to His “BLUEPRINT”!

How come that the DEATH of Jesus, a HUMAN, took the PUNISHMENT for our sins? Some Bible scholars, TODAY, say that Jesus was crucified because He broke the law of the Roman government. They claim that His case against the government was a blasphemy, and the punishment is crucifixion. Well, no wonder, the Prophet Isaiah wrote,


a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief.

We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way when He went by.

He was DESPISED, and we did not care.

Yet it was our weaknesses He carried….

And WE THOUGHT His troubles were a PUNISHMENT from God for His OWN SINS!” (Isaiah 53:3-4, NLT).

Jesus, took the PUNISHMENT for your sins! IT IS FINISHED!

I remember my teacher in Religious Education, said, “Jesus was punished for breaking the law of their government.” during my 1st year in college (2003). Because of this, I was DECEIVED and started to DOUBT about Jesus. Often times, I asked myself, “How did Jesus died for my sin?” So on October 27, 2010, God showed Himself with the RADIANCE of His GLORY and POWER! He reminded His UNFAILING and ENDURING LOVE for me. I WANDERED for 7 years! WANDER means, to live without PURPOSE or MISSION. I was so ashamed of REJECTING Jesus who SUFFERED for my WEAKNESSES and even POURED out an OVERFLOWING, ABUNDANT, EXCEEDING and SUFFICIENT GRACE that I don’t DESERVE! I started to cry like a child. I was born and grew up in a Christian family. Many times, I REJECTED, QUESTIONED and DOUBT Jesus before.

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