Sermon Series
  • 1. God Remembers

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2021

    God remembers his promises despite our past and our sin.

    God Remembers Jeffery Anselmi / General Reclaim- The Book of Ezra / Return from Exile; Promises of God / Ezra 1:1–11 God remembers his promises despite our past and our sin. INTRODUCTION • Have you ever been in a difficult position that it seemed like you would never get out of? • To make matters more

  • 2. Unlikely Help

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2021

    God uses unlikely people to accomplish his purposes and bless the community of faith.

    INTRODUCTION • When you look back on your life, have you ever thought about all the people who have helped you to get where you are in both your life and your walk with Jesus today? • We do not get where we are alone; our life is not lived in a vacuum. • I would imagine we can all think about those more

  • 3. Memorizing The Word

    Contributed on Nov 12, 2021

    God will reclaim and recall to our minds the truth we have forgotten.

    Memorizing the Word Jeffery Anselmi / General Reclaim- The Book of Ezra INTRODUCTION • Have you ever forgotten something that was important not to forget? • Maybe it was a step in the process of building something, or perhaps it was a birthday or anniversary. • It is easy to forget what is more

  • 4. Unfailing Love

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2021

    God's unfailing love comes to us when we fail and repent.

    INTRODUCTION • The Temple was completed on March 15, 515 BC. • The trek that took around 70 plus years was over. • Thanks to God's plan with the Persian Empire Temple was completed. • Now what? Is it over? • Not be a long shot. • In 458 BC, Ezra, along with some others still in Babylon, more