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  • 9/11 What Have We Learned?

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Sep 7, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Its a look back at the past year to see if America got the message that God was trying to convey.

    Jack L. Martin Praise Assembly of God Sept 8, 2002 TITLE: 9/11 What have we learned? Jeremiah 8:19-20 Listen to the cry of my people from a land far away: "Is the Lord not in Zion? Is her King no longer there?" "Why have they provoked me to anger with their images, with their worthless more

  • Lord, Pick Me! Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Most of us are willing to admit that a makeover would help. But we don’t know how to make the makeover happen.

    This past week, I went online to learn how to apply to be on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition! They ask, “Does your home desperately need some attention?” You are encouraged to print out an application and send it in. They also require each application to have a video tour of the home. Include more

  • Fear Of The Lord

    Contributed by John Gullick on Sep 5, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    A sermon that seeks to clarify what it means to experience the fear of the Lord

    Our mission team that went to Vanuatu was invited to walk to the local volcanoes. These active volcanoes are a long walk from the coastal villages we were walking in. One day though we set off at a very early hour and after about five or six hours walking we reached the vbolcanoes. Then the climb more

  • A Promise For The Faithful

    Contributed by Fred Smith on Jul 13, 2007
    based on 28 ratings

    A look at the key verse of Obadiah

    But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance.--Obadiah 17 A PROMISE FOR THE FAITHFUL The name for this book, in Hebrew, is hydbu, which means, “Servant of Yahweh.” It’s Greek title is OBDIOU, which is a transliteration of the Hebrew more

  • I See The Lord

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Sometimes our vision of God is obscured by the past.

    April 15, 2007 Morning Worship Text: Isaiah 6:1-13 Subject: A Vision of God Title: I See The Lord Last summer I did a series called “Why we believe what we believe.” It focused on the sixteen fundamental doctrines that we adhere to. If you will remember, at that time I challenged you to study more

  • Dealing With A Burden (Revised)

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Nov 6, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    When God presents us with a burden, we can either embrace it or run from it and it all says tons about our character.

    Dealing with a Burden Griffith Baptist Church – 11/8/09 P.M. Service Text: Nehemiah 1 Key verse: Nehemiah 1:4 - And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven, Premise: When God presents us with a more

  • I Pity Tha Fool

    Contributed by Christopher Gage on Nov 9, 2010

    We need to bring todays church back in awe while we are in the presence of God. This lesson I feel makes examine ourselves on how we approach God in prayer. This was inspired after reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan

    What if I asked you to stop praying! What if I told you to quit talking at God. What I want to do today is for us to stop praying the way that we are. The way we are praying is not just for the God that has done all that he has for us. We see throughout Proverbs were Solomon talks about fools. We more

  • Reflecting God's Holiness

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Mar 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The heart in which the Holy Spirit has been poured out will stop magnifying self and start magnifying God.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church March 17, 2013 Reflecting God’s Holiness Leviticus 16:1-2 Into: We can be admitted/concert hall/any concert hall, only if we have a ticket. • Ticket/gives/right/hear/symphony concert. • Let us suppose we possess such a ticket. more

  • His Unspeakable Gift

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Nov 19, 2017

    The greatest gift we have is that of Christ. Paul describes it as indescribable. It is so because of incomprehensible love, an inexpressible sacrifice, and its inexplicable result.

    His Unspeakable Gift – 2 Corinthians 9:12-15 In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul, writes about human gifts. During the 40s A.D., a famine swept across Judea, and Jerusalem Christians were in need. The church at Corinth took up offerings to give to the suffering Christians in Jerusalem. Paul commends them for more

  • Worshiping The Lord Of Hosts

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Mar 10, 2016

    What would it be like to be ushered into Heaven into the very presence of Almighty God? We may not know exactly what it would be like, but I am sure we would never be the same again.

    Worshiping the Lord of Hosts Isaiah 6:1-8 In Isaiah 6, a man by the name of Isaiah is called out by God to be His servant, to prophesy to a nation that was not living in God's will. The ministry God called him to would prove to be a difficult one. It would not be one of praise, wealth, or more

  • Jesus Answers A Demand For A Sign Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The “unclean spirit” is Satan or his demons. Satan delights in causing uncleanness in persons, places and things. His going out of a man, as presented here, is voluntary, not like his eviction by force as when Christ cast out demons.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 28- Capernaum Title: Jesus Answers a Demand for a Sign Matthew 12:38-45, Luke 11:24-26, 29-36 -Matthew- 43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house more

  • What's Wrong With The Universe Series

    Contributed by Stephen Colaw on Nov 10, 2007

    Parts 3 - When our hearts break over our own sin…God comforts us with His grace.

    Let’s play a word association game for a minute. When I say a word, just tell me what comes to your mind. • Sorrow… distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc.; grief, sadness, or regret. • Grief…. Keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful more

  • Receiving The Power Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 25, 2016

    This sermon looks at how you receive the power of the resurrection for your life

    Receiving the Power of the Resurrection Isaiah 6:1-8 There are certain days we remember where we were when we heard the news. Sept, 11, 2001. Or January 28, 1986 when the Challenger disaster happened. Or November 22, 1963 as word was sent out across the nation: “President John Kennedy is more

  • Receiving The Power Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 25, 2016

    This sermon looks at how you receive the power of the resurrection for your life

    Receiving the Power of the Resurrection Isaiah 6:1-8 There are certain days we remember where we were when we heard the news. Sept, 11, 2001. Or January 28, 1986 when the Challenger disaster happened. Or November 22, 1963 as word was sent out across the nation: “President John Kennedy is more

  • Receiving The Power Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 25, 2016

    This sermon looks at how you receive the power of the resurrection for your life

    Receiving the Power of the Resurrection Isaiah 6:1-8 There are certain days we remember where we were when we heard the news. Sept, 11, 2001. Or January 28, 1986 when the Challenger disaster happened. Or November 22, 1963 as word was sent out across the nation: “President John Kennedy is more

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